Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Art and Politics
Art and Politics have gone hand in hand since the first cave paintings had been drawn on cave walls. As the cavemen may have found out through other fellow cave wall artists as well as their respective audiences, art is not just restricted to those who fancy themselves as artists. The fact that artwork – regardless of intent and purpose – may be viewed in various manner is enough to permit even the most amateur of artists into creating an artwork that someone somewhere may really like.Hence the conclusion that art or visual aesthetics, more particularly in this case, is subjective, giving truth to the adage â€Å"beauty is in the eye of the beholder†. Popularity, however, and the power it holds over the masses, has a commanding way of dictating which the consumers â€Å"should†support. This control is then used for further manipulation of consumer-affective decisions of which the powers that be profit from. This is why there tends to be a trend of â€Å" Art politics†that seemingly commands the taste of people, resulting in the belief that great art comes from the production of the elite.One would be quick to dismiss Annie Leonard’s conclusion of American culture and practices affecting those of the cultures and practices of the southern hemisphere as ridiculous but there are certain points wherein there findings are seen to be true, most especially with the less than developed countries of which the United States of America hold key influential powers on consumption and culture. The other major players, on the other hand tend to have a rather stunted cultural and commercial development as the American trends continue to affect them.This however does not just hold true to the southern hemisphere, as the United States of America’s influence holds strong in many other countries north of the equator. Poet James Oppenheim’s composition Bread and Roses, for example, portrays the struggle for the ideal (roses) and the real (bread), of which the countries under the influence of the United States suffer from. Rather than pursuing the development of their culture, they are left to prioritize self-preservation.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Early Childhood Educational Philosophy
â€Å"It must be remembered that the purpose of education is not to fill the minds of students with facts †¦ it is to teach them to think, if that is possible, and always to think for themselves. †Robert Hutchins. It is very clear to me that a successful early childhood program must provide a safe and nurturing environment that promotes social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. Young children need a warm and inviting atmosphere to learn. Children must have their basic needs met before any learning can take place. Safety, nutrition, and shelter are a few needs which must be provided. Although early childhood centers may not directly provide these services outside the regular school day, administrators must connect with outside agencies in order to recommend and provide families with necessary services. Children need to be encouraged to express themselves though verbal communication, text/pictures, play, and through art. Children learn through manipulation of objects in their environment, creative play, and discovery of the world around them. It is through group play, role modeling, and through supportive teaching that children grow socially and emotionally. These group activities teach young children how to live, work and play together. Independent and guided problem solving and independent exploration help children gain greater independence. Children need both independent and teamwork skills to become a well rounded person Early childhood teachers need to understand that often they are the one person spending the majority of the time with the children they are teaching. Parents today are busy with work and trying to keep the household together. Released by the U. S. Census Bureau in November, 2009 there are approximately 13. 7 million single parent s in the United States today. These single parents are responsible for raising 21. 8 million children which is roughly 26% of children under 21 in the U. S. today. I strongly believe that early childhood teachers are responsible for forming a superior bond with each parent so they can work together to help each child grow as an individual, based on the child’s needs. A classroom is places where differences should be valued and children and their families are appreciated and respected. Each Classroom is diverse in many ways, including economically, and culturally. I believe each teacher, parent and administrator should be committed to promoting diversity in all its forms, including those related to racial and ethnic identity, gender, socioeconomic status, sexuality, age, family structure, religion, national origin and ability. I believe as educators we should actively seek to teach children tolerance of all forms of difference, and just as actively seek to dissuade children from bias about norms and stereotypes. Throughout the classroom as well as the center there should be displays that show diversity as a celebration of people, of differences and of ways of living. I believe in early childhood education the best form of assessment is performance records. Performance records are any documentation regarding the child’s development and learning. These records help the child care provider to notice patterns in a child’s behavior as well as learning patterns. It is important to document at various times of the day as well as with a variety of teacher directed and child directed activities. I feel in early childhood children develop at differently, some children develop faster than others and therefore standardize testing is not an accurate account of the children’s abilities. At this age in a child’s life children should not be measured against their peers. I believe that each child should be measured on an individual basis. I feel that the best approach to curriculum is the integrated curriculum approach which involves picking one topic that can be explored across more than one academic discipline. I do feel that children are going to be more interested if they have some choice in the topics. With preschool children they are at an age where they can express what they want. I feel that a teacher should include them in some of the topics they explore. Children should participate independently, with the entire group and cooperatively in small groups. Each day should be a balance of free-choice time and planned structured activities in specific time blocks. Activities throughout the day are either child-initiated or teacher-directed. This variety promotes independence, provides opportunities for children to practice and acquire social skills and fosters the development of a positive self-image. It is important for every teacher and administrator to remember that â€Å"In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry of idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then and their future life is safe. †Lydia Sigourney. I truly believe that each child that walks into our lives is there for us to nurture and help grow and we may be the only one that is laying the foundations. We have a chance to change the life of every child that walks in our center.
Personality Analysis: Dispositional and Learning Theories Essay
The revision and analysis of personalities provides a restored knowledge for human behaviors and the progression in which individuals understand. Theorists had endeavored for a long time realizing further theoretical methodology. Gordon Allport researched the personalities of people for the reason that that methodology provide further meaning or characterization to individual distinctiveness and give emphasis to the distinctiveness of the person (Feist & Feist, 2009). Depicting a person with universal personality merely categorize individuals as a crowd or group. Nevertheless, Allport alleged to exactly distinguish an individual is through the means of being familiar with the individuals as personal. Individuality shows each individual be distinct and unique, no one person is alike in a way; for the reason that individuals have distinctive personalities and the capabilities to understand is atypical as well. Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory observed the behavior in which individuals understand. Observational learning tolerates individuals to find out lacking actions or responsibilities (Feist & Feist, 2009). Principally people do find out through own encounters although learn as well from looking at different job and achievements of other people. Generally significant reasons which supply the respond to queries could be established by means of these kinds of research and development. Dispositional Theories and Personalities Allport started his study of personal psychology by means of presenting his morphogenic science. Morphogenic science is the research of a person, collecting data, and vital information concerning the person. Allport’s methodology to personality theory generates queries like what is the meaning or definition of personality, what is the role of willful stimulus in personality theory, what is the distinctiveness of the psychologically healthy individual. The queries asked by Allport lay down an institution for gaining knowledge of the fundamentals behind personalities. Personalities have an effect on an individual endeavor s and response to external motivations. Consequently, the terminology dynamic organization explains a personality like a systematic plan. Even though this plan may revolutionize, Allport apply the terminology psychophysical to depict the psychological and physical conversion in an individual (Feist & Feist, 2009). Additionally, Allport cherished the words determine, characteristic, behavior, and thought for the reason that the terminology imply that individuals are product and process, and come up with the abilities to revolutionize. Nevertheless, suggesting that personalities are simultaneously psychological and physical, as well as explicit behaviors and open thoughts (Feist & Feist, 2009). Personality is merely a word, yet is impressive and does great. Learning Theories and Personalities Bandura’s social cognitive theory deals with the importance of different personality capabilities to understand. The environment plays a major function in an individual personality and growth. Bandura’s approach to gain knowledge of personality laid on different fundamental flexibility; hypothesis, triadic reciprocal causation model as well as likelihood experiences and fortuitous events, driving force perception, external and internal reasons, and principled group (Feist & Feist, p. 478-79, 2009). Bandura come within reach of the theories of study from the essential fundamentals of his social cognitive theory. To set alight, of his hypothesis, Bandura established Observational Learning. The responsibilities individual carry out all through existence often happen from observation. For instance, children were able to learn how to eat with utensils, to hold a cup, open doors, or merely wave goodbye, by way of observations. Regrettably, good and bad behaviors could turn up by observational learning. However, Bandura social cognitive theory explains psychological implementation by triadic reciprocal causation. However, individual act happen for the reason that three variables, the environment, behavior, and the individual (Feist & Feist, 2009). Relating the three variables to every personality is very plain, since each personality is formed by the environment and a product of each behavior. Even though the character of personality due to the Social Cognitive theory makes use of an agentic view of personalities, this signifies individuals possess the capabilities to use control on their individual being. The situational behavior influence personalities besides personalities have an effect on situational behaviors. Personality Characteristics Attributes to Dispositional and Learning Theories Individuality is a concentration for Allport; he deemed personal distinctiveness is recognized by individual disposition. The intensity of individual disposition involves Cardinal, Central, and Secondary dispositions. A Cardinal disposition is a quality which govern different individual living, generally individual do not possess this feature, however for individual who do possess this features, is the manner most individual regard that individual. To exemplify a Cardinal disposition is an individual named as a Casanova. A Casanova is commonly referred to as a alluring, lover boy, appealing, and extravagant. Nevertheless, the terminology Casanova can becomes a familiar peculiarity or individuality. The second disposition is known as Central dispositions. The common of various or further Central dispositions is expected. An individual can possess five to ten outstanding individuality, these distinctiveness arrive at by the way different individuals assess one’s personality (Feist & Feist, 2009). Pinpointing terms to explicate an individual quality, way of behaving, or disposition. Subsequently, intensity of personal disposition referred to by Allport is Secondary dispositions. Even though not as noticeable as central dispositions, secondary dispositions are not predominant to our personalities, but occur habitually and are conscientious for the greater part of individual behaviors. The degree of personal disposition from Allport’s standpoint is imperative as assessed on a level. Nevertheless, assessment of inter-persons to personal dispositions will alter the development of personal dispositions to customary behavior, beating Allport’s line of reasoning. Additionally, Allport’s motivational and stylistic dispositions are obliging to essential individual needs and cause to move. An individual person who has a motivational disposition is motivated by a need. Motivational needs begin undertakings (Feist & Feist, p. 383, 2009). Stylistic disposition facilitate lead individual actions. For instance an individual would wear clothes to keep his body warm, this is motivational, and the design of clothing selected is stylistic (Feist & Feist, 2009). A personality necessitates inclination. Allport’s degree of individual dispositions, motivational, and stylistic dispositions have develop into a distinctive feature for relating personality theories. Furthermore, Bandura’s social cognitive theory in respect to Observational Learning include to the listing of personality study. The center of observational learning is modeling. Modeling is accumulating and deducting from behaviors observed, followed by taking a broad view from one observation to a further (Feist & Feist, 2009). Individuals endeavor to model their living from other individuals, picking out an individual with a prominent standing, capabilities, and supremacy. The individuality of personalities develops from the best models, in the surroundings. Influences act an important part in an individual character, however the distinctive behavior established in individuality like as disposition, physical type, and intellect is personal. An individual is born with skillfulness, capacity, and the potential to realize a large number of approaches. Personalities acquire development all the way through lifetime. Bandura’s concept of individual performance is the result of dealings of behaviors, variables, and environment (Feist & Feist, 2009). Personality individuality modeled by observational learning is logical. Individuals normally do as other individuals do, assuming an incentive is to result the actions demonstrate constancy, assuming a penalty ensue the individual is unlikely to do again the useless actions. The better the importance in which the observer puts on the conduct, the possibility of the observer doing again these actions is prominent (Feist & Feist, 2009). Dispositional and Observational Learning Theories Share a Common Bond The usual relationship shared through dispositional and observational theories is either hypothesis has the same opinion that personalities are self-motivated and distinctive for persons. Human agency, and conscious control, indicates that individuals enjoy the manner of deciding for own destiny. Motivational qualities, internal cause, external cause, stylistic, dysfunctional behaviors and appropriate purposeful self-governance are customary causes jointly allocated by dispositional theories and observational learning theories. Additionally, both theories facilitate to know personalities and behaviors and furnish a further thoroughly attitude from several resources which have carried out different process in attaining particular assumption. Conclusion In real meaning, personality study facilitates by learning personalities and behaviors. Learning and research conducted employing different systems and methods provide an improved feeling of recognition. Allport and Bandura dealt with personalities with unbiased thought and effective resources. Initiating with Allport, his personality theory arrives in the course of his positive observation of natural world. The development of personalities happens reasonably in a common environment. I agree it is factual that language, trends and styles, values, culture, and morals impact personalities; however the individuality and distinctiveness in a personality and essential motivations are the generally suggestible reasons (Feist & Feist, 2009). Remarkably, the extensive numbers of significant hypothesis in the development of theories for personalities persist to develop. Studies from former theorists keeps on to generating different assumption and concepts. Allport’s Personal dispositions aid research people to learn individualities. Allport’s goal is to uncover rejoinders to the subject; personality. What does the conscious motivation in individuality possess? What are the idiosyncrasies of the expressively vigorous individual? Bandura initiated learning through observation that contains major essentials in comprehending individualities and behaviors. A person’s performance is the outcome of shared interface of actions within the surroundings, behavior, and individual aspects (Feist & Feist, 2009). Individualities are together emotional and physical. Individuals possess the ability to study with the faculty of flexibility although individuals possess diversities both biological and social. Individualities compose the individual, the surroundings and social aspects establish the growth and continuance of individualities. The mainly significant issue to reflect on; there are no number of individuals who are similar and everyone in this world is distinct by himself.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Industrial Ergonomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Industrial Ergonomics - Essay Example In a typical shift work schedule, workers may be scheduled to work for 8 hours in a day comprised of three 8 hour shifts. In another shift work schedule, workers may be subject to work for twelve hours for 4 days, and then 4 off days. Experts point out that shift work schedules, which allow employees to work on the same shift for a prolonged period, are healthy and effective in enhancing employee’s lifestyle and social life. Any attempt to change the shift schedule disrupts employees’ life patterns (Brain, 2001). Poorly planned shift schedules have contributed immensely in reduced productivity and increased medical complications at work places. The human body is controlled by a circadian cycle, which is a natural clock that plays a role in maintaining complex body functions throughout the day. Different physiological body functions change depending on specific times of the day creating what is known as circadian rhythms. Therefore, circadian rhythms change after every 24 hours by prevailing environmental cues. Naturally, the human body is designed to remain active during the day and the rest through sleep during the night. The reverse is contrary to the circadian cycle, and it is the cause of sleep related problems faced by night shifters (Brain, 2001). To avoid consecutive night shifts, night shifts should be accompanied by a sufficient period of rest, creating short night shifts, making changes that will allow employees to adapt as quickly as possible and avoiding morning shifts that start too early.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Managment - Essay Example Compared to other graduates, I believe that my superior research skills and ability to organize myself and the team to face challenges puts me at an advantage. I bring the values of honesty, accountability and an ability to meet challenges head on to the table. I am transparent in my dealings and if I am given some responsibility, I ensure that I am accountable as well. Combined with the ability to rise up to challenges, these values make me an ideal person to lead a team. Further, I can subordinate my individual goals to the needs of the team making me a team player as well. Hence, this ability to be a part of the team as well as lead a team makes me versatile and skillful at my job. I will show my value to the prospective employer by telling him about the most significant challenge that I have faced in my life so far and recounting the details of how I overcame the challenge. The challenge being mentioned is about how I led from the front when faced with an intractable problem that required out-of-the-box thinking to arrive at a
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Kingston, Maxine Hong, ed. Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace. Kihei, Essay
Kingston, Maxine Hong, ed. Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace. Kihei, Hawaii Koa Books, 2006 - Essay Example Along with the things the also carry terror, love, dignity with a poise, grief and longing. When Lt.Cross was singled out from group of Army men, O'Brien presents in detail about the inner feelings and thoughts and stress that Lt.Cross carries the lives of his men along with his things. The Story is a reflection to the thoughts of the readers about the War of Vietnam and also about the soldiers who are fighting in the war. O'Brien was shot thrice and got wounded and so he was discharged from the duty of fighting. He was ordered to serve the supplies to the men of Battalion from the company. With the transfer he was teared from the map of Vietnam. The story revolves around Bobby Jorgenson. He was in the place of Rat in the team of Army on whom O'Brien developed lot of anger. O'Brien had given importance to what soldiers do at night. He hated a lot to roam about night and delivered the pans of hatred and yearnings about Jorgenson. According to him the nights are totally different from the day as spending nights in the Army formed this opinion. The old company was so different in the night with him and all this urged to take revenge on Jogerson.
Friday, July 26, 2019
HIV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
HIV - Essay Example HIV/AIDS has been considered as a serious health issue for the past three decades. However, now it has turned to be a major ‘developmental catastrophe’ that would dismantle all achievements of the past half century. (World Bank, p.1) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Although the terms HIV and AIDS are used interchangeably, all HIV carriers do not necessarily develop symptoms for many years. Human Immunodeficiency Virus weakens the immune system and allows external substances, virus, or bacteria attack the human body. Once the immune system of the person is weakened, he/she becomes susceptible to multiple diseases. The HIV can be present in the bodily fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. The infection usually affects the internal body parts like lungs, central nervous system, and gastrointestinal system. (Griffith, Moore, Yoder & Pederson, 2006, p.381). As mentioned earlier, the victim may or may not show symptoms at the initial stage of HIV infection. It depends on the health and habits of the individual how soon the infection may progress to AIDS. In the same way, many of the initial symptoms might be misdiagnosed as flu or other mild illnesses. Therefore, identifying the infection is not easy unless the person undergoes specific medical tests and diagnosis. However, there are certain symptoms in common such as fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, and diarrhea. In addition to these initial symptoms acute fatigue, weight loss, respiratory and skin infections, swollen lymph glands, genital changes, night sweats, mouth sores and acute diarrhea also might make the patient’s condition highly repulsive. (Griffith et al, 2006, p.381). There are varieties of tests to identify whether an individual is infected with HIV. The first type of tests includes HIV antibody test, P24 antigen test, and PCR test. The other
Thursday, July 25, 2019
What is worth sacrificing for Speech or Presentation
What is worth sacrificing for - Speech or Presentation Example (Mahatma Gandhi Quotes) It is a matter of great commonality to think about what a person should sacrifice and whether or not the same is ever worth it. The question arises when a person must give something or someone up for the greater happiness of someone else even though it might cost a great deal including the happiness of the man willing to give something up for another. Thus, what is worth sacrificing for; is it happiness, morals and ethics, or just about anything else, materialistically speaking, that would make someone else happier than the person giving it up was when he owned it? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word sacrifice has been defined as ‘something given up or lost’ or ‘destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else’. (Sacrifice-Definition) ... in common - the people that formed a part of the minority were forced to sacrifice their freedom and lives for the people who they were forced to be under. However, was the same worth sacrificing for? According to historians and philosophers, it was not, because the sacrifice did not involve a happy ending. The Indians were unhappy because they were being denied the rights to use their own resources and bring about development within their own country; the Vietnamese people were being forced to give up their personal and national identity and adopt the lifestyle of the French despite the kind of difficulty it was proving to be; the Jews did not even have a choice because it was their lives that they were forced to sacrifice during the Holocaust; and the people of Zimbabwe have faced a vast amount of political as well as ethnic challenges. (Magasia, T. Alex) All of these aspects that have been sacrificed during the past by different groups of people go against the quote that Gandhi sa id. According to him, a sacrifice is not worth it if during the course of it, the person giving something of his own up is not happy about it. Thus, this helps to answer the question pertaining to the topic, what exactly is worth sacrificing for. It is now clear, that one should only give something up if he is happy to give it up; if not, then it tends not to be a sacrifice, it ends up being something that has been snatched away for selfish reasons. Keeping this in mind, it is important to note, that in the examples provided earlier, the Indians, Jews, the Vietnamese and the Zimbabweans were ‘forced’ to sacrifice their freedom, lives and daily living. Their happiness was taken away on purpose even though they were not happy about it. But it is a sacrifice, because they wanted to
Globalization and Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Globalization and Healthcare - Essay Example Thesis: Profession in Construction and Engineering play a critical role in globalization of healthcare provision. II. Engineering technologists design and construct hospital equipment for efficient healthcare. Such equipment have enhance globalization of healthcare III. Professionals in construction and engineering design health care facilities. They collaborate with health professions to ensure the facilities for different healthcare departments are conducive. IV. Developments in the field of construction and engineering have enhanced transport and communication. This has enabled traveling across the globe in search of better healthcare. Additionally, improved communication has enhanced sharing of knowledge between health professions. Introduction As healthcare provision becomes more individualized and global, the need for technological advancement has become inevitable. This has resulted in partnerships between professional in engineering and those from the healthcare profession. T his has proved helpful by enabling efficiency in overall healthcare provision. The field of construction and engineering play a role in several other fields including healthcare. Engineering technologists are involved in applying scientific principles as well as theories to manufacture appliances that help solve technical problems in fields such as medicine and healthcare. Professions in the field of construction and engineering have greatly contributed in enhancing healthcare research. Engineers ensure that devices used in healthcare are of quality through their role of quality control and inspections. Additionally, medical devices and machineries require frequent maintenances, which are done by engineering technologist. This paper focuses on the role of construction and engineering in globalization of healthcare. Additionally, the paper will analyze how construction and engineering projects affect global healthcare. There are several roles played by construction and engineering pr ofessions in enhancing healthcare. Health care professions do not have skills required to design and manufacture healthcare devices and machineries. The healthcare facilities require be designing and constructing appropriately, which is only possible through the intervention of engineers. Additionally, health care providers cannot maintain the machineries as well as the healthcare facilities. The role of engineers is thus crucial for effective operations in the hospitals. For sustainable health care provision, the healthcare providers must collaborate with professions from construction and engineering. For globalization of healthcare, there is need for changes in medical technologies, which are designed, developed, and maintained by engineers (National Academy of Sciences Web). Engineering technologists working in the field of research are involved in developing and manufacture of hospital equipment. The equipment could be for conducting experiments, data collection, record keeping, as well as for diagnosis and treatment purposes. Research conducted by engineering technologist aids in designing of new equipment such as computer aided machineries improving healthcare provision (National Academy of Sciences Web). Professions in construction and engineering play the role of designing and construction health care facilities. They ensures that the healthcare facilities are conducive for efficient healthcare provision. Additionally, the engineers must work in collaboration with healthcare professions to construct healthcare
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
SCHOOLS & SOCIETY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
SCHOOLS & SOCIETY - Essay Example NECAP clearly ‘represent critical learning targets for literacy and numeracy†( The NECAP covered the following states: New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island. According to the department of education website, its main objective is to assess reading, writing and mathematics from grades 3-8. The third document is the Common Core Standards which is actually a set of core academic standards for mathematics and English Language Arts. Unlike NECAP, literacy in the following areas were also addressed by the core standards: history/social studies, science and technical subjects. In fact, Maine has already been implementing this set of core standards since last school year. The first document is Maine’s Initial Certification Standards. The document is in a pdf format and serves as a quick reference for those who are interested in acquiring teacher certification in Maine. The document is only two pages long but contains precise requirements (teaching skills) tha t a person must possess to become a teacher. There are 10 general objectives with specific details on how to accomplish the objectives aforementioned. There is no subject area mentioned because this document is a general reference for all entry-level teachers. The objectives do not only cover skills but also expected behavioral outcomes. For example, the ninth objective states that teachers must be aware of their legal and ethical commitments. The general objective is further elaborated by defining five abilities that they must possess to show their commitment. One of these abilities include â€Å"maintaining confidentiality in their dealings with parents, students, teachers and school personnel†(MICS). An interested applicant would surely find the document very helpful because the expectations are stated clearly. The NECAP (also known as Grade Level Expectations) is important in assessing the performance of students from grades 3-8. The NECAP results are part of the Stateâ €™s Accountability Standards that is integrated under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The GLE covers reading, mathematics and writing. The document that was browsed was NECAP Mathematics, which fully states the desired learning outcomes that each grade level must attain. The document is in pdf format and thirteen pages long, which requires familiarity with teaching concepts in mathematics education. Teachers who are math majors can fully benefit from reading these set of guidelines developed for the state of Maine. The last document is Common Core Standards of Maine which was promulgated by Public Law 647, â€Å"An Act to Adopt the Common Core State Standards Initiative†. This set of core standards is applicable to Kindergarten to grade 12, which includes â€Å"rigorous grade-level expectations in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing to prepare all students to be college and career ready, including English language learners†( Common Core mai So the standards have been implemented last year for mathematics and reading. The document is sixty-six pages long and in a pdf format. Teachers can greatly benefit from the standards because it illustrates the standards for each grade level. Furthermore, teachers can use the standard to help them plan their lessons and teaching strategies so learners can comply with the given standards. Similarity of Documents All three documents are crucial to
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Has Composites in Aircraft Design made Aircraft Safer Essay - 1
Has Composites in Aircraft Design made Aircraft Safer - Essay Example This essay describes technological presentations that have been more influential in the airline industries have been those that accord easier navigation and increase the performance in speed. The inclusion of composite materials in the construction of aircraft has transformed the airline industry into a leading transporter, with competition heightened in the technologies applied. The performance of the airline industry has been boosted by the implication within the structural composition that has ensured elevated results in the functionality of the mechanism. Composite elements have been a vital entity and provision in presenting the needed results and performance within the aircraft. These materials have elevated the composition within the aircraft with exemplary physical composition and resistance to pressure exerted in the attitudes. The inclusion of composite elements in the transportation airline industry had been realized in the developments within the Boeing 787 in 2011. Despi te the immaturity of the implementation of the aspect within the commercialized transport industry, the composite materials have realized increased benefits rather than setbacks. The composite materials that had been first applied in the tail of the Boeing 777 noticed application within the transportation industry. The materials applied had included the combination of glass fibers and epoxy. These materials reduced the weight of the aircraft presenting the provision that accords more resistance when the corrosion aspect involved.
Monday, July 22, 2019
International Marketing Essay Example for Free
International Marketing Essay International marketing variables would vary from region to region or say from country to country, although the concept of marketing globally could be the same for achieving the company’s goals and objectives. There would be a very thin line of varying concerns and reported differences in between the costs of all inputs and resources, prices, advertising cost and mediums used and last but not the least the distribution factor to deliver the products in all corners of its country of operation. But through proper consultancy for businesses and its operation in different countries can enable companies to adapt, properly manage, and intelligent coordination plan in newly tapped marked where all the operations and functions are unfamiliar to the new ones. Companies choose to discover international markets for a variety of reasons. In some case in point, companies start exploring international markets in reaction to spontaneous information and instructions or say demands from end-consumers in those respective markets. While, many businesses also start their operations in other countries in order to ascertain a the market share in those countries thus to overcome the overhead costs at home, diversify their corporate holdings, take advantage of domestic or international political or economic changes, or tap into new or growing markets. (Eight Tech, 2009) Businesses strategically planning to expand their portfolio operations used to adopt certain various ways depending upon certain form of strategies. These strategies include exporting certain goods or raw materials from the host country and making retailing outlets in different countries worldwide. These forms of strategies are numerous starting from formal joint venture agreements to establishing their own branded subsidiaries in the prospective country (ies). These two extreme forms of strategies could also include provision of licensing and patenting agreements with formal rights holding, etc. to companies / businesses already in operation in countries abroad, franchising; contract manufacturing; and establishing subsidiaries in foreign countries are also considered on a large scale. Each method has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. (Eight Tech, 2009) The two countries that I have chosen to consider for operations of my company are Pakistan and India. Bothe the countries are located in the south of Asia and both have needs of similar kinds. Thus it will be easy to compare the two with similar environment and similar consumer needs and patterns. There are numerous factors that affect directly and indirectly on the planning, designing, implementation and execution of marketing campaigns. At first these campaigns before execution need to be properly executed via going through the processes of market research on both primary and secondary basis with defined level of monitory evaluation in order to prepare an international marketing strategy. Analyzing any international market we need to properly judge the variables of the respective market such as political environment; economic environment; social and cultural environment; demographic and physical environment; technological environment and legal environment. Below in the paper we will be discussing these factors in detail and how they affect the international market of India, which is our chosen country for exploring new markets. (Eight Tech, 2009) India: India has transformed itself from a third world country to a major powerhouse which has now become a major attraction for foreign investment. This statement can be backed by the fact that India is the second most popular country for the foreign direct investment after China. It is currently the fourth largest economy of the world. Despite of the terrorism threat India is striving hard and has become one of the most important innovators of the technology that will be required in the next part of the global economy. (Kamdar, 2007) India is a huge market with its population of more than 1. 2 billion as at 2008. The growth rate of the country has been immense as it has seen growth of around 7. 2% while the inflation rate has been pretty high for the year. Having said all this, one thing which is the irony of India is its poverty. In India 26% of the people in the urban areas are living below the poverty line while 28% is living below the poverty line in the rural areas. These statistics together forms up into a huge number which may be a little important fact for a chain of retail outlet coming into India for operating business. Where at one side high population growth of India makes India an attractive economy for any foreign business, at the other hand this has also been termed as the major cause of people living below the poverty line. (Indian Freedom Fighters, n. d. ) India also has issues relating to terrorism within it as various serious incidents have taken place in India that have harmed the economy very badly. A good example could be either a riot in Gujarat or the Mumbai attacks in India. To analyze the environmental conditions of India in a better way, I would do a PEST analysis of India with context to the business operations of Tesco to give a very clear idea that whether India would be a good place or not. PEST analysis refers to the Political, Technological, Environmental and Social factors of the country. This is a way in which the environment could be analyzed in a better way as it incorporates the four major elements in an environment. Political Situation: Similar to many other countries, political factors in India also play a major role in the economy of India. India currently is supporting its local entrepreneurs in order to make sure that they don’t suffer due to huge multinationals. They are providing them with every sort of assistance to make sure that the small businessmen of India survive in front of the multinationals. (Luo, 2004) This can become a difficult situation for the international retailer as he would have to compete with huge powers like Ambani group who have recently opened up a huge superstore called Star Bazaar, the local markets that are supported by the government. Other than that major concern is India is the political instability that is in India due to the terrorism activities in India. A lot of local religion based riots takes place in India and at times even major terrorism activities like bomb blast occurs over there. These might affect Tesco very badly as at times huge superstores are set to fire by the mob as it has already been done in the past. Other than that poor political conditions in India would mean closure of the superstore due to the bad conditions which would affect the revenue badly. Even if the superstore is not closed, low foot fall may also reduce the revenue and increase the average cost which would affect the net profit. Economic Situation: Economic situation in India would be of very much importance to Tesco as it would directly influence its revenues. As even mentioned earlier, India is a very fast growing economy which has now became the second most popular place to invest after China. The GDP in 2009-2010 was around 7. 8%. The two factors that might serve as a drawback for Tesco are the inflation rates which were 16. 2 in January 2010 and the other is high poverty level in the Urban India. The increasing inflation rate might increase the number of people falling within the poverty level in the urban areas where Tesco might want to locate itself. This would then reduce the number of customers for Tesco. India though is the second largest when it comes to population but the huge number of people living below the poverty line makes it difficult for such retailers to take advantage of the high population rate in India. Social / Cultural Environment: The biggest advantage of India is its youth population whose interest for leisure activities as shopping and others is increasing at a rate of 14% per annum. This would help Tesco a lot as there is a huge market in India that is open towards this trend of supermarkets. (Indian Retail Report, 2009) But a portion of the economy still consists of those individuals who prefer going to local bazaars due to low prices and their buying habits like negotiations etc. To get that market shifted towards the supermarket trend would be a difficult task. This would also require a shift in the overall culture of the economy where people have been buying things from local bazaars or the local grocery shops. (Hiscock, 2008) Demographic and Physical Environment: Fundamentals that best fits under this category of factor assessment include income and consumption level with the measured percentage of spending, population size, development, and distribution; atmospheric conditions would affect the viability and sales of business; shipping distances; time zones; and natural resources, etcetera. Technological Compatibility: India is becoming a hub for innovation. It is famous for its fast paced innovation in all categories. Thus, it would add up to Tesco as it would get new and innovative technologies for managing supply chain and other related important processes. Urban India is technological savvy and thus it is not difficult to integrate new technologies as people know how to operate it. Online shopping is not a new phenomenon for Indians as they have been doing it for past several years now. (Iyengar, 2007) New technologies can give them advantage in their logistics and they can even replicate the technologies that they have been using abroad as the people in India are very handy with new and different technology. The expectations of the Indian consumers are rising very fast thus the companies have to keep at pace with it and constantly get in new technologies in order to come up to the expectations of the consumer and in order to delight him the companies might even have to go a mile ahead for that. (The Financial Express, 2009)
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Discuss Seven Key Characteristics Of Leader Nursing Essay
Discuss Seven Key Characteristics Of Leader Nursing Essay Leadership is defined as a combination of skills, internal motivation or personality traits and characteristics in any particular situation in which a person is able to influence the values, attitudes, beliefs or behaviour of a team (Daly, Speedy Jackson, 2006). It is an art which can motivate or inspire a person or a group to do well and achieve a common goal. In leadership a person who works as a leader directs a group by using knowledge, skills and personality traits and all team members follow this leader. Leadership occurs when someone influences others to act in a situation by guiding, inspiring and motivating (Davidson, 2010). There are seven major characteristics of a leader which play a vital role in leadership. The first and most important characteristic is self esteem. A leader should have knowledge of his or her strengths and weaknesses. If a person is able to find their own self then he or she can build strength in others and can also create confidence which can counterbalance any weaknesses or ineffectiveness in others. This is very important in every field of leadership. A leader should know about his or her own worth and be able to make good decisions (Blais, Hayes, Kozier Erb, 2006). Secondly, a leader should be a good communicator, because communication always works to increase unity and it leads to teamwork. A leader who has good communication skills can understand team members views and think about them. A leader always motivates team members to share their ideas to ensure that all are able to contribute to achieve the common goal. If a leader can communicate well with group members regarding their plans and ask them about their ideas, they will feel more motivated and valued for their work and also will understand their duties. This characteristic empowers the team members to equally participate in achieving common goal (Vanhove, 2010). Integrity is an important and effective quality of a leader which involves honesty, loyalty and trustworthiness in leadership. It is demonstrated by a persons thinking, attitudes and actions. People always judge integrity by a leaders behaviour and truthfulness during work. If a person treats others well with a strong sense of right and wrong and shows dedication towards their work, they are a trustworthy and respected leader. Leaders can display integrity by working clearly and honestly with team spirit (Kelly, 2009). A leader should have balance between professional or family life. It is a good trait of a leader to have a balanced life. If a person pays attention to their work or their goals at the appropriate time and then is also able to maintain their personal relationships by giving time to family members and friends, then that person can lead without stress in their work place. A leader can become a role model by balancing their life (Whitehead, Weiss Tappen, 2004). Having a good vision is another essential quality of leadership. By this characteristic a leader can find out new opportunities and new trends to make their organisation strong and successful. A leader who has good visualization of upcoming possibilities and trends can make a difference in discerning good and bad opportunities. By this visionary leadership, leaders can imagine effective goals for team members and apply these in order to avoid difficult problems. Leaders should screen opportunities or information and choose the useful information for their team to attain the best outcomes. This personality trait is also important for the professional growth of a person (Sullivan Decker, 2009). In addition, a leader should have the power to make decisions and empower the team members to share their ideas with management. Empowerment makes a leader confident and relevant to work in the organisation. By empowering group members, their contribution to thinking and planning increases their passion to work in a group (Huber, 2006). Moreover, awareness and observance of their environment should be in leadership. A person who has the ability to observe that what is happening around him or her can work as a leader. In some tough situations a leader can observe the problem and make some relevant decisions to solve it. Good observational skills help to detect upcoming difficulties and enable strategies to be put in place to prevent harm by informing the group in advance (Spears, 2010). These characteristics are very important in nursing leadership because an effective nurse leader can work with others to gain universal goals like better client care, make new policies and create new procedures. In nursing leadership, integrity is very important because patients and health workers always accept honesty and rely on trustworthy leaders. As a leader, a nurse has to notice different issues and perspectives to improve clients health, so good characteristics make him or her passionate and a source of encouragement to do the best which result in a good impact on others (Carroll, 2002). In the health care environment, leaders and teams or team work are necessary for success so it is important to have good traits in a leader to promote the health and take appropriate action in order to meet patients needs. In nursing field effective leadership require all these characteristics to understand the human emotions that nurses face daily basis. By having good self esteem, nurse leader can understand and accept own self in nursing. Some traits like good communication and good observation in nurse leaders make them strong to focus on achieving common goal related to client care and it increase leadership capacity which are vital to ensuring assessment of situation and implementation of a suitable plan of action. Nursing leadership based on honesty and truthfulness because patients trust on nurses for improvement in health care with understanding (Daly, Speedy Jackson, 2010). Nursing practice is affected by these characteristics which are needed to shape and improve the structure of health care facilities. They help to make new strategies in order to achieve common goals. Health field is a difficult field so staff and management have to tackle difficult situations in daily routine so this helps in decision making and problem solving (Shaw, 2007) Empowerment makes staff members independent to share their ideas and power to take decision in client care. By having these characteristics in nursing leaders they can learn from adversity and show dedication to the job. By good observation a leader can monitor the staffs work to maintain quality and provide the best direction to staff for future. It is essential for nurses to realize that people require ongoing feedback which can be positive or negative. In the practise of nursing, effective leadership requires understanding common goals and needs of staff and patients which can be created by motivating and empowering the team and others who will interact with it (Blais, Hayes, Kozier Erb, 2006). Change always affected by power. It can be in different position. Power works for change by using different methods and ways. It can be knowledge, money and experiences of particular field. In nursing field nurses can make change only in their limitations and by using their own power which should be related to client care (Painter, 2010). Power is defined as one persons effect or influence on others to gain support in order to implement new ideas. It can be used to reward or punishing others for right or wrong action. People are always affected by power and sometimes it influences every day practice in nursing and nurses represent the power capacity to react and respond in a range of ways. Power can produce changes in work place and quality of work for best result in health care environment. Nurses knowledge, practise and understanding of their role in helping people make them more able to influence people by particular decision making related to peoples health and wellbeing. Their power and authority can be used to improve the patients condition and nursing practise (Marquis, 2009) Nurses have power to discuss new policies and plan. They can speak about right and wrong in practise and share their ideas to benefits clients care. Power also can be use to improve skills and knowledge of working group. Nurses use their power to work for client for better outcomes (Huntington Gilmour, 2006). Nurses can exercise their power by educating to patients and their families in order to achieve better health and make changes in their power. Secondly, nurse can use power effectively by changing behaviour of colleagues by introducing new policies and plans. Nurse can improve their performance in their profession by getting training which will improve their good practice (Tomey, 2004). Nursing managers use their power to make changes in organizations by evaluating staff in order to reward and punish them. Nurses use power to share information and work as experts in nursing field. Nurses use information and reasonable power to promote health. Empowering everyone in this field, prevent conflicts and other unsatisfactory behaviour in the work place. Moreover, empowerment provides independence to make decisions for health worker in their field (Yoder- Wise, 2003). Nurses should always use their power to be trustworthy health care providers because power makes a relationship of trust between nurse and client. In other words, nurse can effectively use power strategy to motivate others to connect and collaborate to achieve professional goals (Huber, 2006). In conclusion, leadership is a process to influence others by some characteristics to make change and achieve common goal in profession. Seven key characteristics like integrity, self esteem, communication skill, power, balance in life and observation, are very important for nursing leader because by these characteristics a leader can impact strongly on others and feel more confident to motivate others. Honesty and vision to know opportunities create trust among staff, client and leader which is important to improve health services for better care. In nursing field power of a leader and nurse creates changes in others to get success for the implementation of plans and improve knowledge by training. Appropriate use of power in nursing, plays a vital role in managing difficult situations in decision making.
Company Comparison of Customer Satisfaction
Company Comparison of Customer Satisfaction CHAPTER FOUR RESEARCH FINDINGS: ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 4.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter attempts to analyse questionnaire findings regarding customer satisfaction with the two land transport companies involved in the present study: a publicly-owned company (referred to as Company A) and a privately-owned company (referred to as Company B). Satisfaction rates of customers of both companies are also compared against each other in Chapter Five to illustrate which company provides more satisfactory services to its customers. Seventy questionnaires were distributed to the passengers of Company A and sixty to the passengers of Company B. Fifty questionnaires were completed by passengers of each company and returned to the researcher. This gives response rates of 71.4% and 83.3%, respectively. These return rates are acceptable response rates. Passengers who declined to participates either they claimed that they were not interested in the survey, whereas some other claimed they did not have the time to complete the questionnaire. 4.2 FACTORS MOTIVATING CUSTOMERS TO DEAL WITH THE COMPANY A Responses to the factors that have motivated the customers of this company are presented in Table 4.1 and illustrated in Figures 4.1 to 4.3. Factors motivating customers are divided into three groups: Reliability and Customer Service (RCS) factors (eight factors), Convenience and Accessibility (CA) factors (nine factors) and On-Board Services (OBS) (five factors). Responses to the eighteen statements are illustrated in Table 4.1. To facilitate data analysis, responses to the Strongly Agree and Agree groups were combined and presented in Figures 4.1 to 4.3 as SA/A. Similarly, for the Disagree and Strongly Disagree groups were combined as DA/SDA. The No View responses (NV) were left as it is. Table 4.1 indicates that between 4% and 20.0% of responding passengers declined to express their views. This indicates their indifference to the questionnaire items. Table 4.1. Reasons for choosing to travel with Company A Variables SA A NV DA SDA CA Convenient reservation and ticketing 76.0 16.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 CA Prompt and accurate reservation and ticketing 44.0 40.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 CA Good checking-in service 44.0 44.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 CA Frequent journey programme 40.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 CA Convenient journey schedule 36.0 48.0 12.0 4.0 0.0 CA Seat allocation 28.0 56.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 RCS Courtesy of employees 28.0 56.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 RCS Employees willingness to help passengers 36.0 48.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 RCS Employees knowledge to answer passengers questions 40.0 48.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 RCS Passengers are given personal attention 44.0 40.0 8.0 4.0 4.0 RCS Neat appearance of employees 40.0 44.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 RCS Safety of Driving 44.0 44.0 8.0 0.0 4.0 RCS Sincere interest in solving problems 36.0 44.0 16.0 4.0 0.0 RCS On-time performance 36.0 48.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 OBS Seat comfort 40.0 40.0 12.0 8.0 0.0 OBS Meal service 48.0 32.0 8.0 12.0 0.0 OBS On-Board entertainment services 40.0 44.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 OBS Up-to-date coach and on-board facility 40.0 44.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 CA = Convenience and Accessibility RCS = Reliability and Customer Service OBS = On-Board Services 4.2.1 SATISFACTION WITH CONVENIENCE AND ACCESSIBILITY FACTORS Passengers (thereafter referred to as respondents) were asked to express their agreement or disagreement with the six items relating to convenience and accessibility factors: Convenient reservation and ticketing (Item No. 1), Prompt and accurate reservation and ticketing (Item No. 2), Good checking-in service ((Item No. 3), Frequent journey programme (Item No. 4), Convenient journey schedule (Item No. 5), and Seat allocation (Item No. 6) (see Table 4.1, Figure 4.1). Patterns of their responses are analysed below. It is noted in Table 4.1 and Figure 4.1 that 92.0% of the respondents were satisfied (strongly agreed/agreed, SA/A) with the reservation and ticketing procedures undertaken by the company (Item No. 1). Only a small minority of respondents showed their indifference to this item, whereas none of them disagreed with it. The majority of the respondents (88.0%) were satisfied (SA/A) with check in service (Item No. 3) (Table 4.1, Figure 4.1), and a minority (12.0%) did not express their views, but none of the respondents were dissatisfied with this service. In terms of prompt and accurate reservation and ticketing (Item No. 2), convenient journey schedule (Item No. 5), and seat allocation (Item No. 6) (Table 4.1, Figure 4.1), 84.0% of the respondents were satisfied with these three items, and only 4.0% of the respondents were dissatisfied with convenient journey schedule (Item No. 5). 4.2.2 SATISFACTION WITH RELIABILITY AND CUSTOMER SERVICE FACTORS Respondents were asked to indicate their rate of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with eight items concerning reliability and customer service factors. The majority of respondents (88% of the sample) indicated that they were satisfied with employees knowledge to answer passengers questions (Item No. 9), and with safety of driving (Item No. 12). Only 4.0% of the respondents were dissatisfied with these services and 8.0% of them indicated their indifference. With regard to courtesy of employees (Item No. 7), employees willingness to help passengers (Item No. 8), passengers are given personal attention (Item No. 10), Neat appearance of employees (Item No. 11) and on-time performance (Item No. 14), the majority of respondents were satisfied (SA/A) with these items. However, between 8.0% and 16.0% of the respondents expressed their indifference to these items, and only 4.0% to 8.0% of them were dissatisfied with some of these items, as indicated in Table 4.1 and Figure 4.2. With regard to the item: sincere interest in solving problems (Item No. 13), 80.0% of the respondents were satisfied with it, and 16.0% of them expressed their indifference, whereas only 40.0% of them disagreed with it. 4.2.3 SATISFACTION WITH ON-BOARD SERVICE FACTORS Respondents were asked to indicate their rate of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with four items concerning on-board service factors. Table 4.2 and Figure 4.4 clearly show that 84.0% of the respondents were satisfied with on-board entertainment service (Item No. 17) and up-to-date coach and on-board facilities. However, 12.0% of them were dissatisfied and 4.0% expressed their indifference. Figure 4.3 also illustrates that 80.0% of the respondents were satisfied with the seat comfort (Item No. 15) and meal service (Item No. 16). However, 8.0% and 12.0% of the respondents were dissatisfied with Items No. 14 and 15, respectively, and 12.0% and 8.0% of them expressed their indifference with these two items, respectively. It can be noted that more respondents were dissatisfied with these four services than with the other items in other two dimensions. 4.3 FACTORS MOTIVATING CUSTOMERS TO DEAL WITH THE COMPANY B Responses to the factors that have motivated the customers of this company are presented in Table 4.21 and illustrated in Figures 4.4 to 4.4. Table 4.1 indicates that between 20% and 40.0% of the responding passengers declined to express their views. This indicates their indifference to the questionnaire items. 4.2.1 SATISFACTION WITH CONVENIENCE AND ACCESSIBILITY FACTORS Data presented in Table 4.2 and illustrated in Figure 4.4 show that 76.0% of the respondents were satisfied (strongly agreed/agreed, SA/A) with the reservation and ticketing procedures undertaken by the company (Item No. 1). However, the remaining 24.0% of the respondents expressed their indifference to this item, whereas none of them disagreed with it. Around two-thirds of the respondents (68.0%) were satisfied (SA/A) with prompt and accurate reservation and ticketing, whereas the remaining 32.0% of the respondents did not express their views, and none of the respondents were dissatisfied with this service (Table 4.2, Figure 4.4). With regard to the remaining four items (good checking-in service, Item No. 3; Frequent journey programme, Item No. 4; Convenient journey schedule, Item No. 5; seat allocation, Item No. 6), 60.0% of the respondents were satisfied with these services. The remaining 40.0% of the respondents either expressed their indifference to these items, or were dissatisfied with them (Table 4.2, Figure 4.4). Table 4.2. Reasons for choosing to travel with Company A Variables SA A NV DA SDA CA Convenient reservation and ticketing 36.0 40.0 24.0 0.0 0.0 CA Prompt and accurate reservation and ticketing 28.0 40.0 32.0 0.0 0.0 CA Good checking-in service 20.0 40.0 40.0 0.0 0.0 CA Frequent journey programme 16.0 44.0 32.0 8.0 0.0 CA Convenient journey schedule 20.0 40.0 32.0 4.0 4.0 CA Seat allocation 24.0 36.0 28.0 4.0 8.0 RCS Courtesy of employees 16.0 46.0 30.0 4.0 4.0 RCS Employees willingness to help passengers 20.0 42.0 26.0 8.0 4.0 RCS Employees knowledge to answer passengers questions 16.0 42.0 32.0 4.0 6.0 RCS Passengers are given personal attention 18.0 34.0 38.0 6.0 4.0 RCS Neat appearance of employees 20.0 44.0 20.0 8.0 8.0 RCS Safety of Driving 10.0 42.0 24.0 12.0 12.0 RCS Sincere interest in solving problems 12.0 40.0 32.0 12.0 4.0 RCS On-time performance 16.0 30.0 36.0 12.0 8.0 OBS Seat comfort 20.0 28.0 32.0 16.0 4.0 OBS Meal service 16.0 12.0 40.0 20.0 12.0 OBS On-Board entertainment services 12.0 24.0 44.0 12.0 8.0 OBS Up-to-date coach and on-board facility 16.0 44.0 24.0 4.0 12.0 CA = Convenience and Accessibility RCS = Reliability and Customer Service OBS = On-Board Services 4.3.2 SATISFACTION WITH RELIABILITY AND CUSTOMER SERVICE FACTORS Respondents were asked to indicate their rate of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with eight items concerning reliability and customer service factors. About two-thirds of the respondents (64.0% of the sample) indicated that they were satisfied with employees neat appearance (Item No. 11) (Table 4.2, Figure 4.5). One-fifth (20.0%) and 16.0% of the respondents expressed their indifference or dissatisfaction with this item. Most respondents (62.0% of the sample) were satisfied with the courtesy of the employees and employees willingness to help passengers. However, many of them either expressed their indifference, or were dissatisfied with these services. Less than three-fifths (58.0%) of the were satisfied with employees knowledge to answer passengers questions (Item No. 9), and 32.0% of them expressed their indifference and 10.0% of them were dissatisfied. Around half of the respondents (52.0% of the sample) were satisfied with passengers are given personal attention (item no. 10), safety of driving (item no. 13), and sincere interest in solving problems (item no. 14). The remaining half either expressed their indifference or, to a lesser extent, was dissatisfied with these items. However, only 46.0% of the respondents were satisfied with on time performance (Item No. 14), and the remaining 54.0% of them either expressed their indifference or were dissatisfied with this item. 4.3.3 SATISFACTION WITH ON-BOARD SERVICE FACTORS Respondents were asked to indicate their rate of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the four items relating to onboard service factors (Item No. 18) (Table 4.2, Figure 4.6). Figure 4.6 indicated that about two-thirds of the respondents (68.0% of the respondents) were satisfied with up-to-date coaches and on-board facilities, whereas the remaining respondents either did not express their views (16.0% of the sample) or were dissatisfied with this item. Data presented in Table 4.2 and Figure 4.6 clearly indicate that less than half of the respondents were satisfied with seat comfort (Item No. 15) (48.0%), meal service (Item No. 16) (38.0%), and on-board entertainment services (item No. 17) (44.0%). The remaining respondents (62.0% to 52.0% of the sample) either did not express their view or were dissatisfied with these items. On the whole, it can be said that more respondents either showed their indifference to these three items (30.0% to 36.0% of the sample) or were dissatisfied with them (20.0% to 32.0% of the sample). 4.3 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF RESPONDENTS The demographic characteristics of the respondents from both companies, Company A, and Company B are analysed and compared in this section. Figure 4.7 clearly demonstrates that the majority of respondents of both companies (88.0%) were young between 21 and 50 year old. This is not surprising given that these ages represent people who are more active and more mobile than in other age groups. Forty-six respondents (92.0% of the sample) of Company A were Libyan nationals and the remaining four (8.0% of the sample) were Arab nationals. As for Company B, all fifty passengers were Libyan nationals. In terms of gender, thirty (60.0% of the sample) of Company A respondents were males, and the remaining twenty (40.0% of the sample) were females. As for Company B, twenty-six respondents (52.0% of the sample) were males and the remaining twenty-four (48.0% of the sample) were females. It can be argued that females represented a high proportion of the total number of respondents. As regards their income, Figure 4.8 clearly demonstrates that the majority of respondents of Company A (72.0% of the sample) and Company B (88.0% of the sample) were on the high salary scale of between Libyan Dinars (LD) 201 and over LD350. People with these high salaries, in the Libyan context, are those who can afford to travel more than lower paid people. With regard to their occupation, the majority of respondents of both companies were managers, employees of a company, or government employees (Figure 4.9). Respondents referring to themselves as professional or students were not represented in Company B sample. Most Company A respondents (60.0% of the sample) have been working for periods of 3 to more than 6 years, and 64.0% of Company B respondents were also working for that period of time. The remaining respondents have been working from less than one year to three years. As for their qualifications, Figure 4.10 indicates that the majority of respondents were highly qualified educationally. Most of the respondents of both companies held Diplomas and Bachelors Degrees. In the following chapter, the rate of satisfaction with the eighteen questionnaire items indicated by the respondents of Company A and Company B will be compared and contrasted against each other. Research conclusions will be drawn out and recommendations for both companies and for future research are also outlined in the following chapter.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
What impressions have you formed of the narrator? How has Atwood created :: English Literature
What impressions have you formed of the narrator? How has Atwood created these impressions? Give detailed evidence for your answer - The Handmaid's Tale What impressions have you formed of the narrator? How has Atwood created these impressions? Give detailed evidence for your answer The narrator of 'The Handmaid's Tale' is a woman who calls herself Offred. This is not her real name, but a name that she has been given by the particular husband and wife she is staying with. This makes the narrator seem mysterious, and Atwood creates this impression by not telling us the narrator's real name. From the very start of the novel, Offred has given me the impression that she is quite well educated by the way she speaks and expresses things 'like the place in a face where the eye has been taken out'. This type of simile, which she uses also, gives us the impression that she isn't very happy about her surroundings because she is using violent expressions and associating things, which are supposed to be quite pleasant to things that sound very disturbing and of a violent nature. 'Clouds like headless sheep', normally clouds are associated with bright fluffy marshmallows and pleasant things like that, but the narrator sees the clouds in the sky as disturbing images. All of the way through the book she uses simile's like this to compare normal looking objects or people. 'The smile of blood' is the phrase she uses in chapter six, when she is describing the men, which are hanging on the Wall. The phrase 'The smile of blood' is referring to a stain of blood which has seeped through the white cloth which is covering up the mans face, and she is saying it appears to look like a smile which a child has drawn. This seems disturbing because smiles are meant to represent happiness in people, and she turns that happiness sinister with saying it is a smile made of blood. Also this phrase makes us think about why it would be a smile, rather than and unhappy face, because of him being dead. These violent associations certainly indicates to us that the narrator is unhappy, and that is exactly why Atwood created that quality about her, so that we know that Offred is not happy about the situation she is in at all, and that she relates to violence a lot of the time because she is used to seeing violence going on around her. At the very start of the novel the narrator was continuously slipping in and out of the present tense, she would often talk in the past
Friday, July 19, 2019
Gangs Essay -- essays research papers
Being that the closest that I have ever come to gangs or gangs violence is in television of movies, this topic intrigued me. What makes a person want to become part of something that is so violent and dangerous? Why would someone risk everything to put their lives on the line for people that are not even their blood relatives? As I read the material that I found in the library about gangs, I found out a lot about how this children's' though process works. They believe that the gang members are their family; to them it is not seen as the sinister organization of careless violence as it is to us "normal" Americans. To them the gang is their family. Children are joining gangs at younger ages; our current juvenile justice system is no longer adequate for today's hardened young gang members. According to recent studies in demographics the problem is not going away. This problem if ignored is going to lead to the decay of our society. In many of the articles that I read about gang violence they warned of the impending youth crime crisis. Youth violent crime has been rising dramatically for more than a decade. An upward surge in youthful perpetrators of violence is complemented by an unprecedented growth in youth living with little or no adult supervision. For decades mostly adults drove violent crime, with kids involved mostly in property crime. What has been changing is that juveniles are becoming much more ...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Language of Hysteria Essay
During the 1690s, there was a mass hysteria due to beliefs of the existence of witches. With this fact came the Salem Witch Trials which occurred in Salem Village, Massachusetts. A young child began to exhibit abnormal behaviour and so she was taken in to be examined, they found nothing that could cause her to behave in such a manner. The entire village began to panick and started praying to God to get rid of evil. Conspiracies began to take rise in the village that made the villagers believe that there were witches in their village. Three women were accused of having relations with the Satan. Accusations grew larger and soon there were people who were tried and were killed. These events led to the Salem Witch Trials. The hysteria grew and began to worry people of high standings and soon the assumptions of witchcraft ended. Due to misconceptions and assumptions the Salem Witch Trials began. During the 1930s there was a mass hysteria of alien invasions. This became known as the War of the Worlds radio broadcast sent out by Orson Welles. Welles adds in effects that could cause the people to go into a state of panic. He got the idea from H. G. Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds. Bad timing became the cause of this mass hysteria. Due to the fact that during those times many people had radios and most families were listening to popular shows and by the time they got to Welles’ they were not able to listen to his introduction. They heard music being interrupted and surprising news of explosions and other sounds that exemplify an alien invasion. The people that tuned in to the radio broadcast late misunderstood and developed a fear and this one of the many causes of the mass hysteria in the 1930s. During the 1690s and the 1930s there mass hysterias like the Salem Witch Trials and the War of the Worlds radio broadcast that caused people to go into panic. These panic attacks were due to misconceptions and misunderstandings. The connection between these two mass hysterias is that the people misunderstood in both situations and caused them to start to panic. These two events have the common factor of how the events occurred.
The consideration matrilineal crinkle (or uxorial descent, or matrilineality, or matrilineage) refers to a system of shadow family ties, inheritance and succession only with egg-producing(prenominal) ancestors in the family. Despite of its world quite uncommon, this type of social arrangement exists in more worlds cultures and regions, and practically can be mark to the following relatedness finished females is treated as culturally more significant than relatedness through males (Holden, Sear & Mace, 2003).Therefore, according to the system of matrilineality, an exclusive is supposed to belong to the same descent social group as his/her female ancestors (mother, grandmother, etc.). This concept is contrary to more widespread and popular social system of lineal descent, in which a person belongs to his/her commence lineage. Patrilineal descent is a normal concept nevertheless, matrilineality can have more common sense, because it is always easier to identify a person s mother because his/her father.The term matrilineality is used both in sociology and anthropology, because historically such powerful cultures and civilizations worry Ancient Egypt, Indo-European, Slavic, Chinese, Japanese, Middle Asian cultures, including the Minangkabau and many others, could rise and develop due to matrilineal customs and the power of their determined and foxy Queens, Princesses or other female rulers. virile elements of matrilineality are preserved in any(prenominal) contemporary cultures and religions, in particular, in Jewish-Orthodox Judaism, which states that a person must be a child of a Jewish mother in order to be considered a member of this religious group.ReferencesHolden, C.J., & Rebecca Sear, shame Mace. (2003) Matriliny as daughter-biased investment. Evolution & Human Behavior. 24 99-112 Luomala, N. (n.d.). Matrilineal Reinterpretation of Some Egyptian spiritual Cows. Personal Web-Site of Professor Ronald Bolender. Sweet greenbrier College. Retrieved June 9, 2007
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Air Traffic Management Concept Essay
This paper aims to show some major issues regarding the integration of future(a) day ground-based automatic teller finish nourish arrangings (The descent commerce counseling opinion) and how these outlines pull up stakes improve the human broker in the transport aff ancestry governing body. If play publicisespace procedures continue as it is, escalating c completelying demands argon presumed to com bid many things. Among these be on- epoch performance, security, and safety. Dealing with these escalating airspace aptitude prerequisites would command consider qualified adjustment and enhancement to menses-day procedures. unmatchedness attempt in solving this riddle is to give airlines more(prenominal) liberty in doing their declargon dockets and selections of concern travel proposes musical composition lifelessness continuing to disperse tasks for wear outition and arriver planning to the ATSP. ATSP stands for a admission line relations good Pr oviders. line of descent work dominance-oriented tactics centers on airspace reorganization and development or improving of tools for air barter private instructors and restraints which in turn, would en fitted them to cargo hold air dealings more c arfully and manipulationfully.In the lineage trade concern segment of the finish Area productiveness program, they were working on the incorporation of future ground-based automated teller machine closing support placements with that of FMS ( trajectory cargon body) render aircraft contained in the terminal district, the researches and illustrations centered on amplifying airport capacity. They do this by making enjoyment of the CTAS or bosom TRACON mechanization ashes for producing effective trajectories. Data connect for communicating the said trajectories into the aircraft and Flight attention formation furnished aircraft for f manufacture them accurately (The Boeing Company, 2001).In this regard major airp orts which are plagued by the difficulties of aircraft arriver rushes should be studied. The objective was to commit a safe, highly competent devolve of c tout ensemble uping which would begin from en travel plan into TRACON airspace which dependably transports aircraft to the run sort en render, while preserving as much escapism ring suppleness and authorities as sensible. lordly planning and go throughation of an effective reach run away necessitates a meticulous knowledge of all aircraft and operators. Knowledge on occupation instructions as thoroughly as on typeset limitations is likewise needed.It should in like manner let in synchronization among chequerlers, public life crews, as well as trading administration. The plan for future ground-based ATM decision support systems could be imagined as a human-centered system on which the controls as well as the pilots would employ processes, relief valve forethought mechani sit downion as well as rating support tools to aggressively supervise duty arrival. It could be seen that they aim for a future air traffic system which are run and supervised by the ATSP and they name this to be ready by 2010. ATSP stands for business line employment Service Providers (NASA Ames seek core group, 2002).. The surgeryal theory for attaining effectiveness developments over period procedures is to map an effective arrival water bloodline earlier than necessary and past implement the arrival plan as accurately as could be. They similarly presented a multi- arena arrival contriver denude avocation Control arranges to link the breach among traffic administrators, dispatchers as well as the field controllers. The contrivers duties include producing the roughly effective schedule and arrangement for all in(prenominal) aircraft and conflict- exempt dodging routes which would al representations be able to act the schedules.The planner organizes the engendered leakage routes. The domain controllers concerns would thus on rehearse a graphical coordination machine. After analyzing the recommended safety valve path, the sector controllers delivers fitting authorizations to the passage of steps crews. The shoot crews would then pursue the cleared path accurately applying their course management mechanization. Sector controllers are in clap in preserving fragment and modifying the arrival plan to bleak situations. Automation and processes are planned in bless to aid with all the to a higher place mentioned tasks (Advanced business line raptus Technologies, 1999).The concluding Area Productivity supposition is more calculated than the flow rate system but the controllers are smartly engaged with everything in the procedure of develop and implementing a traffic flow plan which would be used for arrival rush. Although it drastically modifies the tasks of the stakeholders it does not alter their accountabilities. The first escape deck oriented re creation revealed that entropy link procedure in the black-market region was adequate and advantageous for the charge crews.Usually crews favor a Boeing 777 which decreases heads-down time on the arena. They could productively use the sides public life management purpose LNAV to the concluding manner set up. A VSD model was launched to aid in apply Flight Management dodge automation close-fittinger to the ground. This was meted with high markings by the flightcrews. Vital workload or operation disparities cannot be found among situations with and without the Vertical short letter Display or VSD (The Boeing Company, 2001). A flight reproduction at NASA Langley Research fondness yielded a brilliant result.It showed that miscalculations on arrival time at the closing mount experience could be considerably change magnitudeed. This could be done by flying TRACON trajectories with Flight Management agreement watch as compared with heading vectors. The preliminary illustr ation of CTAS/FMS procedures with controllers showed the promise for augmenting the effectiveness of arrival streams by use the CTAS tools for planning and supervising. The devised controller interface with the mechanization and the data link was tolerable. However, it could still line use of further enhancements.thither are a number of drawbacks which had been mentioned here. Among the said drawbacks are too much information in the data block, an inept and complex railway line trial planning interface as well as the three tone ending mouse. The operational innovation however, obtained good feedbacks and the controllers were desirous for the promise it shows. The Advanced aureole acid Technology is a branch of NASAs ASC program. ASC stands for Aviation System Capacity. Its goal is to dampen the overall operation of NAS ( subject air space System).In so as to attain this goal AATT is building up decision support technologies and processes to financial aid National air space System stakeholders. The vision of the Advanced wrinkle Transportation Technology discombobulate concerning far-term National impartspace System procedures is represented in the divided blood line aim Traffic Management concept (Advanced Air Transportation Technologies, 1999). Distributed Air Ground Traffic Management is aiming for a issue-flight surround on which flight crews would be able to take more part on decision making processes.sooner than merely implementing controller directions, the crews would form more liberty in asking for and choosing flight routes. Developed on-board automation for variance sleuthing and resolve would affect the pilots behavior, hence influencing controllers placement and placing more conditions on ground automation and information sharing. The Distributed Air Ground concepts grapple an assortment of probable intends to handle arrivals varying from continuous free-flight to fully ground-controlled. There are twain utmost(a)s in the pr ocess.The first is the free-flight to the limen. The second is Ground (ATSP) Controlled Arrival. The free-flight to the threshold entails that the flight deck in send off for route planning and subdivision from the aircraft all the way through the arrival. The aircraft turns up at the shopping centre in free flight. It is accountable for extricating it egotism from different traffic. Traffic flow management restraints for dis commission into the terminal region are do accessible to the flight crew. The flight crews in turn modify their terminal arrival plan fittingly.Upon drawing near the TRACON airspace, the flight crews pick the aircraft which they desire to track to the threshold and choose the appropriate assimilating and space boundaries then they would go after the pass on aircraft to the runway. Ground (ATSP) controlled arrival is an otherwise extreme in that this is very near to the concept elaborated on the earlier TAP research. Upon advent in the terminal airspa ce free flight is terminated for the in sexual climax traffic. Ground-based traffic managers are then responsible for two things.Their responsibility ranges from making a schedule and arrival trajectories to communicating them to the aircrafts. The aircraft could downlink a certain flight path demand that the Air Traffic Service Providers may or may not agree into. answerability for division and route planning keeps on the ground all over the mark of the arrival stage. The flight crew obtains more tactical Flight Management System and spacing authorizations than in todays tactical reachs (NASA Ames Research inwardness, 2002). take over flight to the threshold would necessitate added aircraft equipment.This may hold RTA and CDTI. Conflict detection and resolution algorithmic rule could also be included. RTA stands for demand conviction of Arrival while CDTI stands for Cockpit Display of Traffic randomness. Ground controlled arrivals are a shortsighted different. They do no t make use of the aircraft abilities in the most effective conduct. by from that they put the whole flow supervision problems on the controller. The future air traffic system would direct arrivals in such a way that it would be lying surrounded by the boundaries of the two extremes mentioned earlier.This opens the possibility of woful from ground-controlled into a free-flight (NASA Ames Research Center, 2002). Experiments and operational performances would illustrate which concept seems to be most suitable. The fare of free-flight against Air Traffic Control could be dependent on the traffic circumstances, preparation performances, aircraft equipments, and airline inclinations. Those who are in charge sees the need for the air traffic system to be devised to have room for all potential forms operation between the extremes discussed in this paper.Thus, all enabling technologies ought to be enhanced, incarnate and assessed, including the following a. Cockpit Display of Traffic Information with mobile conflict detection b. FMS with Required Time of Arrival capacities. c. On-board integration and spacing apparatus d. ADS-B and CPDLC data link discourse e. Traffic Management advisory apparatus f. Ground-based conflict detection and resolution g. Ground based tools for trajectory generation with meet time constraints (NASA Ames Research Center, 2003) Most of the above mentioned equipments are already obtainable in remote examination models.Those in charge are presently in the course of assimilating them at NASA Ames Research Center to generate a model environment that permits examining these concerns. They are also expanding an arrival concept that supplies the elasticity to alter the quantity of self division to traffic flow management restraints and other necessities. They also originally mean to maintain the free-flight airspace apart from the ground-controlled airspace. The ensnare can be denoted as a curve about the meter fix or the adjacent arrival g ate or a plain fosterage floor. This can be attuned for traffic intricacy. real low traffic circumstances could be different. In such cases the free flight region could be as near to the airport as the gauge fix. The arrival setting starts with the aircraft which would arrive at the Center in what they call to be a free maneuvering mode. The flight crews are in charge for division, traffic management restraints at the metering fix are then on relayed from the planner. This is done by using the CTAS Traffic Management Advisor to the flight level, the flight crew on the other hand, is the one anticipated to prepare their flight route to land at the metering fix near the probable time.That is, if scheduling is necessary. The flight crew would then be informed as to where the free flight interference fringe presently reveals. The flight crew would also be informed when to confirm things with the controller (NASA Ames Research center, 2002). The arrival planner continues evaluate th e circumstances by means of crepuscle Advisor apparatus and attempts to produce an arrival arrangement for the ground-controlled airspace that the arrival planner would convey to the sector controllers.Once the sector controller obtains the test in from the free maneuvering aircraft, he would then on call off free flight and cede the arrival authorization to the aircraft. This would be founded on aircraft choice and arrival plan in that they are likely to fly the arrival authorization to the meter fix accurately. The Center TRACON Automation System apparatus dish out the TRACON controllers in shaping appropriate aircraft pairs for getting in-trail spacing authorizations. Division in charge hangs about with the organizer all the way through the TRACON (NASA Ames Research center, 2002).This setting permits us to examine most facets of the appropriate diffusive Air Ground Traffic Management concept fundamentals and constructs on the preliminary arrival research especially since c urrent deliberations with controllers and pilots was met with positive feedbacks. Among the probable advantages of allocatable Air Ground Traffic Management are Amplified user effectiveness/flexibleness. DAG-TM presents users paramount probability to self-optimize their ventures within the vigorous restraints of the Air Traffic Management System. Amplified system capabilities.Allocation of division accountability to properly furnished aircraft and Air Traffic Service Providers-based DSTs could possibly lessen controller workload, thus permitting the Air Traffic Service Providers to control more traffic. Amplified system safety because of an important increase in situational understanding and allocation of workload. Allocation of the expenditures for National Air Space innovation between users and the Air Traffic Service Providers. fall user reliance upon Air Traffic Service Providers assistances and a ground-based infrastructure.This could also change global interoperabilit y (Advanced Air Transportation Technologies, 1999). As could be seen the integration of future ground-based ATM decision support systems is very promising. These unseasoned engineering science would indeed be helpful in aiding to augment the overstrained air traffic control systems. This invigorated technology let aircrafts operate safely about traffic and airspace give aways (i. e. weather), while still sledding in accordance with the traffic flow restraints delivered by ground-based controllers (Advanced Air Transportation Technologies, 1999).To try this particular concept, they asked pilots and air traffic controllers to organize with each other along with the NASA researchers for a combined simulation. The simulation utilized air traffic control and deck laboratories. This articulation simulation tested our technology in an almost real-world environment, stated project manager Mike Landis. More than 20 pilots sat at computer workstations flying imitation aircraft into a mock-up of the Dallas/Fort outlay airspace.Pilots also flew one of NASAs high-fidelity, full- effect flight simulators in the joint experiment. The air traffic controllers were able to see all of these aircraft on displays, and the pilots used an autonomous flight management system to plan their own routes and safely and seamlessly fit into the traffic flow. Controllers were able to watch their progress on bogus air traffic control monitors (Dino, 2004). The airborne segment of the mock-up employed promising technologies which offered real-time air traffic and fortune information.It also examined all aircrafts and airspace peril in the surrounding area. Complicated cockpit technology warned the pilots to any sign of conflicts. It also alerts the pilots into how to stop more difficulties when maneuvering. Solutions were offered mechanically or with the use of manual flight route planning apparatus. This is a visual illustration of the DAG-TM concept. On the ground, air traffic co ntrollers used brand- raw computer bundle to work the commix of autonomous and conventional air traffic.NASA researchers real experimental controller workstations for the joint simulation, combine custom display enhancements with special planning, traffic flow management, and pilot-controller communication technologies (Dino, 2004). Special software was used to aid in zip the traffic flow. This special software was also used to aid the aircrafts which were not furnished with the self-sufficient flight management system, in this regard air traffic control automation observed every aircrafts. They are also responsible for cautioning the controller regarding possible conflicts.These conflicts could be found amid the autonomous and managed traffic. Researchers also examined the way the pilots and air traffic controllers coped with this natural invention. Researchers measured how hard the pilots and controllers were working, said Parimal Kopardekar, human factors and operations s ub-project manager. Its important that they beget this job relatively easy to do, all the same as traffic levels go up. We entrust the computer automation technology will make a big departure (Dino, 2004). As could be seen the future ground-based ATM decision support systems is very promising.It is of large help for managing air traffic. This method could comply for the effective planning of flights with the use of the most effective paths and flexibility in flight processes. Little by little, as air carriers furnish aircrafts with new technologies, they could effortlessly curb them into the system and harvest instant advantages. As air travel rebounds in the coming years, additional traffic will valuate the air traffic control system beyond its current capability, said define Ballin, aircraft systems and operations sub-project manager.NASA is working to develop technologies to transform the way air traffic is managed (Dino, 2004). A definition for DAG-TM was organized by a multi-disciplinary squad. This team was created by the AATT project office, the Distributed Air Ground Traffic Management is illustrated by allocated decision-making among the flight deck, Air Traffic operate Providers and AOC. It is also a National Airspace System operation which augments user effectiveness, flexibility and system capabilities.The Distributed Air Ground Traffic Management advocates that the said definition be assessed as one probable amplification of the numerous Free Flight motion methods presently under deliberation. The concept of strategic arrival management illustrated in the Terminal Area Productivity research could be seen to have many potential. The Distributive Air Ground research shifts from a ground-controlled setting to a more disseminated setting with belike uneven division tasks. NASA Ames is presently organizing a research setting to examine Distributive Air Ground Traffic Management with all main technologies incorporated.Preliminary concepts and settings have been identified and conferred with pilot or controller center groups. Based from the simulations they conducted one could not help but admit the promises this new technology offers. If this new technology is put into use soon it could greatly help in saving time. It would also be beneficial in the sense that this new technology advocates safety as one of its primary goals. As air traffic lessen, safety increases and with that there is definitely no reason not to support this new development.References Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AATT), Project Aviation System Capacity (ASC), & chopine National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (1999). Concept Definition for Distributed Air/Ground Traffic Management (DAG-TM) Electronic Version. Retrieved November 10, 2007, from http//www. asc. nasa. gov/aatt/dagconop. pdf Dino, J. (2004). Coast-to-Coast Simulation Tests New Air Traffic Management Concepts Electronic Version. Retrieved November 10, 2007, from http/ /www. nasa. gov/vision/ ball/improvingflight/DAG-TM. html NASA Ames Research Center. (2002). DAG-TM Concept component part 5 En Route FreeManeuvering Operational Concept Description Electronic Version. Retrieved November 10, 2007, from http//www. asc. nasa. gov/aatt/rto/RTOFinal72_DAGCE50CD. pdf NASA Ames Research Center (2003). DAG-TM Concept Element 6 En Route Trajectory talks Operational Concept Description Electronic Version. Retrieved November 10, 2007, from http//www. asc. nasa. gov/aatt/rto/RTOFinal72_DAGCE60CD. pdf The Boeing Company. (2001). Air Traffic Management Electronic Version. Retrieved November 10, 2007, from http//www. emotionreports. com/downloads/pdfs/traffic_management. pdf
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