Monday, September 30, 2019
Presonal statement Essay
I intend to major in communication because of my penchant interest for news and communications, the process of gathering information and relaying it to the public. News forms an important part of the public life. Through it people base most of their decisions and even emotions. Whenever my friends hear the news, they either feel happy or sad. The facts that are presented by the news anchor and the way it is presented affects the way they react to it. News casters and news writers have a certain power of influencing and affecting the views of the people regarding a certain topic. The way they communicate is enchanting and impressive. In this regard, I want to major in Communication because I want to discover how they make such an intimate connection to the public and I also want to learn how I can effectively communicate with other people. Moreover, I have deep interest for communication through this process one learns more about the world and other people. Through proper communication, dreams could become realities. My interest for communication was enhanced when I became a junior sales girl for a telecommunications company. My job required proper communication with clients in order to establish good public relations for the company. The job was very interesting and engaging. It gave me an avenue to improve my communication skills and at the same time discover and develop proper ways of dealing with clients and other people. The experience made me realize that there are certain ways of communicating with prospective clients or customers. As a new employee, I hardly knew how to handle the job smoothly. I was regularly reminded by my supervisors on what to do and how to sell the product to the customers. At first, I did not do well. I committed several mistakes and was even reprimanded by my boss. However, I did not let such experience get the better of me. I learned from my mistakes and continuously improved on my sales skills. Eventually, I was able to execute the job properly and professionally. In my two months stay with the company, I realized that not all clients are the same. There is certain formula that should be used for a particular client. There are customers who are very particular while others are very lax. In this regard, the clients should be dealt with based on their particularities and whims. The goal is to satisfy them with the services that being provided. The best way of completing this goal is to understand what they actually want or need and address them completely. Providing adequate information and professional dealing with clients are necessary for anyone trying to sell a product. Aside from my experience with in selling products, my school activities also served as motivation for me to be interested in communication. Throughout my secondary school, I was involved in many extracurricular activities. I used to plan for several functions and events and such task required me to talk with people from different fields. This experience made me realize the importance of knowing how to properly communicate my thoughts. Had I not known how to express myself, my ideas and opinions on certain matters involving the events I planned for, I could have not fulfilled my task satisfactorily. When I entered college, I was again involved in many extra curricular activities. However, unlike my secondary school experience, my extracurricular activities in college had greater impact on me and my desire to study Communication. I was assigned to man a committee of the event. The Chairman instructed me on what to do and I, in turn, directed my committee members. All the while, I thought I was on the right track. I only discovered that I misunderstood the instruction when the Chairman saw our work. Due to such mistake, my group had to redo all the work. I felt so guilty for the inconvenience that my group mates experienced and not to mention the work load put to waste. Had I understood properly the instructions, none of it could have happened. This incident made me realize the importance of properly communicating instructions. Communication is not a one way process. It works in such a way that both parties need to listen and comprehend what one telling the other. Communication works best when one listens while the other talks and if something is unclear, it should be clarified after the one giving instructions has finished talking. My employment in the telecommunications company and school experience have thought me a lot about communication however, I believe that my experience are insufficient to teach me all the things I need to learn about communication. It is my contention that the field of communication is a very broad world and there is a lot to learn and benefit from it. In the future, I would like to be a public relations officer of the government. Like I have mentioned in the beginning, public relations is very important as it influences the views of public on certain facts, issues and organizations. In my home country, the image of our government becomes worse day after day. I think one of the reasons is the exercise by the government of poor public relations. In this regard, I would like to learn how I could improve the image of my country through the aid of public relations. I believe that being a part of the University of California, I can enhance my knowledge on communication and public relations and eventually become a key player to my country’s success. I am a very patient and determined individual. In everything I do, I give my best and do whatever it takes to achieve my goals. Right now, I believe that I could achieve my goal of helping improve the image of my country through getting a quality education in a prestigious university. I believe that through my determination and the excellent teaching in the University of California, I could someday attain my goal. I also believe that my deep interest for music and communication will aid me in building a good future. Music, like communication has the capacity to influence people, if properly executed. Moreover, just like music, the goal of producing quality tone would be useless if a good foundation for understanding notes is missing. In any field, a good educational foundation is necessary and I believe only the University of California can provide me with such excellent foundation.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Patient Centred Care Essay
This essay will engage closely in exploring the case study provided during week one through four. It will deal with various issues such as the difference between type one and type two diabetes, outcomes of poorly managed blood sugar levels, the necessity of pain control during post-operative care for Josie, the implementation of Tanner’s model of clinical Judgement and lastly but not the least, a summary of Josie’s progress note. Diabetes and blood glucose control As Diabetes Mellitus is closely connected to the insufficient action of insulin in the body, the type one and two diabetic patients suffer mainly from managing their blood sugar levels (Crisp & Taylor, 2009. ). The widely known differences between the two diabetes are that type one diabetes display an inability of the pancreas to create insulin for the body as its cells producing insulin are destroyed. Type two diabetes do produce insulin, however due to the reduced production of the insulin by the pancreas, the body is unable or resistant to use the insulin appropriately and leads the body to face difficulties in maintaining homoeostatic balance. Further differences of type one and type two diabetes could be identified in managing the disease. It is essential for type one diabetic patient to be treated with an external source of insulin, however for type two diabetic patients the treatment could vary simply from controlling their diet and exercising, or injecting insulin into the body to control their blood sugar levels (Barnes, 2004). Poor function of insulin to control Glucose is the energy source that the cells feed on to survive, therefore poor management of the blood glucose will lead the cells to suffer from insufficient amount of energy to regulate the entire body (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2008). Although the effects may not be immediately life threatening, conditions such as constant exhaustion or hypoglycaemia occurs when there is a low level of glucose in the blood. The patients at such circumstance will experience headaches, dizziness, hunger, seizures and fall into comas at extreme cases. Other outcomes may occur due to hyperglycaemia, when high blood glucose levels damage the small blood vessels. Blood vessels which supply energy to the cells become affected by the high glucose level which in return causes the blood to be toxic and the formation of blood clots (Zmuida, 2009). This will soon result the nerves and the cells to poorly function and trigger blurry vision, nerve damage, poor circulation, foot infections, cardiovascular complications, kidney infections in the long run. Importance of postoperative pain control One of the most important purpose to perform a postoperative pain assessment is to manage the risks the patient may face after the operation. By assessing the location, severity, type of pain and the temperature of the pain area, the patient is likely to have lower risks of developing an infection or a disease during recovery (Doherty, 2010). If pain control assessment is absent during a postoperative care for Josie Elliot, Elliot is likely to meet high levels of pain and stress in dealing with the pain. Such stress is likely to interfere with the other postoperative recovery exercises as it is predictable that Elliot will be physically tensed and unwilling. Furthermore, the consequences of not acknowledging the pain areas for Elliot, could lead to overlooking problems such as swelling or internal bleeding of the operated wrist. Although the problems may be small, they are likely to grow into serious matters such as haemorrhage and amputation. Therefore, for the patients to be less at a risk of becoming susceptible to complications- pain control is the stepping-stone to safety and be considered as a major priority of postoperative care. Tanner’s Clinical judgement: Noticing In this initial step of clinical judgement the nurse will focus in recognising the current situation of the patient. The nurse will seek to find future discomforts and problems that may occur during the care for the patient (Tanner, 2006). As for Elliot, who had an active life before being submitted into the hospital, the nurse should concentrate in understanding the patients psychological well being. Elliot being in such a contrasting environment to her daily life in the society, she could be expected to experience severe stress. For example, the nurse could initiating a casual conversation to assess any signs of depression or discomfort that Elliot may be experiencing. Through her voice, expression or gestures, the nurse will be able to notice conditions out of the ordinary. Another way to collect more informations about the patient may be communicating with the family members. Family members are the ones who will know the patient well enough to be concerned with the minor changes the patient shows. Such way of assessing the patient will help the nurse to accurately point out the changes occurring to the patient and gain deeper understandings of the patient conditions. Interpreting This phase is about digesting the collected information about the patient. For example, Analysing and interpreting the patient’s idea of his or her condition will allow the nurse to prioritise her tasks for the patients health care. Prioritising tasks will help the nurse to initiate the most argent care needed for the patient. This will decrease number of the patient’s risk factors and benefit the patient to be nearer to the risk free zone (Tanner, 2006). For further example, the nurse could interpret Elliot’s dull and restless behaviours, responses, moods and expressions as a sign of depression. Other objective data such as Elliot’s vitals signs could be interpreted into a certain warning for an occurrence of a diseases. After understanding these informations, the nurse could then prioritise the absorbed informations from the most severe issues to the least (Bradshaw & Lowenstein, 2010). In Elliot’s case it would first be the pain assessment on her fractured wrist and the vital signs to identify and tightly secure Elliot’s overall physical health which is crucial. The next will be followed by Elliot’s psychological assessment to ensure Elliot will not be harmed by depression. The last task on the list could be the patient shower to benefit Elliot to feel better and comfortable. However being at the end of the list does not indicate that this task is the least important. Responding This phase requires the nurse to be skilful in order to act out and perform the tasks set out in the previous phase of interpreting (Bradshaw ; Lowenstein, 2010). At this time of care, the nurse is expected to be insightful, with the attitudes of calmness and confidence to achieve successful outcome of the practice. For example, the nurse could systematically perform the interpreted and prioritized tasks on Elliot. During each task the nurse should explain the procedures being undertaken and communicate with the patient to be informative and clear. This will bring Elliot to be aware and be assured of the care being provided. This will help her to feel less confused or discomforted by knowing what is going on with her body while receiving the care. This step of clinical judgment will inform and educate the patient which is a crucial part of patient centered care. Reflecting Reflecting in tanner’s clinical judgment refers to having the knowledge to predict what is expected as an outcome of the care provided. There are two different aspects of reflection which are reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action. Reflection-in-action is when the nurse assesses the patient’s feedback or response in coping with the tasks and the care practiced on the patient. Reflection-on-action is how the nurse learns and gains further knowledge through the patients response to a particular nursing care (Bradshaw ; Lowenstein, 2010). During Elliot’s care, the nurse has given the medication to Elliot for pain relief. The nurse should observe and record Elliot’s responses to the medications. The first response the nurse will be looking for would be the complications occurring Elliot’s health due to the medication, such as a side effects or an allergic reaction. Secondly, the degree of effectiveness of the medication for Elliot to reduce the pain would also be analyzed. After Elliot’s responses have been assessed, the nurse should immediately make an effort to improve the status of the patient, and further promote patient centered care.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Website evaluation - Hebrew Poetry Research Paper
Website evaluation - Hebrew Poetry - Research Paper Example A. Authority/Source: The domain of the website is ".org", suggesting that the site belongs to an organization, most probably a non-profit organization. The "About" page ( of the site clearly states its purpose, intended audience and author. According to the description, the site aims at providing information on Hebrew poems and poets to scholars, general readers, librarians, teachers and poetry lovers. However, it is further stated that the site is mainly aimed for general readers and poetry lovers only. The website also provides information about its creator and editor on the "About the Editor of This Site" page ( The author's professional, publishing and teaching experiences are clearly stated ( It is apparent that the information on the site is authentic as its author and editor (Henry Rasof) has several publications to his credit. The site a lso acknowledges the contributors and publishers who granted permission for use of copyrighted information from journals, books, and other publications. The website also provides the author's email address, which can be used for verifying the site's credibility. The site was initially developed as a project for the author's MA degree; however, the author hopes to expand it further. The site also provides the address of the author for sending feedback ... Z. Idelsohn ( Most other articles and poetry have been excerpted from similar publications. Most of the articles have appropriate footnotes and are backed by complete bibliographies for verification of factual information. The information provided thus seems credible. While excerpts of copyrighted information are accompanied with details of the original authors, the sites own articles are also accompanied with sufficient information on the author and his/her credentials. The site uses minimal graphical representations, which if shown, are appropriately labeled. However, their sources are not cited. For instance, a map of "Andalucia: Center of Islamic presence in Spain during the time of the medieval Jewish poets" shown on the site's home page ( has an appropriate and detailed legend, but its source is not cited. C. Currency: Original articles by the author of the website do not state the date of creation. Therefore, it is difficult to determine when the article was actually written. For instance, the article "Abraham Ibn Ezra and the Metaphors of Imagination" (, originally written by Henry Rasof, the site's author and editor, does not state when the article was created. Since the information is related to historical and literary aspects of Hebrew poetry, the date of creation does not necessarily matter. There is no indication that the site is constantly updated or edited. According to information provided by the site, its articles were last updated on 7th June, 2008, indicating that the site is outdated. The site provides links to external sources and websites. All the links are
Friday, September 27, 2019
Information Management College Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Information Management College - Case Study Example Field representatives used intranet access which effectively limited the coverage area. Analysts had limited access to sales data due to the difficulties in working with the database. Even then, the data may contain discrepancies and errors. For Lexmark, they had no means of responding quickly to the needs of the retail partners. On the other hand, the new system allows retailers, analysts, and sales representatives to easily access the system from remote locations. A centralized database linked with sales information from the retail partners allows almost real-time information management. Tools integrated into the system allow analysts to monitor sales information and respond to the needs of the partners and customers. Information flow within this new system is almost seamless. The new system allows Lexmark to make decisions quickly to respond to the needs of their partners. For one, the inventory tracking integrated into the system allows the company to quickly send out additional items to their retailers. Knowing the sales of particular products also gives the company information on the consumer aspect of sales and can adjust their production quantity and schedule accordingly.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Behaviour Management and Purposeful Learning Essay - 1
Behaviour Management and Purposeful Learning - Essay Example Behavior management is of considerable importance in the field of education. It is focused on developing the learning ability and increasing the productivity of a learner. Behavioral management is applied by teachers to increase workability of students and decreases disruption in the study environment. The techniques and principles employed in behavioral management are of consistent nature. It is very essential for teachers to establish a comfortable relationship with their students as behavioral management set a foundation for teachers to work on the students. According to McGrann,(2011)â€Å"If we focus on positive behaviors and build a trusting, respectful relationship with our students, we are ensuring a successful school year for our students and for ourselves†. In behavioral management as systematic approach is initialized to the aid the better learning of the students. Students can be only successful in their learning if they are trained under proper behavioral management techniques. Most of the teachers around the world make use of behavioral management techniques to empower the learning system of their students. Behavioral management also allows cultivating discipline, caring and consistency in the learning behavior of pupil. Different Psychological Perspective in Behavioral Management In behavioral management, different psychological theories are applied to control the behavioral pattern of the learners. The three main behavioral psychological theories which are considered here are as follows. I)Behaviorism Theory: According to behaviorism theory, it is believed that the learning potential of a learner is based on the conditioning he achieved. Conditioning is an aspect achieved thorough interaction with the external environment. In his article Cherry,(2011) writes that â€Å"According to behaviorism, behavior can be studied in a systematic and observable manner with no consideration of internal mental states†. The conditioning itself can be classified in to two category as classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is a technique in which natural stimulus is related to a response and later a natural stimulus is paired with a previously neutral stimulus. In the end the neutral stimulus comes to create respo nse without the assistance of natural stimulus. Whereas, operant conditioning is a process by which learning is achieved through rewards and punishments. In operant conditioning a connection is created between behavior and its consequence. Behaviorism relies upon observation and hence it is easier to quantify the learning outcome of the students and it also aids in collecting data when researches are conducted in class rooms. Behaviorism technique is extremely helpful when predicative changes are needed as to the harmful behavior of adults and children. However, critics claim that it is one – dimensional approach and it does not have the ability to influence the feelings and moods of the learner. It is also observed that behaviorism cannot be applied to learning process where punishments and reinforcement are not a part. Cognitive Theory Cognitive theory is a learning theory in which human behaviorism is explained with the help of understanding the processing of thoughts in h uman mind. According to this theory, it is believed that human being have logical nature and make choices according to his sensibility. Here human mind is compared to a computer as his information processing is
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
ENaC and Hypertension Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
ENaC and Hypertension - Essay Example However, for individuals past the age of 45, the incidences of hypertension rise and affect more women than men [1]. In the U.S. 25% of Americans suffer from hypertension. High blood pressure varies amongst ethnic groups where African Americans have the highest risk for hypertension among Americans. Forty percent of African Americans have hypertension and it is more likely to be manifested at an earlier age than Caucasians. Hypertension is the primary cause of 25% of deaths in America today. Additionally, 47% of individuals with hypertension have blood pressure that is not under control. Most of hypertensives are resistant to common medications. They have to take more than one medication to render their blood pressure stable[3]. The pathogenesis of hypertension remains unknown. Blood pressure must be regulated to prevent damaging of vital organs. From this point, studying the molecular basis and human protein level of this disease is needed for early detection and for distinguish ing markers and designing targeting therapy. The kidneys play a major role in hypertension mainly in the maintenance of sodium balance within the body. They also maintain the balance of the volume of extracellular fluid that leads to the long term control of blood pressure. Therefore, any imbalance in sodium entry expands the blood volume leading to hormonal and vascular change in the kidneys and increasing blood pressure [2]. In relation to the various mechanisms involved in hypertension’s inheritance, two major categories exist. These are Mendelian hypertension and essential hypertension. The Mendelian form of hypertension occurs because of a single or small number of genes which are defective. These can also be either dominant or recessive [4]. In contrast, essential hypertension, which is a heterogeneous disorder of hypertension, is more complex and does not follow the kind of inheritance
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6
Case study - Essay Example Firstly it is necessary to say that towards the end of the twentieth century frozen desserts and ice creams have become the most favorite products in the United Kingdom. Ice cream is told to appear in the country in the early beginning of the century and quickly won the popularity. With the sales of more than $3 billion in the end of the 20th, ice cream was making come back as the most preferable product in UK. With other desserts such as ice milk, frozen yogurts, sherbets, and miscellaneous products the total revenue was about billions per year. (Kay 1995) The company â€Å"Fancy Ices and Desserts†is nowadays a division of a huge corporate manufacture Food and Beverage. It deals with supplying the products through the corporate supply chain. The company prefers to take any new product which is offered. The company is busy with selling desserts and fancy ice creams for the Cash-&-Carry markets. The products are not recognized consumer brands yet. The division also sells bulk product dispensed like the dispensing machines. The main distribution networks are Cash&Carry, Wholesale frozen distribution, bulk direct. The company has salesmen, who are territory based, but they work directly for regional directors and their responsibility is â€Å"dotted†line. The company has nowadays to increase the capital equipment, because there is an increase in bulk products sales. The negative moment is that present equipment requires maintenance and sometime it operates not on the highest level. Concerning competitors the company has main three rivals in the market place. For example in the sector cash&carry the company’s competitor is a branded rival with a marked standard. But the rival has very few specialists who are aware of current market trends in comparison to â€Å"Fancy Ices†. But the company has less money to spend on promotions in comparison to branded
Monday, September 23, 2019
Avant-Gardism, Modernism, and the Arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Avant-Gardism, Modernism, and the Arts - Essay Example Avant-gardism was a single important part on the natal of modernism. The existence of avant-garde is regarded by many as a focal point of shying away from the norms of the old societies; transcending from the common practices in art. Many artists, initially poets, adapted the idea of shifting their focus to a different form of artwork by not importing any old conformist ideas. Various innovative lines of attack had converged on putting aside obsolete precepts, knowledge and philosophies and form a new body of knowledge or artistic slant. The idea of avant-garde somehow created a line of separation between ordinary people and the artists who were considered mortal because of the new concept they have introduced to the society. The radical concept of recoiling from the past practices and the birth of Modernism begot sub-categorical new notions: expressionism, impressionism, and symbolism. Modernism is a thought that cropped up during the industrial revolution. Modernism was the manifes tation of the need to adapt to the new developments and ideas of the industrial era, and was conveyed through different art forms: literature, sculpture, paintings, etc. Still unavoidably, there was an act to resists the rapid revolutionary changes in most artworks. This has often been manifested in the visual arts and by the overall favour for the complicated. It was differing from the modernistic inclinations to streamline methods and to abridge ornamental details. Modernism poured in much concentration.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
International trade and economic growth of China Essay
International trade and economic growth of China - Essay Example China before 1980s was agriculture based economy and almost all the businesses, factories and commercial activities were under the state control. Capitalism was a forbidden and a hated world (USChina, 2011). This section examines the growth of the Chinese economy and trade. 2.1. Growth of the Chinese Economy After the people revolution, China closed its doors to external influences, seized all private factories and businesses and nationalised all the industries and banks. The result was a total shut down of free enterprise. Capitalists and scholars were hunted down and all trade, industries were state owned. As a result, the nations stagnated and led to a sharp increase in poverty. While the rest of the world saw booms and busts, China had a stagnant and stable economy that was controlled by the state. The standard of living was slow and bicycles were the main mode of transport in the city. From 1979 onwards, the Chinese premier Deng Xiaoping started the measures of liberalisation, a llowed trade with foreign nations, allowed FDI and created industrial zones along the eastern coast so that foreign firms could set up manufacturing activity (Zhang, 2007, p. 12). This far-reaching vision paid off and very soon, China started its upward trajectory of growth. The growth in the GDP and other economic indicators are given in Appendix â€Å"Table A1. China Economic Indicators – 1 of 3†to â€Å"3 of 3†that gives details of the economic indicators. Growth figures of the economy have been given for 19 indicators for the years 1980 until 2013. Projections for 2012 and 2013 are estimated figures. Following graph illustrates the growth rates in GDP, PPP and the CAB in USD billions from 1980 to 2013 (IMF, 2012).... This paper presents a comprehensive review of various trade and economic policies that China has used to promote the growth of its economy, which is illustrated with the help of analysis of data from different databases on the Chinese economy and trade. It is clear that China, which was lagging far behind the west has grown its GDP by more than 30 times from 1980 to 2011. This huge growth in GDP was brought out by growth in many sectors such as construction, industry, agriculture and trade. China has used its trade policies in a very clever manner to trap the western nations at their own games. The western nations came to China initially to make use of the low labour costs. However, the lure of China proved to be very strong and hundreds of western nations moved to China. China set up huge manufacturing centres where low cost labour was available and other benefits provided to western firms. Hundreds of firms from the west set up their factories in China and exported the goods to USA, Europe and many other nations. China carries out trade with a large number of countries. However, the maximum trade in terms of value of goods is done with only a few nations. After the acceptance of WTO treaty, there was shift in the balance of trade in Chinas favour. In the previous decade, China was a net importer since it could not manufacture many of the products. However, with increase in the manufacturing sector, exports have grown. With a positive trade balance, China offers a unique competitive advantage to western nations.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Salem Witch Trials Essay Example for Free
Salem Witch Trials Essay The Crucible- Web Quest 1. Crucible- a severe, searching test or trial. 2. Spectral evidence- is a form of evidence based upon dreams and visions. 3. Witch Hunt- An Investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive actlvltles but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views. a. Recently uncovered files reveal the case of Raymond Ginger, a Harvard professor who was asked to resign in 1954 because he refused to respond to questions over whether he and his wife were Communists. . Yes, It qualifies as an Investigation to uncover ubversive activities. 4. a. The two events that had a profound influence on Millers work were the depression and the war that immediately followed it. b. The Crucible was his masterpiece. c. Arthur was married to famous actress Marilyn Monroe 5. Mather treated some of the afflicted, wrote Journals and advised the Judges. Evidently Mather was quite arrogant and liked prestige. 6. a. Nothing about this trial was inevitable. Only an unfortunate combination of an ongoing frontier war, economic conditions, congregational strife, teenage boredom, and personal ealousies can account for the spiraling accusations, trials, and executions that occurred in the spring and summer of 1692. b. It could have been from stress, asthma, guilt, boredom, child abuse, epilepsy, and delusional psychosis. c. Increase Mather was the man who pleaded for the dismissal of spectral evidence, it was ironic because he was the father of Cotton who had wrote the Journals. d. It suggests that the trials were somewhat of congregational feuds which played a major role In determining who lived and died. 7. a. Their friendship came to an abrupt end in 1 952, at the height of the so-called Communist witch hunt conducted by the House un-American Activities Committee. b. He wrote It because It drew parallels between the 17th century Salem Which Trials and the Red Scare of the 1950s. c. The film was called On the Waterfront it testified a friendly witness. 8. a. McCarthyism was an intense effort to root out Communists from any part of America even if it went against American values. The Second Red Scare was the time in which McCarthyism came bout. b. The primary targets of such suspicions were government employees, those in the entertainment industry, educators and union activists. c. He was a Republican U. S. Senator who created the idea that there were lots of communists or spies in the U. S. He was the man who McCarthyism came from. d. The government eventually censored McCarthy, and later In life he died from Alcoholism, e. McCarthyism was carried out in many ways. It started out with only the talk of McCarthy because people believed him. Then laws, (which were unconstitutional and wrong), were passed, making people go along with McCarthyism even more because it was now everywhere. Along with that, many cases went to trial during that time. f. To be blacklisted by the HUAC meant to be shunned,fired from your work, and unable to get a Job basically anywhere. Many careers and reputations were ruined, and clearing 1 OF2 given two options. They could speak in defense of themselves or let the Committee come to a verdict without a hearing. h. Execution or being sent to prison.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Planning, Scheduling and Control
Planning, Scheduling and Control Business or business organizations involve conceptualization of implementation of a specific plan designed for particular business outcomes. This particularity of business outcomes envisages putting up a well coordinated system for realization of the same. Forming a conglomeration of peoples, activities work schedules, methods, processes, all geared towards achieving a specific business objective, work or assignment, it works according to a plan to achieve the objective within a particular time-frame, with the available or additional resources. This whole process is given the generic name of Project, and coordinating all the activities within it to achieve the desired objective to perfection within the time frame is known as Project Management (Heerkens; 2001). Given the generic nature of the work as well as the outcome it can be said that every activity requiring a particular work to be completed within a particular time by using a particular amount of resources takes the shape of a project. In that way every activity, be that of building a township, a bridge, a subway project, oil refinery, steel production, manufacturing facility erection or even conducting a study to seek some particular information, data or have some desired outcome, all can be termed as projects. In that way projects are distinguishable from continuing work processes like manufacturing process, routine management work or doing daily chores, which are continuing in nature, with the distinguishing factor being a specific time for start and completion of a particular work. So, essentially, time is the core element of a project. As a result the inseparable part of a project is adoption of proper management systems and processes to complete the project within the particular time and cost (Levine; 2002). For this it is imperative that there should be proper planning to execute a project within the allotted time, cost and resources for which there should be proper planning for its implementation . Project planning and implementation within the allotted time by properly organizing it to maintain quality of execution, avoid risks and adhere to the project schedule by proper utilization of resources is key to the success of a project (Hillson; 2003). This study essentially pertains to discussing the key aspects of project planning and control activities in order to successfully complete a project by adhering to the quality of execution of projects. Project Management: Project management essentially is the process of planning, organizing and managing the allotted resources given to a project in order to successfully complete the projects objectives and program. As said, a project is one time work unlike a continuing process, and has a particular period of execution with a starting and ending time in order to meet particular goals and objectives that is aimed at bringing about a particular outcome(Kerzner; 2009). It means that the projects are different from usual business processes that have repeat value and are of permanent nature requiring routine functional work that is envisaged to produce different products and services. In actual practice, the two systems are quite different, thereby requiring the development of specific technical skills and adoption of separate management practices. Projects adhere top specific phases or stages of work processes. According to Horine, project management process includes conducting feasibility studies, defining the project scope and objectives, planning the model to attain those objectives, implementing the plan according to design and scope, evaluating the process of implementation to ensure that the project is being implemented according to guidelines and quality along with provision of proper support and maintenance backup to protect against any hiccups in the implementation process (Horine; 2009). All these are required because project management is a meticulously planned and organized effort to attain a specific and single objective like building a flyover, implementing a software system or building a thermal power plant. It is for this reason only that the project management process includes developing a project plan, which includes defining the project goals and objectives, identifying tasks and goals to be achieved, quantifying the resources needed, and determining budgets and time peri od for completion and managing the implementation of the project plan, along with establishing control procedures to track the proper implementation of the project according to the objectives relative to the plan and intervene to restore the quality of implementation wherever required (Lewis; 2006). All these aspects constitute the project planning and control process. Project Planning, Scheduling and Control: Planning: According to Lewis, project planning and control includes developing a standardized management methodology to implement the objectives of a project that can be comfortably adapted to any project and be flexible enough to be customized for such projects but for which there should be a specific system with checks and balances to proceed with the project according to the plans and objectives (Lewis; 2005). This means that the project management function has a specific process and stages of implementation as is given below: Project Planning: Contents Project Planning: Key Stages Source: F Harrison; Advanced Project Management: A Structured Approach; Gower Publishing; 2004 The project planning and control process therefore pertains to defining the scope and responsibilities accruing to a project, scheduling the time and resources, estimating the cost and budget and analyzing the risks associated with the project implementation process and planning to handle those risks. Suppose there is a project to construct a new administrative building for a certain organization. In this case the management of the organization will define the scope of implementation of the building plan, estimating the time needed to complete the project and the resources in terms of materials, money and time needed for it. There would also be measures to analyze the risks that can come in the way of constructing the building in terms of escalation of costs, time, materials and inadvertent incidents that would hamper the e smooth construction of the building. For this the manager of the project will have to make a blue print and accommodate all the factors while planning the impleme ntation of the project. In such cases the planning process is properly delineated and documented for the benefit of all the members of the project team as well as the client or the organization for whom the project is being implemented (Turner; 1998). This process also becomes beneficial in taking steps to control the project according to the requirements and preventing it from going from its planned path that would necessitate intervention in terms of cost and materials by the project manager. In order to achieve all these objectives the project management process includes key elements to the project planning process i.e. the products, activities, resources, schedule, budget, risks and assumptions. Accordingly, the project planning process determines what are the products and sub-products that a project must deliver ad what quality aspects it must adhere to, what are the activities and the resources needed to carry out the project, what is the sequence and schedule that must be fol lowed to complete the project, what is the budget needed for implementing the project, what are the risks associated with implementing the project and what are the assumptions that are part of the project(Burke; 2003). The projects management planning process therefore incorporates all these aspects to formulate the plan of implementation. Broadly speaking the project plan includes all the aspects that are needed to properly implement a project according to the specifications of the client. Accordingly the actual requirements of a project may vary but there is no dichotomy with regards to the planning process that needs to be applied of such projects. For this the project implementation and planning process includes some fundamental principles, like breaking down the whole project into cohesive work packages, defining the desired results and encouraging the team members to work towards the plans to achieve the results (Williams et. al.; 2008). All these aspects of the planning proce ss follow certain basic objectives of the project plan that includes ensure that all the work and products need to achieve the project objectives included in the plan. For this the project planners include a framework to integrate the key planning and control functions i.e. scope, quality, cost, time and risk at different stages of the project management and implementation stage and specify the team and the responsibilities of the team members to deliver the requirements of the project (Kendrick; 2004). In this whole planning process there includes factors such as scheduling the project to bring the desired outcome of the project. Scheduling and Control: Scheduling of a project essentially signifies managing the implementation of the project, keeping in view the time factor in primary sense, and adjusting the men, material and activities into the whole process (Berkun; ; 2005). This means that the project must follow a regimented routine according to daily weekly and monthly basis so that the project is effectively implemented according to the controls of its requirements and other factors. It is also important that the different activities associated with a project planning and implementation process are well coordinated so as to avoid delays and chaos in the implementation of the project that would result is costs and time overruns. A typical project schedule divides the work associated with a project into different activities all coordinated to the overall whole. In this the works are divided into areas of activities and the tine taken as well as the mode of operation is determined accordingly with the most easy path and the criti cal yet effective path of each activity of the path is determined with assessment as to the time lapse that can happen in the event of the time and work pace not keeping up with the allotted time schedule. Source: : F Harrison; Advanced Project Management: A Structured Approach; Gower Publishing; 2004 Accordingly the project implementation stage and control stage is divided into various activities and the time allotted is measured accordingly as is shown in the diagram above. In it the works are divided into critical and non-critical activities and the milestone is to be achieved with the overall work process along with the float time that can emerge due to unavoidable time delays. Along with all these factors it is also likely that without proper scheduling of the project it may happen that it may drag along beyond the manageable limit and therefore become unviable. So, the core part of effective implementation of a project is its proper scheduling so that unnecessary delays and cost overruns area avoided and there is harmonious coordination between all aspects of the work process of the project as well as the different stakeholders and service providers associated with it. Project Documentation: As mentioned in the preceding scheduling of a project is done in order to achieve all the factors the project planning process breaks down the project into a particular schedule as per its desired outputs in order to facilitate the proper implementation and control as well as help in maintaining quality of implementation of the project. Accordingly the project is divided into different sub-structures and process in order to effectively maintain quality of implementation such as primary outputs of a project a supplementary outputs of a project (Berkun; 2008). Along with it the project manager needs the proper documentation and processing of the activities in order to effectively track the implementation of the project as well as communicate with the team members and the management to articulate the progress of the project, give directions to the members to work according to an accepted framework and measure the progress of the project at different stages of implementation for which th ere should be proper documentation of the project planning, scheduling and control process. In the primary outputs the documentation process includes defining the product breakdown structures, product descriptions, work breakdown structures (WBS), work package descriptions (WPD), organization breakdown structure (OBS), responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) and assumptions documentation. In the secondary outputs of a project planning, implementation and control process the documentation and processing those are needed pertain to creating a product flow diagram (PFD), work flow diagram (WFD), control accounts (CA) and dependency structure matrix (DSM) (Berbee; 2009). All these aspects of the project process are properly documented in order to properly implement a project. For this the project manager establishes a proper structure and accessories for documentation as well as recruitment of relevant persons to manage such processes, which brings to the human resources aspect and the management structure of a project planning and implementation process. According to Leach, the most critical part of a project management process is the management part itself which means that if the management structure and the people manning it are not competent enough to effectively plan and implement the project than all the other factors even if they are of highest degree of quality, will fail to deliver the results (Leach; 2004). It is for this that the project planning and implementation process gives utmost importance to the management structure and team as well as the human resources aspect of the overall project structure and process. Management Structure: A typical product management structure incorporates the following management structure as mentioned below, with necessary customization as per the requirements of the individual projects: Source: Self Designed The typical project management team therefore consists of a project head who takes part in the conceptualization planning and overall control of the project followed by a project manager who actually oversees the implementation of the project with a team that consists of technical head, operation head quality control head resource head who do the actual work of implementing the project and directly supervise the work through a team consisting of managers workers, technicians, suppliers and stakeholders along with support staff(Rothman; 2009). In the case of a building project the management would consist of a project head having wide experience in managing building projects, same is the case with the project manager who must have ample experience in managing projects associated with the construction industry. The different heads of the project should also have adequate experience in their area of activity and desirable experience in actual projects involving the construction indu stry. In this place it may be convenient to argue as what would happen if some people with general project management experience are taken into projects involving construction if buildings. In normal sense it would not make that much of a difference. But in actual stage of implementation and the critical factors associated with it the hands on experience of a person comes in handy. Along with it there is the factor of scheduling for efficient management of time and resources. In such a situation it if great advantage if personnel with hands on experience in specific projects are included in the project planning implementation and evaluation process rather than having general project management experience (Wong; 2007). Nonetheless the underlying spirit for proper implementation of a project is management of time and quality. Nowadays there are various technologies, tools and methods to manage project planning, implementation, quality control and delivery. Techniques and Technologies: The present day project management exercise is a highly technical function involving a number of complex tools and processes as well as advanced software systems to effectively implement, schedule, track and maintain the quality aspects of a project. It is immaterial whether the project is a brick and mortar concept or an academic concept, what is important is that there have emerged methods that can effectively coordinate all the activities and effectively establish communication channels between all the stakeholders of a project in order to maintain the time, quality and overall objectives of a project. At the outset there are basic operational tools like PERT and CPM which effectively schedule the project into different activities and measure the time, cost and materials required for completing the project (Kendrick; 2009). Along with these basic tools there are some methods that quantify the time required for completing the project along with the costs required. Some allied disciplines and tools are also used like the financial forecasts, statistical measurement of lead and lag time for completing a project as well as the application of quality tools like six sigma to ascertain that the project is going according to the accepted quality standards. But the most profound effect of technology on the project management discipline has been the development of various software for proper management of the overall project planning, scheduling, implementation, quality control, budgeting and assumption processes. One of such tolls is the Project Management suite developed by Microsoft that is known as MS Projects, which is a complete software package to manage the entire project management process. In it there are various functions and techniques to effectively plan, schedule monitor and implement various projects by adhering to all the functions and disciplines required for implementing a project (Microsoft Inc; 2009). Besides MS Projects there are other software applications designed to manage projects that are developed by different software companies for specific projects by different companies. Along with all these developments there have been instances where companies have developed their own software and techniques by applying a host of discrete software processes to create their own project management tools that cater to all its aspects including budgeting and quality control. In essence all these softwares have made the project management with overall planning, scheduling, quality control budgeting and monitoring, a smooth and hassle fee process by which the managers can hope to achieve expected outcomes without leaving anything to chance. This goes a long way in achieving efficiency in project planning scheduling and control process as well as its proper implementation. Conclusion: Project management is a complex and complicated process requiring coordination of a host of disciplines along with men, money material that are to be coordinate within a proper time frame to achieve all the objectives of a project without compromising on the quality aspect of it. In that way it becomes necessary to design proper planning, scheduling and quality control mechanisms to give proper implementation to it. In this it becomes necessary to take the help of different tools techniques, documentation processes and technologies so that the project gets implemented successfully and according to its objectives. -x- Reference: Gary Heerkens; Project Management; McGraw Hill Professional; 2001; 250 pages H Levine; Practical Project Management: Tips, Tools and Tactics; John Wiley Sons; 2002 D Hillson; Effective Opportunity Management for Projects; Marcel Dekker; 2003 Harold Kerzner; Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling;Wiley; 2009 1120 pages Greg Horine; Absolute Beginners Guide to Project Management; Que publications; 2009; 432 pages James P. Lewis; Fundamentals of Project Management; AMACOM; 2006; 160 pages James Lewis; Project, Planning, Scheduling and Control; McGraw-Hill; 2005; 550 pages F Harrison; Advanced Project Management: A Structured Approach; Gower Publishing; 2004 R. Turner; The Handbook of Project Based Management; McGraw Hill; 1998) R Burke; Project Management: Planning and control Techniques; John Wiley Sons; 2003 Mary Williams, William Meri; The Principles of Project Management; Site Point; 2008; 224 pages Tom Kendrick; Project Management Toolkit; AMACOM; 2004; 256 pages Scott Berkun; The Art of Project Management; OReilly Media; 2005; 374 pages Scott Berkun; Making Thngs Happen: Mastering Project Management; OReilly Media; 2008; 392 pages Davis Berbee; 97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know; OReilly Media; 2009; 250 pages L Leach; Critical Chain Project Management; Artech House; 2004 Johanna Rothman; Manage Your Project Portfolio; Pragmatic Bookshelf; 2009; 250 pages Zachary Wong; Human Factors in Project Management; Jossey-Bass; 2007; 368 pages Tom Kendrick; Identifying and Managing project Risk; AMACOM; 2009; 368 pages Microsoft Inc., MS Projects 07; 2009; cited in
Thursday, September 19, 2019
A Society in Danger Essay examples -- Literary Analysis, The Stranger
A Society in Danger In the book The Stranger, Camus characterizes Meursault as an atheist, an unemotional robot, and an outcast to demonstrate how he threatens society. The way Camus characterizes Meursault impacts the book in views to which he threatens society, like when he seems useless, shows no compassion or feelings, and when he does nothing to help society, making him seem like society’s worst enemy. How he characterizes Meursault proves how he becomes a threat to society through the use of syntax by displaying insensitivity, and diction to prove his atheism. He also only focuses on physical objects, and the way he sees life causes him to resemble a stranger. Meursault can be a threat to society by just not fitting in with everyone else and preventing everyone from uniting, so he continues to threat society. Camus manipulates syntax to show how Meursault’s insensitivity symbolizes danger to society. When Camus makes Meursault be an insensitive person that does not care or feel anything for anyone else, he puts society in danger. When Meursault says, â€Å"I had never been able to truly feel remorse for anything†he never reveals any emotion at all even though the sentence sounds a little long and he also never gives a sign of compassion (Camus 100). Also, the very first sentence that Meursault states in the book only contains three words, which reads, â€Å"Maman died today†(Camus 3). No matter how long or short the sentences appear Meursault never shows a bit of compassion or feelings for her mother’s death. He just states it all plain and unemotional with only three words almost making it a fragment. For example, when Camus writes this long sentence, â€Å"He said the truth was that I didn’t have a soul and that nothing human, not ... ...ample he asserts, â€Å"For a second I had the ridiculous feeling that they were there to judge me†which tells that he does not feel security of himself because he always thinks people are judging him (Camus 10). This thought of insecurity symbolizes danger to society because Meursault does not trust the people in any way because he thinks they judge him for any little thing. In conclusion of how Meursault threatens society affects society as a whole. The insensitivity and focus of physical objects only threatens the good of society by letting Meursault be part of them even though he has no feelings to offer. The atheism and way he sees life threatens society in different ways but the main one keeps society from reaching unity because they cannot exclude him from everything just because he does not believe in God and because he has a different view of seeing life.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Larnyx Cancer :: essays research papers
Cancer Information: Larynx Cancer          Larynx cancer is a cancer that effects the larynx, or voice box, in people; it can also be called laryngeal cancer. The cancer occurs most frequently in people over the age of fifty-four and in black males. The larynx is approximately two inches long and is located below the nose passage way and above the trachea. Tumors can develop anywhere in the three parts of the larynx, the glottis, supraglottis, and subglottis. When the cancer spreads to other parts of the body it is called metastatic cancer.      Symptoms for this type of cancer depend mainly on the size and location of the tumor. Most cases of larynx cancer occurs in the glottis area, or vocal cord section. When a tumor develops in this area it is usually painless, but almost always results in hoarseness and a change in the person’s voice. If the tumor occurs in the supraglottis, or the section above the vocal cords, it may cause a lump in the throat, sore throat, or earaches. When the tumor develops in the area where the larynx and trachea join, subglottis, the person experiences trouble in breathing, very noisy breathing. Constant coughing or a feeling of a lump that doesn’t go away are also signs of larynx cancer. Tumor development in the subglottis is very unusual and rare. As a tumor grows it may cause pain, weight loss, bad breath, frequent choking on food, and hard swallowing. Only qualified doctors are able to tell if any of the signs are really symptoms of the cancer.      A person with larynx cancer can be treated according to the person’s age, general health, and preferences. The size of the tumor, location of the tumor, and whether the cancer has spread or not also plays a major role in determining the type of treatment. Treatment can be done by local therapy or systemic therapy. In local therapy there is a choice of radiation therapy, surgery, or a combination of both. The only choice in systemic therapy is chemotherapy. When radiation therapy is used high-energy rays damage the cancerous cells and stops them from growing larger. A patient treated by radiation has a better chance of keeping his or her voice after the treatment. Treatment usually last for five days per week for five to six weeks. Surgery is used when the tumor continues to grow even after radiation has been applied. Larnyx Cancer :: essays research papers Cancer Information: Larynx Cancer          Larynx cancer is a cancer that effects the larynx, or voice box, in people; it can also be called laryngeal cancer. The cancer occurs most frequently in people over the age of fifty-four and in black males. The larynx is approximately two inches long and is located below the nose passage way and above the trachea. Tumors can develop anywhere in the three parts of the larynx, the glottis, supraglottis, and subglottis. When the cancer spreads to other parts of the body it is called metastatic cancer.      Symptoms for this type of cancer depend mainly on the size and location of the tumor. Most cases of larynx cancer occurs in the glottis area, or vocal cord section. When a tumor develops in this area it is usually painless, but almost always results in hoarseness and a change in the person’s voice. If the tumor occurs in the supraglottis, or the section above the vocal cords, it may cause a lump in the throat, sore throat, or earaches. When the tumor develops in the area where the larynx and trachea join, subglottis, the person experiences trouble in breathing, very noisy breathing. Constant coughing or a feeling of a lump that doesn’t go away are also signs of larynx cancer. Tumor development in the subglottis is very unusual and rare. As a tumor grows it may cause pain, weight loss, bad breath, frequent choking on food, and hard swallowing. Only qualified doctors are able to tell if any of the signs are really symptoms of the cancer.      A person with larynx cancer can be treated according to the person’s age, general health, and preferences. The size of the tumor, location of the tumor, and whether the cancer has spread or not also plays a major role in determining the type of treatment. Treatment can be done by local therapy or systemic therapy. In local therapy there is a choice of radiation therapy, surgery, or a combination of both. The only choice in systemic therapy is chemotherapy. When radiation therapy is used high-energy rays damage the cancerous cells and stops them from growing larger. A patient treated by radiation has a better chance of keeping his or her voice after the treatment. Treatment usually last for five days per week for five to six weeks. Surgery is used when the tumor continues to grow even after radiation has been applied.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Rainforest Cafe, Inc: Outline To Rainforest Cafe Research Report :: essays research papers fc
Rainforest Cafe, Inc: Outline to Rainforest Cafe Research Report CORPORATE BACKGROUND History Formation Rainforest Cafe, Inc. was incorporated in Minnesota on February 3, 1994 to own and operate restaurant and retail facilities under the name of "Rainforest Cafe - A Wild Place to Shop and Eat." Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Election. Lyle Berman was elected Chairman and CEO of Rainforest Cafe at its inception in February 1994. Background. Berman has been Chairman and CEO of Grand Casinos, Inc. and its predecessor since October 1990. He is also CEO and a director of Stratosphere Corporation, and a director of G-III Apparel Group Ltd., Innovative Gaming Corporation of America and New Horizon Kids Quest, Inc. He previously was the President and CEO of Berman Specialty Stores, Inc. ("Bermans") from 1978 until November 1988 when Bermans was acquired by Wilson Suede and Leather, a subsidiary of Melville Corporation. President and Chief Operating Officer Election. Martin J. O'Dowd was elected in May of 1995. He is the first to hold this position. As of November 18, 1996 O'Dowd has taken a 30 day leave of absence for personal reasons. Dennis Nielson, analyst for R. J. Steichen, predicts that if the leave is only 30 days there should not be a lasting impact on the company (Nielson, November 18, 1996). Background. O'Dowd is a director of Elephant and Castle Group, Inc. He was previously the Corporate Director, Food & Beverage Services for Holiday Inn Worldwide from July 1987 to May 1995. From August 1985 to July 1987, O'Dowd was Vice President and General Operations Manager for the Hard Rock Cafe in New York. Management Philosophy. Berman and O'Dowd stated that they are committed to identifying and acquiring the resources that will allow them to continue their high rate of growth. Main Activities Rainforest Cafe has two areas of each facility, the restaurant and the retail area. Restaurant The company believes that its large menu selection is an important factor in the appeal of its restaurants. The restaurant serves lunch and dinner entrees which range in price from $7.95 to $15.95. The theme of the company is mirrored on the menu with all food and beverage selections including a jungle reference (Annual Report, 1995). The restaurant derived approximately 74 percent of the companies total revenue during the 52 week period ending December 31, 1995. Retail Area In order to enter the restaurant, all customers must pass through the retail area. The inventory includes apparel and gifts with the Rainforest Cafe logo and other items with a rainforest theme such as toys and educational games. The retail area derived approximately 26 percent of the companies total revenue
Healthsouth Fraud Essay
An obstacle to Aaron Beam’s moral behavior is when he moved some of the businesses start up costs as expenses and list them as capital investments, which inflates the company profit margins. Beam initially did this because of the pressure from Scrushy to make the company appear more profitable. Then the cycle continues. The way I understand the meaning of the â€Å"loyal agent’s argument†is that you do what you are instructed to do by your employer regardless. However, I do not believe Aaron Bean could or should have used the loyal agent’s argument to defend his actions. The only way possible would have been because his boss, Scrushy pressured him into â€Å"cooking the books†so to speak. Based on our text, Beam knew he was stretching the truth because he continued to believe that the investors had to have some kind of knowledge of what he was doing. According to my understanding of the 3 levels of Kohlberg’s moral development, I would place Beam in Level Two; Stage Three: Interpersonal Concordance Orientation, based on how he conforms to how Scrushy expects him to act. It is important for a person in this stage to feel well liked and I believe Beam needed that validation I found identifying a stage for Scrushy to be more difficult. Based on the information I would pick Level One: Stage Two: Instrumental and Relative Orientation primarily because Scrushy ultimately gets what he wants. He will use the system or manipulate people to fulfill his own needs.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Benefits of a College Degree Essay
After high school, a choice that many students have to make is whether to go to college or not. There are many factors that go into one’s decision. There are pros and cons to going to college and also there are pros and cons for not going to college. But the decision that will give someone the better opportunity to have a more successful life is to go to college. The money that one will earn after getting a college degree will be more than the money a person will make without getting a college degree. As our society has continued to evolve, education has become the optimal route to professional success: pursuing a degree is the best way to receive training, to gain expertise in a given field, and even to guide you and help you make choices about your career (Value†¦). Money is one of the most important reasons that a person goes to college. On average, a person that has just a high-school diploma earns $30,400 per year while a person that gets a bachelor’s degree will earn on average $52,200 per year (Value†¦). A master’s degree on average will get a person a yearly salary of $62,300 (Value†¦). Based on the numbers, a formal education is an essential ingredient in today’s society. Going to college and getting four more years of schooling may not be the fun thing to do, but it is a wise choice to help lead one to a more successful life. Some people may say that even though that someone will earn more money by getting a college degree, the cost of college does not equal out the amount of money one will make. While the cost of college is expensive, the difference in money made from a college degree will be able to cover the cost of college over time. The average cost of college tuition plus expenses per year is between $20,000 and $35,000 (U. S. News Staff). Of course that is quite a bit of money that would go into paying for college, but even if a person cannot pay for it at the time or did not get a scholarship, someone could always get a student loan so they can pay for college in that way. While if a person chooses to not go to college, that person can get a full-time job that one may focus heavily on. Although a person in college can have a job, that person cannot work as much as someone who is not in college. At first this is a positive for not going to college because that would mean more money for the people not going to college. That is true but over years; the people with a college degree will end up with more money because of the higher annual salaries. The benefits of a college degree are not just for money, but also a college degree will also give a person more career options. A person with a college degree will have more career options than someone without a college degree because employers will see that one has a college degree and think that person knows what to do and can do the job well. Employers want the best person for the job and a college degree looks really good on a person’s resume (Ten Great†¦). In a survey that was casted to see what employers look for, those employers said that they wanted people that have dependability, reliability, a good attitude, the ability to read comfortably, the ability to think more consciously, computer skills, and the ability to communicate clearly whether it be spoken or in writing (Knowledge and†¦). Along the path of getting a college degree, one will also learn these skills and attributes. Not only does a college degree increase one’s chances of getting a job, but it can also get a person employer-paid health insurance and pension plans. That is great considering that the amount of employers that are offering health insurance and pension plans are going down. Also, if in the town or state that a person lives in hits a recession, if one has a college degree, then that person is more likely to keep their job. Plus, even if that person does get fired, that person will still be more likely to find a job somewhere else because of the college degree (Ten Great†¦). College is not just a place to get a degree, but it is also a place to make connections and lifelong friends. Making connections is creating relationships with those that are further along in their career. One’s professors will enjoy helping out their students because they would not be professors if they did not care about helping out others. In college, a person will meet many people from many different places. The people that someone is with can listen to people’s stories about their backgrounds, experiences, and cultures. This will be an advantage because meeting a diverse range of people will give one a broader view on the world and cultural understanding (The Benefits†¦). Being in college will help one learn more about themselves. While one is in college, a person will figure out more about their likes and dislikes (The Benefit†¦). College is a time when one is starting to prepare for a career that one will enjoy doing that job for the rest of their life. Hopefully a person in college will find a career that one will enjoy and also be able to perform that job well. The time spent in college will help one become more satisfied with their career choice later on in life. Of course, the obvious benefit of going to college is the education and the knowledge that one will learn. In whatever major that a person takes while in college, one will get a higher understanding of what the class is about. Having the knowledge in a certain area will make a person better at their job. The knowledge that one will gain in college will help that person doing what is needed to get done every day. Plus, with a college degree, one will not need as much training as someone who did not get a degree. The benefits of going to college outweigh the possible negatives of going to college. While there is a chance of someone being very successful in life with only a high school diploma, the odds are just better if one has a college degree. There are many benefits of going to college so that one can earn a college degree. One can get a higher annual salary than someone that does not go to college. Having a college degree with give a person more career choices and also improve their chances of being hired by an employer. One will learn the skills that employers are looking for like knowledge, dependability, computer skills, and much more. A person that goes to college will develop great friendships and make a real connection with people. While in college, one will learn more about themselves, find out more about oneself, and hopefully be able to realize their dreams. There is no correct way to live life, but when someone is trying to figure what path to take so that one can fulfill their dreams and be as happy as possible, the signs point that going to college and getting a college degree is the smarter choice. Works Cited Gill, Deanna. â€Å"Negative Effects of Not Exercising. †n. p. HubPages Inc. 22 Mar. 2011. Web. 3Nov. 2012. Wiley, Blackwell. â€Å"Regular Exercise Reduces Large Number of Health Risks Including Dementia and Some Cancers, Study Finds. †ScienceDaily, 16 Nov. 2010. Web. 3 Nov. 2012. CourseAdvisor. â€Å"Benefits of a College Degree. †Washington Post Company. CourseAdvisor Inc. 2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Knowledge and Skills Needed to Succeed in the 21st Century Workplace,†National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, June 2000. â€Å"Ten Great Reasons to Get a College Degree. †n. p. Yellow Page College Directory. 2011. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. â€Å"The Benefits of a College Degree. †n. p. Hobsons. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. â€Å"The Real Benefits of a College Degree. †n. p. RightFitDegrees. com, Inc. 2009-2012. Web. 7 Dec. 2012. U. S. News Staff. â€Å"The Average Cost of a U. S. College Education. †n. p. U. S. News & World Report. 24 Aug. 2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Value of Education. †n. p. 2003-2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2012.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
English for Specific Purposes
2 The development of ESP The best laid schemes o' mice and men Gang aft a-gley. (Robert Burns) From its early beginnings in the 1960s ESP has undergone three main phases of development. It is now in a fourth phase with a fifth phase starting to emerge. We shall describe each of the five phases in greater detail in later chapters, but it will provide a useful perspective to give a brief summary here. It should be pointed out first of all that ESP is not a monolithic universal phenomenon.ESP has developed at different speeds in different countries, and examples of all the approaches we shall describe can be found operating somewhere in the world at the present time. Our summary must, therefore, be very general in its focus. It will be noticeable in the following overview that one area of activity has been particularly important in the development of ESP. This is the area usually known as EST (English for Science and Technology). Swales (1985) in fact uses the development of EST to illu strate the development of ESP in general: ‘With one or two exceptions†¦English for Science and Technology has always set and continues to set the trend in theoretical discussion, in ways of analysing language, and in the variety of actual teaching materials. ‘ We have not restricted our own illustrations to EST in this book, but we still need to acknowledge, as Swales does, the pre-eminent position of EST in the ESP story. 1. The concept of special language: register analysis This stage took place mainly in the 1960s and early 1970s and was associated in particular with the work of Peter Strevens (Haliiday, Mcintosh and Strevens, 1964), Jack Ewer (Ewer and Latorre, 1969) and John Swales (1971).Operating on the basic principle that the English of, say, Electrical Engineering constituted a specific register different from that of, say, Biology or of General English, the aim of the analysis was to identify the grammatical and lexical features of these registers Teachin g materials then took these linguistic features as their syllabus A good example of such a syllabus is that of A Course in Basic Scientific-English by Ewer and Latorre (1969) (see below p. 26). In fact, as Ewer and Latorre's syllabus shows, egister analysis revealed that there was very little that was distinctive in the sentence grammar of Scientific English beyond a tendency to favour particular forms such as the present simple tense, the passive voice and nominal compounds. It did not, for example, reveal any forms that were not found in General English. But we must be wary of making unfair criticism. Although there was an academic interest in the nature of registers of English per se, the main motive behind register analyses such as Ewer and Latorre's was the pedagogic one of making the ESP course more relevant to learners' needs.The aim was to produce a syllabus which gave high priority to the language forms students would meet in their Science studies and in turn would give low priority to forms they would not meet, Ewer and Hughes-Davies (1971), for example, compared the language of the texts their Science students had to read with the language of some widely used school textbooks. They found that the school textbooks neglected some of the language forms commonly found in Science texts, for example, compound nouns, passives, conditionals, anomalous finites (i. e. mod-.! verbs).Their conclusion was that the ESP course should, therefore, give precedence to these forms. 2. Beyond the sentence: rhetorical or discourse or analysis There were, as we shall see, serious flaws in the register analysis-based syllabus, but, as it happened, register analysis as a research procedure was rapidly overtaken by developments in the world of linguistics. Whereas in the first stage of its development, ESP had focussed on language at the sentence level, the second phase of development shifted attention to the level above the sentence, as ESP became closely involved with the emerging field of discourse or rhetorical analysis.The leading lights in this movement were Henry Widdowson in P
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Agonism in the Academy Essay
Education, a most powerful tool of use in today’s world and one that we probably take for granted, could possible be at risk as far as how knowledgeable we are becoming on the material at hand. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and because of agonism in academics, students now might not be getting the full potential out of their mind simply because of the way they/we are being taught. Deborah Tannen, a professor at Georgetown University, in the article â€Å"Agonism in the Academy: Surviving the Argument Culture†(2000) argues that discussion rather than debate is a more proficient way of teaching our students, likewise, collaborating ideas instead of tearing down material can benefit educators and the educated more in the long run. Through a focus on logic, Tannen explains the negative influence that agonistic learning has on academic culture; she uses ethos and pathos to support her logical argument that agonistic learning is not as valuable as open discussion. In order to clearly explain the problem of agonism, Tannen shares a personal experience of a book club meeting where academic material, and learning, was torn down by critics and agonistic people. According to Tannen, during the book club meeting there were disagreements of the material between different groups. As she states, â€Å"The phenomenon I’d observed at the book-group meeting was an example of what cultural linguist Walter Ong calls agonism. †(215). Here is where Tannen first exemplifies her main claim of agonism in academics, getting her audience familiar with the term. Tannen states, â€Å"I left the meeting disappointed because I had learned nothing new about the book or its subjects. All I had learned about is the acumen of the critics. I was especially struck by the fact that one of the most influential and most talkative critics was the member who had not read the book. †(215). Through this statement, and personal experience, Tannen is able to show how agonism is apparent in our academic world even in higher credential educated men and women. Along with showing how our argumentative culture overpowers our ability to discuss and create new ideas. This experience helps strengthen her credibility because we see that she is involved in academic discussions of a higher ranking, such as professors and higher educators. One logical example Tannen uses to glamorize agonism in academics, is the negative affect is has on students success in school, more specifically college students. She goes on to say â€Å"One problem with the agonistic culture of graduate training is that potential scholars who are not comfortable with that kind of interaction are likely to drop out†(217). Through this statement we see that Tannen is familiar with the ongoing issue that more and more students are dropping out of college because they don’t feel comfortable with they way they are being forced to learn. Which ties back into her argument of discussion rather than debate, meaning if you constantly have this ongoing strong debate, then you will lose students in the process because they are becoming less and less interested in what’s being taught. Tannens main goal through this article is to persuade us into thinking differently and seeing a new way of learning, a better way of learning that could benefit education in the long run. She wants to bring the issue into the light and help us see the affects that agonism is having on our learning. To accomplish this goal, Tannen uses the appeal of pathos, emotional appeal, to reach out to her audience in a different way. This is apparent when Tannen states, â€Å"We would learn more from each other, be heard more clearly by others, attract more varied talents to the scholarly life, and restore a measure of humanity to ourselves, our endeavor, and the academic world we inhabit†(220). Although very logical, this whole-hearted sentimental quote is meant to appeal emotionally to readers by giving the feeling that we need to save our academic humanity, and not let it go to waste. In essence, Tannen is promoting cooperative discussion, where students and educators can build off each others ideas, and form new perspectives. So what should, or could, be the immediate solution to this issue? While discussing agonistic ideology, Tannen states, â€Å"Our agonist ideology seems so eeply embedded in academe that one might wonder what alternatives we have†(219). Tannen may be saying here that there are no immediate solutions at this point in time, most likely because we have been engaging in this agonistic learning style for quite some time. On the other hand, Tannen goes on to state later in the article, while discussing another reading group experience, â€Å"Refocusing our attention. . . is the greatest gain in store if we can move beyond critique in it’s n arrow sense†(220). Now the solution is blunt, we as students and educators need to step back from critique and step forward to open discussion. Tannen does an excellent job in explaining and exemplifying throughout her article how agonism has a negative affect on academic culture. Through her powerful logical appeals and support of pathos and ethos, Tannen gives numerous credible claims to support her main argument and solution of how we as students and educators should collaborate ideas to form new perspectives rather than debating material and tearing it down piece by piece.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Relationship Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Relationship Management - Essay Example Their son, William Henry Smith took over the business and was joined by his son, William Henry Jr. and WH Smith and Son was born. The firm based its growth on the railway boom and capitalized on it by its presence in the railway stations and using the railroads as a means of distribution. For many years, the main rival to both W H Smith's railway station and news distribution business was John Menzies. WH Smith addressed this competition by buying out all retail outlets of Menzies in 1988. This has resulted in an amazing presence for WH Smith in every single railway station in Britain. In the year to 31 August 2004, W H Smith plc had a turnover of 2,834 million, on which it made a pre-tax loss of 130 million, due to significant "exceptional items" and losses on the sales of subsidiaries. Disposals during the year reduced the group's net assets from 409 million to 256 million. At its December 2004 share price of around 323p, the company's market capitalization was just under 600 million. ( The company had been having a series of problems including the retail where it has faced tough competition on diverse fronts, significant fall in pension funds that has caused internal tensions and from the threat from its distribution side that all contributed to its financial downfall. There is no doubt that the company has to try to revamp on all fronts to recap its former glory. The main The main disadvantage of WH Smith is that it lacks a distinct retail identity and that shoppers no longer have a real reason to visit its stores. It has lost its niche and needs to re-find it in order that it builds itself a solid identity. It has suffered the onslaught of specialised competitors and its sales have declined due to it losing customers. Specialist retailers such as HMV, Waterstone's and Ottakar's offer a far wider range of music and books. Amazon burst on the scene as an online retailer and built its base so quickly and this has influenced WH Smith's sales. It has also been squeezed by Asda and Tesco, which sell basic stationery and magazines more cheaply. In addition, shoppers seeking DVDs and compact discs are just as likely to pick them up at their local Tesco too, along with their envelopes and greetings cards, other traditional WH Smith staples. Attempts at diversification such as publishing have not been as successful as expected. Kate Swann, WH Smith's chief executive, said the company aimed to "reinvigorate" itself. "We aim to return the UK High Street Retail business to its role as Britain's most popular stationer, bookseller and newsagent," she said. Ms Swann admitted the firm had lost out to competition from supermarkets and had not helped itself by providing "an inconsistent product offer and an inadequate strategic response to competition". However, she said the stores still had great potential. "The business has unique strengths through its extensive store portfolio, strong market shares and high customer footfall. "Our plans encompass improved efficiency through cost savings and margin enhancement, while rebuilding the competitiveness and depth of our product ranges." Relationship management Relationship Marketing is a marketing method in which businesses consistently maintain two-way communication with their prospective, current and inactive customers in order to gain a deeper understanding of their needs while delivering personal and compelling marketing
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Application of Nursing Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Application of Nursing Theory - Research Paper Example Although nursing theories are designed to address a range of concrete and specific phenomena, they however are seen to vary in scope as regard to the relative level of substantive specificity of a given theory as well as the degree of concreteness of its propositions and concepts. Grand Nursing Theories which are theories are developed to represent extremely complex and global nursing phenomena. They are developed to provide an overall framework that can effectively be used in the structuring of broad abstract ideas (Lloyd, Hancock & Campbell, 2011, p. 30). The Middle-Range Nursing Theories that are formulated with the aim of addressing more narrowly defined and concrete phenomena as compared to grand nursing theories (Elo, 2013, p. 3) and the Practice Nursing Theories which are narrow in scope and concrete; these theories establish basic nursing care guidelines that can be used to effectively address specific nursing problems (Lloyd, Hancock & Campbell, 2011, pp. 32). It is not possible to choose one level of nursing theories over the others as nursing practice requires the use of multiple theories; these theories cannot by themselves tell nurses exactly what they need to do in the effective solving of clinical situation practice problems. The different levels of theory generally provide different types of utility that can be used in nursing practice and the same burden of expectation cannot be placed on the different levels of nursing theory. In the resolution of nursing practice problems, each level of theory has its own usefulness. Based on the functions of each level of theory, it can be perceived that the usefulness of a given level of nursing theory is really a function of determining exactly which layer of the rather complex nature of nursing one wish to address. In resolving the problem in nursing
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Evaluate the Future Impact of Media Technologies in Tourism Essay
Evaluate the Future Impact of Media Technologies in Tourism - Essay Example International arrivals rise at a slower rate but in complete terms rose from 394 million in 1988 to 613 million in 1997. Less inclusive figures are obtainable for domestic tourism. In some, such as France, domestic holidays continued to increase; elsewhere (for example, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and New Zealand), signs of stagnation or decline were appearing, in part as a consequence of increased outbound tourism. In disparity, domestic tourism was fetching more important in some developing countries as varying values of living destined domestic tour was becoming more reachable to a wider example of society (Chris Cooper, 2001). Countries in Europe and North America are still major sources and others have joined destinations for international tourism but in recent years, especially in Asia and the Pacific. Varying rates of growth have been recorded in these and in other regions of the world, such as Africa and South America. Resorts in some of the latter regions have a relatively long tradition of tourism, such as Bariloche in Argentina. In further places, for instance parts of Africa or a few Pacific islands, tourism is still budding as a figure of expansion. While numbers there may as yet be relatively insignificant on a global scale, they may be of increasing significance locally. As an outcome of these models and procedures, tourism is moreover before now extensively recognized as a key segment of nationwide, regional and local economies in a lot of parts of the world or being aggressively measured or cultivated as an expansion alternative in many others (Jarice Hanson, 1990). The expansion of tourism h as been accompanied by a noteworthy increase in media technology and research activities in this field. Tourism programmes connected to media, centres and subdivisions have developed on sites universal, and tourism conferences have propagated and fresh
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Current real estate market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Current real estate market - Essay Example at are easy to distinguish from regular paragraph content, but the online format has been cleverly designed to be more practical and versatile for the everyday user, especially if that user happens to be a buyer, seller, or real estate professional. The purpose of this essay is to describe the content found in the real estate section of a newspaper of this typeâ€â€including updates on interest rates, surveys of construction costs and sales prices, and articles referencing legislation or other issues that have an effect on the real estate marketâ€â€as well as to respond to the located material, pointing out how such content could be helpful to a real estate appraiser. Located in the center of the real estate section of the newspaper’s website was an absolutely indispensable tool to a real estate appraiser. It provided links to articles and information on some incredibly specific areas related to real estate, including general real estate news; homes; condos; second homes; money issues; trends; and neighborhood information. Clearly, such a vast wealth of information can be utilized using this tool that it has been categorized to make it easier for those with a vested interest in real estate to locate what they are searching for. Interest rate information was available through two major sources in the newspaper: articles discussing interest rate trends and tools and calculators that would allow one to calculate such a rate using information such as the purpose of their desired loan, the type of loan, the discount point range, and the estimated loan amount. Obviously, tools of this type can only provide rough estimates as financial figures such as interest rates are based on a variety of factors outside of the tool’s capabilities, such as creditworthiness. There were literally tons of articles in the newspaper that pointed to a vast increase in the number of foreclosures over the course of the past year, provided information detailing the differences between
Monday, September 9, 2019
Intermediate Econometrics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Intermediate Econometrics - Coursework Example Let and denote their unadjusted counterparts. Then; The answer is FALSE; in loglinear regression analysis is used to describe the pattern of data in a contingency table. A model is constructed to predict the natural log of the frequency of each cell in the contingency table. For a 2x2 table, that means the model is . So we can always say, as a simple function, that the coefficient represents an increase in the log of predicted counts. If , for instance, we could say that this model shows that factor increases the predicted log count by 2 (all other factors held constant). The answer is TRUE; all the three tests (Wald test, Lagrange Multiplier, Likelihood ratio test) address the same basic question, which is, does constraining parameters to zero (i.e. leaving out the predictor variables) reduce the fit of the model? The null hypothesis for all three tests is that the smaller model is the "true" model, a large test statistics indicate that the null hypothesis is false. The only difference between the tests is how they go about answering that question. The graph below explains more on the relationship; The graph below illustrates what each of the three tests does. Along the (labelled ) are possible values of the parameter . Along the are the values of the log likelihood corresponding to those values of a. The test compares the log likelihoods of a model with values of the parameter constrained to some value to a model where  is freely estimated. It does this by comparing the height of the likelihoods for the two models to see if the difference is statistically significant (having in mind, higher values of the likelihood indicate better fit). In the figure above, this corresponds to the vertical distance between the two dotted lines. In contrast, the Wald test compares the parameter estimate  to ; where  is the value of  under the null hypothesis, which generally states that . If  is significantly different
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Psychological Disorders Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Psychological Disorders - Term Paper Example This piece of research paper presents a brief outline in to various psychological disorders and its respective treatments can effectively cure the mental illness or reduce the dangers of it. This paper focuses on major five disorders, namely Mood disorder, Anxiety disorder, Schizophrenic disorder, Somatoform disorder and Sexual disorder. Mood is sustained feeling tone that a person experiences internally and influences his behaviour, attitude and perception of the world. Mood can either be normal, elevated or depressed. Mood disorders are mental conditions that are characterized by loss of sense of control and subjective experience of greater distress (Sadock, Kaplan and Sadock, p. 527). Mood disorders are major depression, bipolar disorders, dysthymic disorder and cyclothymic disorders (Weiten, Lloyd and Dunn, p. 483). A patient with mood disorder may feel euphoric, angry, irritable, dejected, hopeless or apathetic etc. People with major depressive disorder normally show feelings of sadness and despair and they seem less interested in sources of pleasure that they previously found pleasure with. Depressed people seem to avoid activities that they previously found enjoyable. People with bipolar disorder are marked by symptoms of both depressive and manic periods (Weiten, Lloyd and Dunn, p. 495). Mania is when an individual becomes excessively active in either talking too much or distracting others or even becoming aggressive to others. When a person experiences both mania and depression, he is bipolar (Morris and Maisto, p. 492- 493). People with dysthymic disorder are found to be moderately depressed for around two years and people with cyclothymic disorder are found to be experiencing emotional ups and downs for several months. Normally, symptomatic treatment is recommended for the affected symptom like mania or depression.
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