Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Technical proposal assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Technical proposal - Assignment Example In this regard, my institution is not able to accurately and timely analyze students’ data to inform future planning, strategy and service provision. As Campbell (2007) states, students’ intake and new admissions continue to increase while new programs continue to be adopted day by day by the college. The ever increasing records are difficult to handle just by a filing system, hence there is need to develop an effective, accurate and efficient way of managing students record. The students’ record management system that is automated is the right technical change for the college. Students’ record management system is a computerized students’ record management platform that allows students, institution, teachers and administrators to interact. Students’ records help in enhancing students and institution relationship, providing services, facilities and support to the students, measuring and controlling students academic achievement at the institution and subsequently and support to the alumni. The automation of the students’ record system is expected to improve on accuracy and effectiveness of information capturing retrieval and generation of reports for each student. This would eliminate the loss of data improve services in the administration since accessing information would be within a short time. The proposed students’ record management system refers to the computerized network distribution system that allows for the management of records involving the students in college or a learning institution. This technology will enhance a number of functions within the administration concerning the students’ records including registration of students in their respective programs, manage their fee data bases, manage their examination records and manage their accommodation booking and allocation as shown in figure 1. This is a software program application that is intended to provide timely information about all the
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Ozone Layer Essay Example for Free
The Ozone Layer Essay The Ozone layer is a stratum of gas found in the upper atmosphere which guards the human beings and other living organisms from harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. This layer is made up of ozone gas which is triatomic molecule, comprising of three oxygen molecules (O3) (Ebi McGregor, 2008). It is an irritating, colorless and corrosive gas. It is also a very strong oxidizing agent and therefore at the lower atmosphere, it exhibits some harmful effects on the respiratory systems of animals and corrodes sensitive parts of plants. Ozone cannot be stored for long periods or transported like other industrial gases. This is because it decays quickly to the prevalent diatomic oxygen (O2) and therefore it can only be produced on site (Hov O Hov, 1997). The atmosphere is stratified with the troposphere as the lowest layer. Stratosphere is the layer that is most immediate from troposphere ranging from six to thirty miles above the surface of the earth (Hov O Hov, 1997). The variations in the layers occur due to temperature and pressure changes in the atmosphere. Much of the air (90%) is held in the lowest 10% of the atmosphere due to the compressibility property of gases. Much of the Ozone is found in the stratosphere although it can also be found in small traces in the lower atmosphere. It is very beneficial at the upper atmosphere since it absorbs nearly 97 percent of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun. However, there exist a number of environmental problems from the gas at both layers of the atmosphere. Ozone is the only chemical compound in the troposphere where the variation between the actual atmospheric levels and poisonous levels is so minor (Ebi McGregor, 2008). There is gradual increase in Tropospheric ozone especially in the northern hemisphere where emissions of human origin have been on the rise. At ground level, ozone is destructive to human health, materials and plants. It affects the respiratory membranes and other lung tissues of organisms, thereby inhibiting their respiratory function. When individuals are exposed to high concentration of ozone, they develop complications associated with their respiratory system such as pneumonia, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other respiratory illnesses. In most cases, these illnesses if not well manned can lead to premature deaths(Ebi McGregor, 2008). This problem is caused by human activities, majorly in the transport and petrochemical industries. Although the gas is not produced directly from car engines and industrial processes, combustion of the gasoline based engines results to emission of unstable organic compounds into the atmosphere. Several reactions between these compounds and sunlight follow, resulting to formation of ozone at the source of the pollution (Hov O Hov, 1997). Since the process of ozone formation is dependant on sunlight, it is in higher concentrations within the tropics and during summer in the Polar Regions. Moreover, it can be incidentally formed from the diatomic oxygen when electrical discharges occur. Large electric motors that use brushes, laser printers and photocopiers can also produce ozone due to the repeated sparking inside them (Ebi McGregor, 2008). The chemical composition of ozone contributes to its harmfulness to living organisms. It is thermodynamically an unstable molecule and can undergo ozone photolysis in the presence of UV light leading to production of the hydroxyl radical (OH). The radical is important in removal of hydrocarbons from the air but on the other hand, the products end up forming smog (Hov O Hov, 1997). Due to its strong oxidation capabilities, ozone attacks all polymers that contain double bonds within their chain structure. For example natural rubber is vulnerable to attack, causing cracks to develop on the its surface which deepens with time. The rate of growth of the crack depends on the ozone concentration in the atmosphere. Ground level ozone is a major component of smog which has remained to be the most difficult problem in America. It causes negative impacts on human health, such as irritation of the respiratory track, coughing and even decreased lung function in the long run (Hov O Hov, 1997). In addition, it causes invisibility during flights, something that can turn out very catastrophic. It is also worth to mention that, smog affects even vegetation by causing discoloration, damage and loss of leaves which can hinder photosynthesis from taking place (Ebi McGregor, 2008). Furthermore, the molecular orbitals in ozone have strange and continually changing resonating forms. This occurs because of the three atomic nuclei which try to share the uneven compliment of electrons. Due to this, ozone is easily split by a halogen radical, a property that led many industrialized nations to withdraw from production of certain halocarbons. Similarly, it is unsafe to use some halocarbons as refrigerants and aerosols (Ebi McGregor, 2008). On the contrary, stratospheric ozone is considered to be beneficial due to its ability to filter harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. However, there are alarming dangers on the eventual fate of the living organisms on the earth due to the recent depletion of this layer. Since the intensity of the radiation from the sun is constant, reduction in ozone levels will translate to less protection (Titus, 1986). Exposure to ultraviolet rays causes skin cancer in human beings. In case of plants, the rays affect their physiological and developmental processes. Its effects extend to marine ecosystems whereby, the radiation causes damage to the early stages of development in fish, and other marine organisms (Titus, 1986). Solution to this problem can only be realized by tackling the factors causing it, which are mainly of human origin. Using alternative sources of energy instead of petroleum products, results to dual benefits (Hov O Hov, 1997). First of all, it is a step towards minimizing formation of the ground-level ozone that is caused by burning of petroleum based fuels. In addition, it will result to reduction in emission of harmful gases that damage the stratospheric ozone. References: Ebi, L. K. , McGregor, G. ( 2008, Nov). Climate Change, Tropospheric Ozone and Particulate Matter, and Health Impacts. Retrieved May 21, 2010, from: http://ehp03. niehs. nih. gov/article/fetchArticle. action? articleURI=info:doi/10. 1289/ehp. 11463#Ozone Hov, 0. , O Hov. (1997). Tropospheric ozone research: tropospheric ozone in the regional and sub-regional context. Michigan: Springer. Titus, G. J. (1986). Stratospheric ozone. Regensburg: Environmental Protection Agency.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big
Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big To fully understand this book, people must go behind the book and find the true state of mind of the author. Unfortunately in this case, the author is the one and only Jose Canseco. Jose Canseco is what I like to call, â€Å"The black sheep in the family of baseball.†Canseco’s history can be related to such incidents of drug using, heavy drinking, numerous sexual encounters with hundreds of partners, and unreasonable acts of violence. This book goes into grave detail on how steroids have changed his life and how it is currently changing baseball. Juiced starts off with what appears to be a legal disclaimer. "This book does not intend to condone or encourage the use of any particular drugs, medicine or illegal substances." Yet the author spends most of the time doing nothing but repeating his assertions that taken under proper supervision, these drugs can enhance everyday life. Jose Canseco says he wrote Juiced because he wanted his fans to listen to him and hear him out on what he has to say about the current state of baseball and it’s future. I believe this former 40-40 had another reason for writing this book and it’s plain and simple†¦money. Money encourages the human mind to perform selfish and somewhat outlandish stunts in order to achieve wealth. I believe that Jose Canseco’s mind consists of slop and greed. It’s a proven fact that this 1988 Major League MVP has a truly unstable mind. One incident in his book that proves this is the time he went â€Å"deep sea fishing.†The story begins with Jose Canseco’s wife leaving him for Kansas City Chiefs’ all-star tight end, Tony Gonzalez. Mr. Canseco reacted by grabbing his 12-gauge shotgun and taking his boat out to sea where he decided to shoot sharks with his shotgun when they surfaced. This incident is one of the very many incidents that question the complete truth in Juiced. Jose Canseco is best known for several things: A fly ball bouncing off his noggin and landing over the fence, dating Madonna, his tape measure home runs, having numerous run-ins with the law, being the first man to ever hit 40 home runs and steal 40 bases in the same season, and his bulging biceps. In Juiced, Canseco recalls other steroid user’s stories within the sport ... and hold them responsible. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of bad things rising from the depths of this book. One of these would be the fact that Jose Canseco is gaining more attention for these appalling allegations and stories. Not only is Canseco gaining attention from the media but he’s also profiting immensely from his book, book signings, talk shows, and television appearances. The only thing worse than a regular Jose Canseco is a rich Jose Canseco. We are simply feeding the dragon himself by agreeing and believing all his allegations in Juiced. The book clearly depicts that there are holes within his stories and these prevent the truth to be fully told. Although I have an undying hatred for Jose Canseco, he deserves credit for forcing America to give serious attention to the steroid problem not only in baseball but all of professional sports. Without Jose Canseco’s deceiving stories about the abuse and the media attention that this is creating, there is a possibility that this could have been unnoticed for many years to come. This drug usage throughout the league is clearly paving a dark future for our national pastime.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Gvt Task 2
Running Head: GVT Task 2 GVT Task 2 Maureen O’Connor Western Governors University The mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine consisting of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and large intestine consisting of the transverse colon, descending colon, ascending colon, cecum, sigmoid colon, rectum, vermiform appendix and anus are all part of the alimentary canal. The function of the alimentary canal is to provide nourishment. The teeth, tongue, gallbladder, salivary glands, liver and pancreas are considered to be accessory digestive organs.These organs produce saliva (salivary glands), bile (gallbladder and liver) and digestive enzymes which contribute to the breakdown process of food. Mechanical digestion begins with the process of taking food into the mouth or ingestion and chewing it until it can be moved through the alimentary canal during the propulsion process. This process includes swallowing and in a series of muscle contractions and relaxation it is then moved from one organ to another.Swallowing is performed in the pharynx while peristalsis occurs in the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. Breakdown of the food in the stomach, also called churning and in the small intestine are also part of the mechanical digestion process. When food leaves the stomach the process of chemical digestion begins. This is when carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids are broken down into simple sugars, amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol, otherwise known as chemical building blocks.Enzymes are chiefly responsible for carrying out chemical digestion and are secreted in the central cavity of the alimentary canal. Digestive enzymes include salivary and pancreatic amylase, present in the mouth and small intestine, maltase and lactase which are also present in the small intestine and are involved with carbohydrate digestion. Pepsin which is present in the stomach and chymotrypsin present in the small intestine both involved with protein digestion. Aminopeptid ase breaks down amino acids during protein digestion.Finally pancreatic lipase is involved with fat digestion. Summary of Two Experiments An experiment performed in the Department of Food Sciences and Nutritional Health at Kyoto Prefectual University involved polylysine which had been used as a food additive in Japan for many years. The researchers were interested in how polylysine inhibited pancreatic lipase. They performed the experiment on rats and then measured the effect of the polylysine after the rats were fed a meal.These measurements were taken after the rats had been administered fat emulsion with the polylysine and fat emulsion without polylysine. The results suggested that polylysine had the ability to inihibit pancreatic lipase in the small intestine and suppressed dietary fat absorption. A second experiment involved alpha-amylase inhibition from the white kidney bean and its effect on weight loss and blood glucose levels. Clinical studies in which subjects were given t he white bean product and their after meal glucose levels were studied.A group of subjects with diabetes were also given the white bean product and there was found to be a decrease in their after meal glucose levels. There were more clinical studies in which subjects were given varying doses of the white bean product along with amino acids with varying levels of dietary intake. The conclusion was that alpha-amylase inhibitor does have an effect on the absorption rate of carbohydrates and be a factor in weight management as well as type 2 diabetes mellitus control. Independent ExperimentQuestion|Independent Variable|Dependent Variable|Controlled Variable| What is the effect of digestive enzymes on peanut butter? |Kind of digestive enzyme added to peanut butter. |Change in consistency or texture of peanut butter after 1 hour. |Equal amount of peanut butter in each cup. | If I add pepsin and hydrochloric acid to peanut butter, this should cause a change in the consistency of the peanut butter after 1 hour. If I add lipase and hydrochloric acid to peanut butter this should cause a change in the consistency of the peanut butter after 1 hour.The lining of the stomach secretes gastric juices including hydrochloric acid which dissolves food, pepsin which is a protein-splitting enzyme and lipase, a fat-dissolving enzyme. By adding the Biuret solution to identify the presence of protein to each cup containing peanut butter, enzymes and hydrochloric acid there should be a change in color to pink or purple. Data Table 1 Cup #|Contents| 1|Peanut Butter| 2|Peanut Butter & Pepsin| 3|Peanut Butter + Pepsin + HCl| 4|Peanut Butter + Lipase| 5|Peanut Butter + Lipase+ HCl|Results Data Table Cup #|Contents|Observations| 1|Peanut Butter|| 2|Peanut Butter & Pepsin|| 3|Peanut Butter + Pepsin + HCl|| 4|Peanut Butter + Lipase|| 5|Peanut Butter + Lipase+ HCl|| Summary of Results and Conclusion Pepsin and hydrochloric acid are present in the stomach glands and responsible for breaking do wn protein to the building block stage to become amino acids. The absorption of protein then occurs and amino acids enter capillary blood via villi and subsequently transported via the hepatic portal vein to the liver.Although lipase is present in the stomach it is not very effective because the stomach is a strongly acid environment. The majority of fat digestion happens in the small intestine although it needs bile from the liver to break it down into glycerol and fatty acids. Once that occurs the fatty acids enter the lacteals of the villi for transportation via lymphatic transportation to the thoracic duct. Glycerol and fatty acids (small-chain) are transported via the hepatic portal vein to the liver.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How Does the Prologue at the Start of Romeo and Juliet Create Suspense?
How does the Prologue at the start of Romeo and Juliet create suspense? William Shakespeare, writer of Romeo and Juliet, creates suspense through the use of different techniques. Shakespeare is very particular in his choice of diction, by wisely picking specific vocabulary to create an atmosphere. It is usual that a Greek tragedy, such as Romeo and Juliet, contains a Prologue to set the tone for the rest of the play. Shakespeare wrote the Prologue in a Sonnet form using Iambic Pentameter, which contains 10 syllables per line.Iambic Pentameter uses of unstressed and stressed syllables to create a rhythm or flow to the Prologue. The rhyming ABAB pattern is used throughout the whole poem except the two last lines, which are rhyming couplet. Shakespeare used this type of writing to copy a real life speech, as this would be the case when someone did a public reading of the Prologue. The sonnet form normally informs that the play will be about love, suggesting to the audience what kind of play they are about to watch. Like every play that contains love, Shakespeare also includes a certain amount of hate, to create drama.At the beginning of the paragraph Shakespeare creates suspension at the opening sentence. The way in which Shakespeare uses his rhyming techniques draws a big attention to the opening phrase, â€Å"two household†families. The diction â€Å"two†emphases that the poem is about two families off the same standards, which may have some kind of conflict between them. It then briefly describes the two families Capulet and Montague’s; hinting that two families are similar in a way that they are all respected since they are â€Å"both alike in dignity†.By using the term â€Å"alike†suggests that they are to the same degree, none of them are superior. This opening sentence creates suspense because Shakespeare doesn’t reveal what would be the conflict between the two families or why are they alike in dignity. On the o ther hand, on the second line the â€Å"fair Verona†which is the place where the scene is laid out is a place of beauty, Verona is known as an Italian city that has a splendid beauty. This contrast between the beauty of Verona and what seems as a conflict between the two families generates a tense atmosphere.Yet, the â€Å"grudge†between them causes a negative mood. The diction â€Å"grudge†connotes the hatred between the two families; an old disagreement between the families will soon turn to a new conflict; it may include violence and drama. Shakespeare used the first 3 lines of the Prologue to describe the families’ feud and give an introduction to the readers of the main families in Verona. Shakespeare used alliteration of the repetition of the letter ‘F’ on the begging of words. The alliteration on the 5th line demonstrates they were born cursed from their enemies meaning they are â€Å"fatal lions of these two foes†.The dictio n â€Å"fatal†implies that both lovers were born doomed for a bad ending, this tense atmosphere is created due to the unknown ending of how the love between two cursed enemies end. The alliteration also changed the topic from the families feud to the introduction of the two lovers. The 6th line states that from these two houses, two â€Å"star-cross’d†lovers will appear. The terminology â€Å"cross’d†connotes that the whole universe is against them, meaning they have every possible reason to give up but their love bring them together.It also foreshadows that a death will occur. The fact that the families do not get along and they still try to make their love work creates suspension because it keeps a constant feeling that the hate between the families will ruin the lovers love. On the middle of the poem, Shakespeare refers that the lovers â€Å"death†would â€Å"bury their parents’ strife†. The expression â€Å"death†symbolizes the end of life; this strong term advises that the â€Å"death†of the lovers would â€Å"bury†the anger between the two families and they would agree to stop quarrelling.This sentence creates a negative mood due to the reason that both lovers would die and both families would become friendly again. The â€Å"continuance of their parents’ rage†indicates that the uncontrolled emotion could cause violence between the two families and end up in death. The fact that the spectators already know that there could be death crafts a tone of suspense. The ending of the prologue informs the audience that the above outlined plot is about to be performed and gives a hint as to how long it will last.The 13th and 14th line, last lines of the Prologue, asks for the audience patience. All these techniques and detailed vocabulary William Shakespeare uses in the Prologue creates suspense and a contrast between loves and hate atmosphere. Conclusively, the most effective techniques Shakespeare used in the Prologue were the precise use of vocabulary that hinted what would happen and introduced the story in a dramatic way. Also, Shakespeare uses a lot of foreshadowing; these two techniques created suspense and an atmosphere to the Prologue.Shakespeare used a Prologue to introduce to the reader a general summary of what the play is about. When the reader first reads the prologue, it is attracted to continue reading the play even if Shakespeare’s vocabulary is not easy to understand. The impact the Prologue has on the audience is the suspense Shakespeare created leaves the reader curious and with the will to continue watching the play. Overall, the way Shakespeare expresses himself with different and exact vocabulary creates suspense. By: Gabriela Matarazzo
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Should America Police the Worl essays
Should America Police the Worl essays There are two clearly defined sides to this question. One side would like to see America take a state of neutrality when it comes to overseas intervention. This side includes the anti-war protestors and critics questioning the recent war on Iraq. They say that America should let other countries worry about their own problems, because Americans already have enough problems to agonize over. Since America is the only superpower left in the world they have a responsibility to keep the peace, which calls for them to play the role of the worlds police force. This leads to the other side of the question, where war-supporters argue that if America doesnt step up to the plate to control evil tyrants, then who will? In the past, there have been international organizations that have tried to promote world peace and patrol the world. For example, the League of Nations was a dismal failure and currently the United Nations is not much better. Its hard to take seriously a federation of countries whose human rights commission is chaired by Libya and whose disarmament commission will soon be chaired by Iraq. So who does that leave to be the worlds police force? Argentina? Bolivia? Cameroon? The answer is pretty obvious. It is the country with the most vibrant economy, the most passionate devotion to liberty, and the most powerful military. The only nation capable of incorporating all of the above requirements is the United States of America. The United States is the only power that can handle a showdown in the Persian Gulf, mount the kind of force that is needed to protect Saudi Arabia, and deter a crisis in the Taiwan Strait. Do we really want that job? For the past fifty years, Americans were told that policing the world was a strategic and moral obligation. They were told that they were saving the world from communism and defending their own national security. Now with the defeat of communism, with the exception of ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
áoca cola and Levis blue jeans
à ¡oca cola and Levis blue jeans Introduction Both coca cola and Levi’s blue jeans are commodities required by human beings. These commodities have positive and negative impacts on the economy, environment, as well as people. Blue jeans are worn everywhere throughout the world.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on à ¡oca cola and Levi’s blue jeans specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Impacts of global consumer items (coca cola and blue jeans) Globalisation is the process in which people of the whole world unify into a distinct society and function. Also, it is one of the ways the consumers or shareholders can have an impact on business decisions, according to report made in the research. For example, when consumers demand more commodities, the manufacturer must expand on their production. Rapid growth and development of industries is a significant contribution to globalization. The research states that coca cola expansion is a process of embed ding and re- embedding brand coke for buyers. During the manufacture of coca cola and Levi’s blue jeans, there is a production of waste products, however. Despite these waste products, during the manufacture of blue jeans at the finishing process, the chemicals used are environmentally friendly. The hazardous products cause serious harm to the environment and to people living in it. Poisonous gases are an example of these harmful products. They cause respiratory diseases like lung cancer. This leads to a decline in the economic growth since money invested is used to treat people. Global consumer items (coca cola and blue jeans) create employment. Industries require many employees. Therefore, these commodities lead to reduction of criminal actions since many people are not idle. This is an advantage to many people living in this world. Coca cola, as a soft drink, helps to quench people’s thirst especially during dry seasons. The Levi’s blue jeans make people look smart. Also, they help in saving people’s money since their materials, like cotton, are durable (Jamieson 301). The blue jeans help in creating market for products like cotton since it is a raw material.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reduction of Carbon 1V Oxide in the air is another impact. This is because it is a requirement in the preservation of coca cola (Foster 196). It also reduces acid rain, which is a result of reaction of water with Carbon 1V Oxide. The rain is utterly destructive to the environment and its contents. Significance for coca cola and Levi’s blue jeans These global commodities are not simply items that we just buy and sell. Consumption of coca cola is not simply an act of destruction as the research reports. It is a category of labour. Coca cola and blue jeans play significant roles in a society. For example, they help in pro moting entrepreneurship. This applies for both the commodities-coca cola and blue jeans. People start their own businesses to specialize in selling soft drinks while others start selling Levi’s blue jeans. This helps to raise growth of the economy. Also, the blue jeans are very crucial to the society since they encourage planting of more cotton to provide it as a raw material in blue jeans industries. In this way, there is an improvement in the farmers’ way of life (Snyder 87). The blue jeans are one of the clothing styles which have lasted for many decades while other styles come and go. It is therefore evident that human beings who wear blue jeans are comfortable with them. Interruption with coca cola and Levi’s blue jeans Interruption happens when people’s way of doing a certain thing changes because of introduction another idea or thing. Coca Cola has made people not to drink only water when feeling thirsty. Also, the blue jeans have made many people stop wearing any other types of clothes. When distributors deliver coca cola products to retailers to sell them to consumers, they are interrupting with commodities. During ceremonies like wedding, people consume coca cola products. During dry seasons, coca cola is a must since people are extremely thirsty. When it comes to blue jeans, interruption occurs as customers are buying them; as well as when the entrepreneurs go buying them from the manufacturers. During advertisements, we interrupt with the blue jeans since we and the society are part of this. For example, during the promotion of coca cola, many people participate in it, for instance, those who want to be rewarded.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on à ¡oca cola and Levi’s blue jeans specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social relationship among people It is the association among people in a society. It includes association in friendship, work place, famil y, and places of worship. There is diffusion of culture among people especially during marketing of these products. Advertising has made people know what is extremely popular in the United States, and as a result, blue jeans and coca cola are now popular in other parts of the world (Blanding 221). This has led to considerable relationship of people in the United States and those in other countries in the world. Sometimes when it comes to blue jeans, the relationship among traders is not satisfactory. This happens especially between industries which mimic clothing styles of the original ones claiming that theirs is the best. This makes the marketing of clothes like blue jeans extremely hard. As a result conflicts appear since the blue jeans company must try and fight these unhealthy competitors. The relationship among manufacturers, agents, retailers, and consumers are normally good. This is because the coca cola company gives the best soft drinks, and has been the leading company. W hen it comes to family relationships, there is happiness brought by sharing soft drinks-coca cola and buying blue jeans. A report on the research is as follows: all ten people from where gathering information took place, praise coca cola as a soft drink which they only go for during dry seasons. According to the peer group, there is no other soft drink which has ever been as healthful as coca cola. The people say that coca cola and blue jeans have helped them to have good association with one another especially during buying. They say that the Levi’s blue jeans are the best jeans they know of and that they have the best cotton materials. From this conducted research, many people consider the importance of coca cola and blue jeans. Some say that, if it were not for coca cola, they could not have anything to earn their living while others say that they specialize in distributing blue jeans to small retailers and consumers.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Others say that the blue jeans help them in saving their money since they are long lasting. They use the money to do other things instead of buying other clothes. According to this report for the research, coca cola and blue jeans have the significant meaning for the society. Blanding, Michael. The Coke machine: the dirty truth behind the worlds favorite soft drink. New York: Avery, 2010. Print Foster, Robert John. Coca-globalization: following soft drinks from New York to New Guinea. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Print. Jamieson, Jean. Mr. Blue Jeans, a story about Levi Strauss, by Maryann N. Weidt: teacher guide. San Antonio, TX: Novel Units, Inc., 2002. Print. Snyder, Rachel Louise. Fugitive denim: a moving story of people and pants in the borderless world of global trade. New York: W. W. Norton, 2009. Print.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Ancient Olympics Origins and History
Ancient Olympics Origins and History Like so much of ancient history, the origins of the Olympic Games held in Olympia, a district in Southern Greece, are shrouded in myth and legend. The Greeks dated events from the first Olympiad (the four-year period between games) in 776 B.C.- two decades before the legendary founding of Rome, so the founding of Rome can be dated Ol. 6.3 or the third year of the 6th Olympiad, which is 753 B.C.E. The Origins of the Olympic Games Conventionally, the ancient Olympic games began in 776 B.C.E., based on records of stade-length races. The victor of this first Olympic game was Koroibos of Elis, in Southern Greece. However, because the Olympics originated during an era that is not well-documented, the actual date of the first Olympics is disputed. The origins of the ancient Olympics interested the ancient Greeks, who told conflicting, history-laced, mythological aitia (origin stories). The House of Atreus Theory One Olympic origins story is connected with one of the early members of the tragedy-ridden House of Atreus. Pelops won the hand of his bride, Hippodamia, by competing in a chariot race against her father, King Oinomaos (Oenomaus) of Pisa, in Elis. Oinomaos was the son of Ares and the Pleiad Sterope. Pelops, whose shoulder Demeter had once had to replace when she accidentally ate it, conspired to win the race by replacing the kings chariots lynch-pins with ones made of wax. These melted on the course, throwing the king from his chariot and killing him. After Pelops married Hippodamia, he commemorated his victory over Oinomaos by holding the first Olympic Games. These games either expiated his killing or thanked the gods for the victory. According to historian Gregory Nagy, Pindar, in his first Olympian Ode, denies that Pelops served his son to the gods at the infamous feast where Demeter absent-mindedly ate a shoulder chop. Instead, Poseidon abducted Pelops son and repaid Pelops by helping him win that chariot race. The Hercules Theory Another theory on the origin of the Olympic games, also from Pindar, in Olympian X, attributes the Olympic games to the great Greek hero Hercules (Hercules or Heracles), who held the games as a thank offering to honor his father, Zeus, after Hercules had exacted revenge on King Augeus of Elis. Foolishly, Augeus had defaulted on his promised reward to Hercules for cleansing the stables. The Cronus Theory Pausanias 5.7 says the Olympic origins lie in Zeus victory over Cronus. The following passage elaborates this and also explains musical elements in the ancient Olympics. [5.7.10] Now some say that Zeus wrestled here with Cronus himself for the throne, while others say that he held the games in honor of his victory over Cronus. The record of victors include Apollo, who outran Hermes and beat Ares at boxing. It is for this reason, they say, that the Pythian flute-song is played while the competitors in the pentathlum are jumping; for the flute-song is sacred to Apollo, and Apollo won Olympic victories. A common thread of the stories about the origins of the Olympic games is that the games were instituted following a personal or competitive victory and were intended to honor the gods. When Did the Games Stop? The games lasted for about 10 centuries. In 391 C.E. the Emperor Theodosius I ended the games. Earthquakes in 522 and 526 and natural disasters, Theodosius II, Slav invaders, Venetians, and Turks all contributed to destroying the monuments at the site. Frequency of the Games The Ancient Greeks held the Olympics every four years starting near the summer solstice. This four-year period was known as an Olympiad and was used as a reference point for dating events throughout Greece. Greek poleis (city-states) had their own calendars, with different names for the months, so the Olympiad provided a measure of uniformity. Pausanias, travel writer of the second century A.D, writes about the impossible chronology of a victory in an early footrace by reference to the relevant Olympiads: [6.3.8] The statue of Oebotas was set up by the Achaeans by the command of the Delphic Apollo in the eightieth Olympiad [433 B.C.], but Oebotas won his victory in the footrace at the sixth Festival [749 B.C.]. How, therefore, could Oebotas have taken part in the Greek victory at Plataea [479 B.C.]? A Religious Occasion The Olympics were a religious event for the Greeks. A temple on the site of Olympia, which was dedicated to Zeus, held a gold and ivory statue of the king of the gods. By the greatest Greek sculptor, Pheidias, it stood 42-feet high and was one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World. The Rewards of Victory Representatives of each polis (city-state) could attend the ancient Olympics and hope to win a victory that would confer great personal and civic honor. So great was the honor that cities considered Olympic victors to be heroes and sometimes fed them for the rest of their lives. The festivals were also important religious occasions and the site was more a sanctuary to Zeus than a city proper. In addition to competitors and their trainers, poets, who wrote victory odes for the winners, attended the games. An Olympic victor was crowned with an olive wreath (laurel wreath was the award for another set of Panhellenic games, the Pythian games at Delphi) and had his name inscribed in the official Olympic records. Some victors were fed for the rest of their lives by their city-states (poleis), although they were never actually paid. They were considered heroes who conferred honor upon their hometowns. It was sacrilege to commit a crime, including accepting payment, corruption, and invasion during the games. According to Emeritus Classics Professor Matthew Wiencke, when a cheating competitor was caught, he was disqualified. In addition, the cheating athlete, his trainer, and possibly his city-state were fined- heavily. Participants Potential participants in the Olympics included all free Greek men, except certain felons, and barbarians, during the Classical Period. By the Hellenistic Period, professional athletes competed. The Olympic games were male-dominated. Married women were not allowed to enter the stadium during the games and might be killed if they tried. A priestess of Demeter was present, however, and tere may have been a separate race for women at Olympia. Main Sports The ancient Olympic sporting events were: BoxingDiscus (part of Pentathlon)Equestrian EventsJavelin (part of Pentathlon)JumpingPankrationPentathlonRunningWrestling Some events, like mule-cart racing, loosely, a part of the equestrian events, were added and then not too much later, removed: [5.9.1] IX. Certain contests, too, have been dropped at Olympia, the Eleans resolving to discontinue them. The pentathlum for boys was instituted at the thirty-eighth Festival; but after Eutelidas of Lace-daemon had received the wild olive for it, the Eleans disapproved of boys entering for this competition. The races for mule-carts, and the trotting-race, were instituted respectively at the seventieth Festival and the seventy-first, but were both abolished by proclamation at the eighty-fourth. When they were first instituted, Thersius of Thessaly won the race for mule-carts, while Pataecus, an Achaean from Dyme, won the trotting-race.Pausanias - Jones translation 2d cen
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Anti-Social Personality Disorder Research Paper
Anti-Social Personality Disorder - Research Paper Example Its treatment includes cognitive behavioral therapy, risperidone, home visiting programs, and skill based programs. In applying the religious and spiritual applications of this disorder, it is possible to apply a more holistic assessment of the disorder, especially for those who consider spiritual and religious beliefs as essential elements to their full recovery. Anti-Social Personality Disorder I. Introduction Antisocial personality disorder is one of the disorders diagnosed by the DSM-IV or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders as personality disorders. This disorder is largely based on manifestations of personality – personalities which deviate from the normal physiological and mental functions of individuals. The DSM-IV discusses the following criteria for qualifying antisocial personality disorder: evidence of conduct disorder before the age of 15; pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of rights of others since the age of 15, manifesting with atle ast three of the following behavior: failure to conform to social norms in relation to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors, indicated by repeated acts meriting arrest; deceitfulness, marked by repeated lying, use of aliases, tricking others to gain profit or pleasure; impulsiveness; irritability and aggressiveness, with repeated physical fights; reckless disregard for safety of others and of self; consistent irresponsibility, marked by repeated failure to sustain work behavior or honor financial responsibilities; lack of remorse marked by indifference, rationalizing being hurt or mistreated by another (Ogloff, 2006). They are also likely to use aggression and deception to promote their personal interests and to basically get what they want (Porter and Woodworth, 2007). This paper shall discuss the disease in its historical context, as well as current research on its causes. It shall discuss the treatment approaches for this disorder, including the benefits of such treatmen t. It shall also consider research as to the prevention of this illness as well as cross cultural issues pertaining to the topic. Finally, it shall discuss the topic from a Christian worldview perspective, including the disorder’s cause, treatment, and prevention. This topic is being considered with the hope of establishing a clear and comprehensive assessment of the subject matter. II. Historical context In a discussion by Million,, (as cited by Ogloff, 2006), the author set forth that psychopathy is one of the first personality disorders to be recognized in the field of psychiatry. Psychopathy originally referred to personality disorders seen as extreme forms of normal personalities. Practitioners have debated conditions characterized by antisocial behavior with the term manie sans delire coined in the 1700s to specify behavior from humans whose affective faculties have been discredited; critics point out however that it is a term which was useful only in court (Oglo ff, 2006). Throughout the years, various labels have been considered for the condition which has now been known simply as psychopathy. These labels included moral insanity, moral imbecility, degenerative constitution, and psychopathic taint. In the current context, antisocial personality disorder is applied in a much broader context than psychopathy;
By outlining the current global political economy, discuss to what Essay
By outlining the current global political economy, discuss to what extent the current global political economy undermines national development in the South - Essay Example The linkage of international banks, financial institutions, and trade illustrates the difficulties facing current government systems. There are suggestions that the current global political economy is beneficial to the Global South. In this paper, I will outline the extent to which the international political economy has undermined development in the South. With the advent of globalization, the relevance of the role of how nation state should manage economic systems in the development process has taken center stage. The reasoning behind this is that the economic systems presume that there is a political structure. Consequently, this means that development occurs in a global framework; at the same time, it arouses the question of the relevance of individual, national development plans. National development strategies become peculiar when there are other actors in the development process other than the nation state. The importance of understanding the nature of global political economy is because economic systems can not exist without stable political framework. The North- South divide of the world represents the developed and the underdeveloped world. This division can be conceived as ongoing due to the global arrangement of the political and economic systems. The Global North refers to the industrialized countries mainly in the northern hemisphere, while countries in the Global South are mostly found in the southern hemisphere; in Africa, Asia, Caribbean and Latin America (Kegley, 2008). The global political economy took a different turn after the oil shock of 1973. The member countries of OPEC established an oil cartel which saw the price of oil increased dramatically. Marxist offers the explanation that the oil crisis was not caused by OPEC but rather the Nixon administration. This premise asserts that the administration wanted to safeguard the interests of America capital and
Friday, October 18, 2019
Organizational Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Organizational Performance - Essay Example One of the many personality traits that gauge the suitability of job applicants is the integrity test, which is given to thousands of prospective job seekers with more than 40% of companies in Fortune 100 list indicating to have applied personality tests in gauging the suitability of workers including the CEOs. Moreover, Judge & Lepine noted a close correlation between the big five traits, which are referred to as bright traits considering that each trait resulted in some positive implications and that there was direct evidence linking the traits to social desirability.3 For instance, Judge & Lepine explained that individuals with stable emotions tend to be happier and are usually good job performers than those with unstable emotions.4 Moreover, extroverts tend to have better relationship qualities and higher subjective-wellbeing characteristics. Extroverts are in some cases better communicators, an aspect that is desirable in the workplace where teamwork and collaboration are vital for improved performance. Therefore, considerations for such personality traits draw managers to develop some bias towards individuals with the required traits commensurate with the job at hand. However, Neal et al. reported negative relations between extroverts and personal proficiency in the workplace.5 However, Neal et al. observed that openness had a positive relation to the proactivity of an individual as well as to organizational proactivity. Moreover, the study indicated that the conscience of the individual employee had a strong relation to the individual performance of a task. In other words, the research revealed that people whose conscious state is tuned towards achieving a certain task may perform better than those who are not, while the openness of the individual had bearings on the proactivity of such an individual.
Equity and trusts Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Equity and trusts Master - Case Study Example However it is important the trust instrument must allow the property to be identified clearly. (The K-Zone - Certainty of Subject Matter) The transfer of five thousand shares in Echo Ltd to be held in Trust will be considered as valid trust property as has been decided in the case of Re Rose (1952)4. The fact that the transfer of the shares was not registered does not affect the creation of the trust covering the shares, as the legal presumption is that even when the settler has not done enough to effect a legal transfer the act of creating a trust including the shares as the trust property will constitute a trust. The transfer of some prime agricultural land from the farm which Andy will inherit under his father's will does not constitute a trust. This is due to the fact that the title to the property in the passes to Andy only on the death of his father when the will takes effect. As the subject matter of the trust is not certain there is no creation of any trust in respect of the agricultural land. This is the case of a 'future property' that the settler expects to obtain. Any attempt to create a trust of a future property will be considered as void as the setter does not have the right to transfer the title to the trustee (The K-Zone - Future Property) This issue is well settled in Re Ellenborough 19035. 3. Transfer of house property to Pat - On her marriage to Jonathan In this case when Andy creates a trust of the house property in favour of Pat on the condition that she marries Jonathan it gives rise to a case that a court of equity would compel Andy to constitute the Trust if he reneges on his commitment (The K-Zone - Marriage Consideration). However there are no specific case laws to prove that marriage consideration would still constitute a valid purpose for the creation of a trust for a modern court. But the existence of marriage consideration is attracted by the basic implication of 'unregistered conveyancing' which may require the transfer of title to Pat. 4. Transfer to Richard one of the house properties In Milroy v Lord 18626 there are three processes that must be carried out to recognize the transfer of any property as a valid gift. They are: An outright transfer of legal title to the beneficiary An outright transfer to trustees to hold on trust for the beneficiary or a self declaration trust The principle to be considered here is that the above three circumstances are mutually exclusive and the courts will not consider an imperfect gift as a trust or vice versa. The principle established in the case of Re Rose 1952 though has been made specifically applicable to transfer of shares can equally be
Thursday, October 17, 2019
LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
LAW - Essay Example Balancing of an individual’s right to privacy with the media’s right to freedom of expression Domestic courts have adopted a two-stage test in attempting to balance the media’s right to freedom of expression and an individual’s right to privacy. In such cases, where there is a publication of private information, the court decides on two things. Firstly, is the information published private? Private in the sense that Article 8 protects it. If the answer is no, then the case concludes. If yes, the second query arises: must the interest of the holder of the private information or data yield to the right of freedom of expression granted on the publisher by Article 10? (DeCew 1997). Stage 1: Does (A) have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the relevant information? Key Domestic Case Law: Campbell v MGN Ltd [2004] 2 AC 457, HL The fundamental question in cases where there is an allegation of breach of information is whether the information disclosed is priva te and not public. There must be the presence of some interest of a personal nature that the claimant wishes to protect. In some cases, the answer to the question whether the information is public or private is obvious. ... This is because adequate protection was not afforded to her from publication of photographs taken without her consent or knowledge by paparazzi. Freedom of expression extends to publication of photographs, but the reputation and rights of others take importance as the photographs concerned images containing highly personal and or intimate information about an individual. In balancing articles 8 and 10, the contributions that the articles and photographs made to a public debate were the decisive factors. The public did not have a legitimate interest to know her private life. Everyone has a legitimate expectation for protection of his or her life. Therefore, article 8 had been violated (DeCew 1997).. Stage 2: Parallel Analysis In this analysis, neither article 8 or 10 has precedence over the other. If the values in both the articles are in conflict, intense focus on comparative importance of the rights in question is necessary. The justification for restricting or interfering with each right must be considered. In conclusion, there is the application of the proportionality test to each right (DeCew 1997).. Impact of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 on the freedom of the press Contempt of court is the unlawful interference of administration of justice. Contempt of court ensures that the court has the freedom to decide on matters before it, without influence from the press. Contempt of court is directed towards those in the media seeking to obstruct, interfere or undermine the administration of justice and the court. Breach of contempt of court can lead to a fine or imprisonment (Doherty 2003). The law of contempt places restrictions on the freedom of expression which is a crucial freedom to
Food processing and nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Food processing and nutrition - Essay Example The research paper â€Å"Food processing and nutrition†describes the methods of food processing and modern methods of preservation as a great benefit for proper nutrition. Food processing is a method by which raw ingredients are changed into food by either using chemical or physical means. Food can also be changed into other various forms through processing. The importance of food processing is to produce food forms that can be easily marketed and consumed by human. The process involves methods such as emulsification, liquefaction, mincing, pasteurisation, macerating, cooking, pickling and many more. Food packaging and preservation usually follow the processing. Preservation methods include but are not limited to freezing, drying and other chemical means. Food processing and preservation has been found to have a number of importance and impact in the human health. The benefits of food processing and preservation are widely known. These include improvement of nutritional value and flavor. It also lengthens the duration of food. However, some negative impacts are also discussed in this paper. Food processing and preservation has uncountable benefits. They include removal of harmful germs, easy transportation, easy digestion, increased flavor, easy to cook and many others. Since the arrival of this technology, human beings have been enjoying and appreciating all the aforementioned benefits. The food preservation has just sealed food security by ensuring there is a consistence supply.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
LAW - Essay Example Balancing of an individual’s right to privacy with the media’s right to freedom of expression Domestic courts have adopted a two-stage test in attempting to balance the media’s right to freedom of expression and an individual’s right to privacy. In such cases, where there is a publication of private information, the court decides on two things. Firstly, is the information published private? Private in the sense that Article 8 protects it. If the answer is no, then the case concludes. If yes, the second query arises: must the interest of the holder of the private information or data yield to the right of freedom of expression granted on the publisher by Article 10? (DeCew 1997). Stage 1: Does (A) have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the relevant information? Key Domestic Case Law: Campbell v MGN Ltd [2004] 2 AC 457, HL The fundamental question in cases where there is an allegation of breach of information is whether the information disclosed is priva te and not public. There must be the presence of some interest of a personal nature that the claimant wishes to protect. In some cases, the answer to the question whether the information is public or private is obvious. ... This is because adequate protection was not afforded to her from publication of photographs taken without her consent or knowledge by paparazzi. Freedom of expression extends to publication of photographs, but the reputation and rights of others take importance as the photographs concerned images containing highly personal and or intimate information about an individual. In balancing articles 8 and 10, the contributions that the articles and photographs made to a public debate were the decisive factors. The public did not have a legitimate interest to know her private life. Everyone has a legitimate expectation for protection of his or her life. Therefore, article 8 had been violated (DeCew 1997).. Stage 2: Parallel Analysis In this analysis, neither article 8 or 10 has precedence over the other. If the values in both the articles are in conflict, intense focus on comparative importance of the rights in question is necessary. The justification for restricting or interfering with each right must be considered. In conclusion, there is the application of the proportionality test to each right (DeCew 1997).. Impact of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 on the freedom of the press Contempt of court is the unlawful interference of administration of justice. Contempt of court ensures that the court has the freedom to decide on matters before it, without influence from the press. Contempt of court is directed towards those in the media seeking to obstruct, interfere or undermine the administration of justice and the court. Breach of contempt of court can lead to a fine or imprisonment (Doherty 2003). The law of contempt places restrictions on the freedom of expression which is a crucial freedom to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Southern Culture Class What direction is the South heading in Assignment
Southern Culture Class What direction is the South heading in Politically - Assignment Example The southerners have maintained their conservativeness into modern day politics. Southern states have been known to support Republican presidential aspirants since they consider them conservative. For instance in the 1980 elections, the Southerners supported Ronald Regan who supported the conservative movement. Regan’s economic and foreign policies supported ant-communism. George W. Bush created a new generation of conservatives, following his success in the 2000 elections. The southerners supported his policies, which included the 10-year tax reduction policies. Other conservative elements celebrated during his leadership, included invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq (Facing South Web). In 2008, Barak Obama won the presidency under the Democratic Party ticket. However, the southerners supported John McCain the republican presidential aspirants. The trend of voting and support for conservative parties among the southerners indicates the conservative trend in the southern states p olitics. The Tea Party Movement, which originated from the southern states, also indicates the conservative aspect of southern politics. The Ashe county of North Carolina is also included in the southern voting bloc. A large section of North Carolina falls in the Bible belt, which has been described as one of the most conservative
Monday, October 14, 2019
Langston Hughes Essay Example for Free
Langston Hughes Essay Of the major black writers who first made their appearance during the exciting period of the 1920s commonly referred to as â€Å"the Harlem Renaissance,†Langston Hughes was the most prolific and the most successful. As the Harlem Renaissance gave way to the Depression, Hughes determined to sustain his career as a poet by bringing his poetry to the people. At the suggestion of Mary McLeod Bethune, he launched his career as a public speaker by embarking on an extensive lecture tour of the South. As he wrote in his autobiography: â€Å"Propelled by the backwash of the â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†of the early twenties, I had been drifting along pleasantly on the delightful rewards of my poems which seemed to please the fancy of kindhearted New York ladies with money to help young writers. . . . There was one other dilemmahow to make a living from the kind of writing I wanted to do. . . . I wanted to write seriously and as well as I knew how about the Negro people, and make that kind of writing earn me a livin†(Hughes, 1964:31). Alain Locke, the leading exponent of â€Å"The New Negro,†announced that the black masses had found their voice: A true peoples poet has their balladry in his veins; and to me many of these poems seem based on rhythms as seasoned as folksongs and on moods as deep-seated as folk-ballads. Dunbar is supposed to have expressed the peasant heart of the people. But Dunbar was the showman of the Negro masses; here is their spokesman (Killens ed. 1960:41). Though much of the poetry Hughes was to write in the thirties and afterward was to differ markedly in terms of social content from the poetry he was producing in the twenties, a careful examination of his early work will reveal, in germinal form, the basic themes which were to preoccupy him throughout his career. Hughes’s evolution as a poet cannot be seen apart from the circumstances of his life which thrust him into the role of poet. Indeed, it was Hughes’s awareness of what he personally regarded as a rather unique childhood which determined him in his drive to express, through poetry, the feelings of the black masses and their questions of identity. In â€Å"The Weary Blues†, Hughes presented the problem of dual consciousness quite cleverly by placing two parenthetical statements of identity as the opening and closing poems, and titling them Proem and Epilogue. Their opening lines suggest the polarities of consciousness between which the poet located his own persona: â€Å"I Am a Negro†and â€Å"I, Too, Sing America. †Within each of these poems, Hughes suggests the interrelatedness of the two identities: the line â€Å"I am a Negro†is echoed as â€Å"I am the darker brother†in the closing poem. Between the American and the Negro, a third identity is suggested: that of the poet or â€Å"singer. †It is this latter persona which Hughes had assumed for himself in his attempt to resolve the dilemma of divided consciousness. Thus, within the confines of these two poems revolving around identity, Hughes is presenting his poetry as a kind of salvation. If one looks more closely at Hughes’s organization of poems in the book, one finds that his true opening and closing poems are concerned not with identity but with patterns of cyclical time. The Weary Blues (the first poem) is about a black piano man who plays deep into the night until at last he falls into sleep like a rock or a man thats dead. The last poem, on the other hand, suggests a rebirth, an awakening, after the long night of weary blues: â€Å"We have tomorrow/ Bright before us/Like a flame†(Hughes 1926:109). Hughes viewed the poet’s role as one of responsibility: the poet must strive to maintain his objectivity and artistic distance, while at the same time speaking with passion through the medium he has selected for himself. In a speech given before the American Society of African Culture in 1960, Hughes urged his fellow black writers to cultivate objectivity in dealing with blackness: â€Å"Advice to Negro writers: Step outside yourself, then look back and you will see how human, yet how beautiful and black you are. How very black even when you’re integrated†(Killens ed. 1960:44). In another part of the speech, Hughes stressed art over race: â€Å"In the great sense of the word, anytime, any place, good art transcends land, race, or nationality, and color drops away. If you are a good writer, in the end neither blackness nor whiteness makes a difference to readers†(Killens ed. 1960:47). This philosophy of artistic distance was integral to Hughes’s argument in the much earlier essay The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain, which became a rallying call to young black writers of the twenties concerned with reconciling artistic freedom with racial expression: â€Å"It is the duty of the younger Negro artist if he accepts any duties at all from outsiders, to change through the force of his art that old whispering I want to be white hidden in the aspirations of his people, to Why should I want to be white? I am a Negro and beautiful! ’†In this greatly thought-out manifesto, Hughes attempted to integrate the two facets of double consciousness (the American and the Negro) into a single vision-that of the poet. His poetry had reflected this idea from the beginning, when he published The Negro Speaks of Rivers at the age of nineteen. Arna Bontemps, in a retrospective glance at the Harlem Renaissance from the distance of almost fifty years, was referring to The Negro Speaks of Rivers when he commented: â€Å"And almost the first utterance of the revival struck a note that disturbed poetic tradition. †(Addison ed. 1988:83). In Hughes’s poetry, the central element of importance is the affirmation of blackness. Everything that distinguished Hughes’s poetry from the white poets of the twenties revolved around this important affirmation. Musical idioms, jazz rhythms, Hughes’s special brand of â€Å"black-white†irony, and dialect were all dependent on the priority of black selfhood: â€Å"I am a Negro/Black as the night is black/Black like the depths of my Africa†(Hughes 1926:108). Hughes wrote in his autobiography: My best poems were all written when I felt the worst. When I was happy, I didnt write anything (Hughes 1991:54). When he first began writing poetry, he felt his lyrics were too personal to reveal to others: Poems came to me now spontaneously, from somewhere inside. . . . I put the poems down quickly on anything I had a hand when they came into my head, and later I copied them into a notebook. But I began to be afraid to show my poems to anybody, because they had become very serious and very much a part of me. And I was afraid other people might not like them or understand them (Hughes: 34). These two statements regarding his poetry suggest deep underlying emotional tensions as being the source of his creativity. And yet the personal element in Hughes’s poetry is almost entirely submerged beneath the persona of the Negro Poet Laureate. If, as Hughes suggested, personal unhappiness was the cornerstone of his best work, it then follows that, in order to maintain the singleness of purpose and devotion to his art, he would be required to sacrifice some degree of emotional stability. The persona of the poet was the role Hughes adopted in his very first published poem, as the Negro in The Negro Speaks of Rivers. It was a persona to which he would remain faithful throughout his lengthy career. The link between his personal experiences and his poetry has been always evident. References Addison Gayle, Jr. , ed. (1988). â€Å"Negro Poets, Then and Now,†in Black Expression: Essays by and About Black Americans in the Creative Arts, New York: Weybright Talley Langston Hughes (1964). I Wonder As I Wander, New York: Hill Wang Langston Hughes (1926). The Weary Blues, New York: Alfred A. Knopf Publishing, reprinted, 1982 Langston Hughes (1991). The Big Sea: An Autobiography. 1940. New York: Hill Wang Killens, John O. ,ed. (1960). â€Å"Writers: Black and White†, The American Negro Writer and His Roots: Selected Papers from the First Conference of Negro Writers, March. New York: American Society of African Culture
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Peter Gabriel, Van Morrison, and Don Henley :: Musicians Career Biographies Essays
Peter Gabriel, Van Morrison, and Don Henley Peter Gabriel has earned a worldwide reputation for his innovative work as a musician, writer and video maker. When at school, he CO-founded the band Genesis which he left in 1975. His albums, live performances and videos since then have won him a succession of awards. In 1980, he collected together a group of people to found WOMAD (World of Music, Arts & Dance). In a series of international festivals, each year WOMAD brings together traditional and modern music, arts and dance from every corner of the globe. Peter is currently an advisor on the board of WOMAD. Shortly afterwards, Peter established Real World Studios in Wiltshire, designed as an ideal environment for performance. It also became the base for Real World Records, a label which is dedicated to recording and promoting a wide range of artists from all over the world. Peter has released 10 solo albums and in 1986 he won his first Grammy with his seventh album, 'So.' The videos from this project established him as a leader in video production and included 'Sledgehammer' which has won the most music video awards ever, including a No. 1 position in Rolling Stone's top 100 videos of all time. Peter has been involved in a broad spectrum of human rights and environmental issues. His song, 'Biko,' was the first pop song which talked about the effects of apartheid, and in 1988 and 1990 he was involved in the Nelson Mandela concerts at Wembley. In 1988 he also worked with Amnesty International to set up the "Human Rights Now" tour, visiting many countries with Sting, Bruce Springsteen,Tracey Chapman and Youssou N'Dour. Following this, he initiated the "Witness" programme, which was launched in 1992 in conjunction with the Reebok Foundation in the USA. The organization aims to arm human rights activists from around the world with handheld video cameras and other tools of mass communication. To date, they have supplied hundreds of cameras to over fifty countries, and have also set up a biweekly Witness web broadcast via Macintosh's Quicktime Channel. In 1989, he visited the USSR to help launch Greenpeace and also contributed to the 'One World, One Voice' album -- a collaborative project which featured artists from all over the world. In 1989, Peter composed the soundtrack for Martin Scorcese's epic film "The Last Temptation of Christ" which was the basis for one of his most experimental and innovative albums,"Passion.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Abortion :: essays research papers
Abortion No one has the right to choose what is wrong–Abraham Lincoln. Abortion is one of the most highly debated issues of our time. Several questions arise from the midst of this multi-faceted jumble of opinions, morals, and strongly held values. When does the fetus become a person, as opposed to a mass of tissue? Is abortion acceptable in some circumstances while not in others? These are points I will strive to clarify, and share my thoughts and beliefs on. My beliefs, briefly outlined, are as follows: a baby is a baby at the time of conception. It has all the rights of a child outside of the womb-including the right to live. Why do I believe that an unborn baby is a person? In the split second that sperm and egg unite to create a zygote, genetic codes are formed. These codes dictate a person’s height, hair colour, eye colour, and even many personality traits. The blueprint for a human that will eventually be made up of over 64 trillion cells, all contained in a package no bigger than the point of a pin. Unborn babies are de-humanized by pro-choice activists. They use euphemisms to make the brutal dismemberment and killing of a human baby into â€Å"termination of fetus.†Try to find a pro-choice pamphlet that uses the word baby or person to describe what is being â€Å"removed.†The baby is often described as being merely tissue. Let’s examine the reality of saying that a fetus is not alive. Sex can be determined in a preborn 3-7 days after fertilization. (Dr Jerome Lejeune M.D.) The human heart beats at 21 days. (Dr. William Liley, Foetologist) At 8 weeks a preborn is sensitive to touch and pain. (Human Development Resource Council Inc., 1996) Brain waves have been recorded in as early as 37 days. (Dr. William Liley, Foetologist) Fingerprints are detectable in preborns at 10 weeks. (Human Development Resource Council Inc., 1996) It has been found that fetal heart rate slows when the mother is speaking, suggesting that the fetus not only hears and recognizes the sound, but is calmed by it. (Psychology Today, Sept- Oct.,1998) Now, I’m not sure what your definition of life is. But to me, something with a beating heart, that can think, feel pain, and hear sounds like a living creature to me. A common issue brought up by the pro-choice movement is that abortion is a â€Å"safe alternative†solution to pregnancies that are a product of rape, incest, or those that may threated a mother’s life.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Process Analysis Essay on Process Writing
AnalasysiPROCESS ANALYSIS WRITING Firstly, Process or processing typically describes the action of taking something through an established and usually routine set of procedures or steps to convert it from one form to another, such as processing paperwork to grant a mortgage loan, processing milk into cheese, or converting computer data from one form to another. A process involves steps and decisions in the way work is accomplished, and may involve a sequence of events. The source of this information can be found on the website: Wikipedia (www. ikipedia. com) Secondly, ANALYSIS is when you tell your results to prove or disprove your original guess or hypothesis. Explaining why your results turned out this way. For example: If a scientist believes that he has found the cure for Aids, he then has certain steps to take. He first has to observe, identify, describe and experiment the drug or substance that he is certain it is the cure for aids, he then have to state everything in steps, from what he did, from the very beginning .This is called analysis. To tie the both in one: Process Analysis is basically a form of technical writing and expository writing. †designed to convey to the reader how a change takes place through a series of stages†. Technical writing is where The description of scientific and computer-related activities, whereas expository writing is a type of writing  where the purpose is to inform, explain, describe, or define the author's subject to the reader.Expository text is meant to deposit information and is the most frequently used type of writing by students in colleges and universities. A well-written exposition remains focused on its topic and lists events in chronological order. Examples of expository writing include driving directions and instructions on performing a task. Key words such as first, after, next, then and last usually signal sequential writing. Most importantly first-person pronouns (I) should be avoide d.Expository essays do not reveal the opinion of the writer or writers. When someone is reading a matter of Process Analysis, they are most likely interested in the chronological component; this is a sequence of events arranged in their order of occurrence in time, such as a timeline. Process Writing is an approach which encourages English as a Second Language (ESL) – youngsters to communicate their own written messages while simultaneously developing their iteracy skills in speaking and reading rather than delaying involvement in the writing process, as advocated in the past, until students have perfected their abilities in handwriting, reading, phonetics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. In Process Writing the communication of the message is paramount and therefore the developing, but inaccurate, attempts at handwriting, spelling, and grammar are accepted, know that within the process of regular writing opportunities students will gain control of these sub-skills.Thes e skills are further developed in individual and small group conference interviews. †Some steps to process writing are: STEP 1: Pre-writing, which deals with your ideas and building on your ideas, Planning. STEP 2: Writing, this is when you do a rough draft of your plan. This stage is sometimes called the â€Å"don’t worry stage’’ you can have spelling errors, grammatical errors, here is why it is called a rough draft. Also remain focus on writing and go away from all distractions.STEP 3: Revising, here is where you do grammatical changes, omitting unimportant sentences, where you add or expand your word-count, or you can go back to your pre-writing notes for ideas as-well as re-arranging. STEP 4: Editing, this is distinct form revision. Here is where you actually go through line by line searching for errors, repetitiveness, punctuations. Also to make sure your writing is very clear and understandable and last but not least, to check for spelling.STEP 5: Publishing, this depends on what piece you are working on: student will need to produce a final copy including, bibliography, journalist will submit their copy, fiction writers sending their story to magazines. Etc. In conclusion these five steps are â€Å"a frame work of writing well and easy. †BIBLIOGRAPHY * Ali Hale -: Writing process * Heald -Taylor (1986): process writing method. *  Linda Flower and John R. Hayes in â€Å"A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing†(1981). * URL: http://leo. stcloudstate. edu/acadwrite/process. html * http://www. library. ualberta. ca/guides/index. cfm to researching and writing essays.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Spreadsheet and Toppings Worksheet
Inventory Summary Project Description: In this Mastery project, you will edit a worksheet that summarizes the inventory status at the Petaluma production facility. Instructions: For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks: Step| Instructions| Points Possible| 1| Start Excel. Open the downloaded Excel workbook named GO_e02_Grader_EOC. xlsx. | 0| 2| Rename the Sheet1 worksheet tab to Condiments and then display the Toppings worksheet. 4| 3| On the Toppings worksheet, in cell B4, insert a function that will total the Quantity in Stock data (A15:A29). | 5| 4| On the Toppings worksheet, in cell B5, insert a function that will calculate the average retail price of the available toppings (D15:D29). | 5| 5|On the Toppings worksheet, in cell B6, insert a function that will calculate the median retail price of the available toppings (D15:D29). | 5| 6| On the Toppings worksheet, in cell B7, insert a function that will calculate the lowest retail price of the available toppings (D15:D29). 5| 7| On the Toppings worksheet, in cell B8, insert a function that will calculate the highest retail price of the available toppings (D15:D29). | 5| 8| On the Toppings worksheet, in cell B10, insert a function that will count the total number of salsa products available. | 5| 9| On the Toppings worksheet, in cell G15, insert a function that will display the text Order if the value in the Quantity in Stock column is less than 50. Otherwise, the function will display the text OK. Copy the function in cell G15 to the range G16:G29. 8| 10| On the Toppings worksheet, apply conditional formatting to the range G15:G29 so that cells containing the text Order are formatted as Bold Italic, with a font color of Aqua, Accent 1 (under Theme Colors). | 8| 11| On the Toppings worksheet, display orange data bars with a gradient fill in all cells in the range A15:A29. | 8| 12| On the Toppings worksheet, create an Excel table using the range A14:G29, which includ es headers. Format the table as Table Style Light 9. Sort the Item # column from smallest to largest. | 4| 13| Filter the Category column so that only salsa products are displayed.Insert a total row, and then sum the Quantity in Stock column to display the number of salsa products in stock. Record the result in cell B11. | 4| 14| Clear the filter from the Category column. Remove the total row from the table. | 12| 15| Modify the Toppings worksheet so that row 14 prints at the top of each page. | 4| 16| Group together the Condiments and Toppings worksheets. Center the worksheets horizontally on the page, and then change the scaling of the worksheets so that the width of the contents fits on one page. 4| 17|On the Summary worksheet, in cell C9, insert a linking formula that will refer to the value from cell B8 on the Toppings worksheet. | 5| 18| On the Summary worksheet, in cell D9, insert Column sparklines using the values B9:C9. | 6| 19| On the Summary worksheet, in cell D9, apply S tyle Accent 5, Darker 50% to the sparklines. | 3| 20| Ensure that the worksheets are correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: Summary, Condiments, Toppings. Save the workbook. Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the workbook as directed. | 0| | Total Points| 100|
Implementing Comprehensive Human Resources Essay
Objective †¢ Human resources policies and practices should reduce the human risk factors in information technology (IT) security and information access controls. Decrease the risk of theft, fraud or misuse of information facilities by employees, contractors and third-party users. Scope †¢ the organization’s human resources policies, taken as a whole, should extend to all the persons within and external to the organization that do (or may) use information or information processing facilities. This could include: * tailoring requirements to be suitable for particular roles within the organization for which persons are considered; * ensuring that persons fully understand the security responsibilities and liabilities of their role(s); * ensuring awareness of information security threats and concerns, and the necessary steps to mitigate those threats; and  Providing all persons to support organizational privacy and security policies in the course of their normal work, through appropriate training and awareness programs that reduce human error; and ensuring that persons exit the organization, or change employment responsibilities within the organization, in an orderly manner. Roles and responsibilities †¢ Security roles and responsibilities of employees, contractors and third-party users should be defined and documented in accordance with the organization’s information privacy and security policies. This could include: * To act in accordance with the organization’s policies, including execution of all processes or activities particular to the individual’s role(s); * To protect all information assets from unauthorized access, use, modification, disclosure, destruction or interference; * To report security events, potential events, or other risks to the organization and its assets * Assignment of responsibility to individuals for actions taken or, where appropriate, responsibility for actions not taken, along with appropriate sanctions formal. Procedures and policies To be implementing in any IT domain controls by the organization. * Proper password security * Properly managing log files * Easily accessible network flow diagrams * Secure firewall rule sets * Handle security incidents * Secure data classifications * Limited employee access dangerous websites Policies that will accepted by the organization and needs to be implementing ASAP. Acceptable Use Policy | | Password Policy | Backup Policy | | Network Access Policy | Incident Response Policy | | Remote Access Policy | Virtual Private Network (VPN) Policy | | Guest Access Policy | Wireless Policy | | Third Party Connection Policy | Network Security Policy | | Encryption Policy | Confidential Data Policy | | Data Classification Policy | Mobile Device Policy | | Retention Policy | Outsourcing Policy | | Physical Security Policy | E-mail Policy | | | Terms and conditions of employment †¢ Employees, contractors, and third party users should agree to and sign a statement of rights and responsibilities for their affiliation with the organization, including rights and responsibilities with respect to information privacy and security. This statement could include specification of: * the scope of access and other privileges the person will have, with respect to the organization’s information and information processing facilities; * The person’s responsibilities, under legal-regulatory-certificatory requirements and organizational policies, specified in that or other signed agreements. * Responsibilities for classification of information and management of organizational information facilities that the person may use. * Procedures for handling sensitive information, both internal to the organization and that received from or transferred to outside parties. Responsibilities that extend outside the organization’s boundaries (e.g., for mobile devices, remote access connections and equipment owner by the organization. * The organization’s responsibilities for handing of information related to the person him/herself, generated in the course of an employment, contractor or other third party relationship. * An organizational code of conduct or code of ethics to the employee, contractor or third party. * Actions that can be anticipated, under the organization’s disciplinary process, as a consequence of failure to observe security requirements. Additional pre-employment agreements †¢ Where appropriate, employees, contractors and third-party users should be required to sign, prior to being given access or other privileges to information or information processing facilities, additional: * confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements (see Confidentiality agreements); and/or * Acceptable use of assets agreements. Management responsibilities †¢ Management should require employees, contractors and third party users to apply security controls in accordance with established policies and procedures of the organization. This could include: * appropriately informing all employees, contractors and third party users of their information security roles and responsibilities, prior to granting access to sensitive information or information systems using Terms and conditions of employment. * providing all employees, contractors and third parties with guidelines/rules that state the security expectations of their roles within the organization; * achieving an appropriate level of awareness of security controls among all employees, contractors and third parties, relevant to their roles and responsibilities, * achieving an appropriate level of skills and qualifications, sufficient to execute those security controls. Assuring conformity to the terms and conditions of employment related to privacy and security; * motivating adherence to the privacy and security policies of the organization, such as with an appropriate sanctions policy; and * Mitigating the risks of a failure to adhere to policies, by ensuring that all persons have appropriately-limited access to the organization’s information and information facilities (see Authentication and access control). Information security awareness, education and training †¢ All employees of the organization, and, where relevant, contractors and third party users, should receive appropriate awareness training in and regular updates of organizational policies and procedures relevant to their job functions. This could include: * A formal training process that includes information privacy and security training, prior to being granted access to information or information systems. * Ongoing training in security control requirements, legal-regulatory -certificatory responsibilities, and generally accepted security procedures, suitable to the person’s rules and responsibilities. Disciplinary process †¢ There should be a formal disciplinary process for employees who have committed a security breach. This could include requirements for: * appropriate evidentiary standards to initiate investigations (e.g., â€Å"reasonable suspicion†that a breach has occurred); * appropriate investigatory processes, including specification of roles and responsibilities, standards for collection of evidence and chain of custody of evidence; * disciplinary proceedings that observe reasonable requirements for due process and quality of evidence; * reasonable evidentiary and burden-of-proof standards to determine fault, that ensure correct and fair treatment for persons suspected of a breach; and * sanctions that appropriately take into consideration factors such as the nature and gravity of the breach, its impact on operations, whether it is a first or repeat offense, whether or not the violator was appropriately trained, whether or not the violator exercised due care or exhibited negligence. Termination responsibilities †¢ Responsibilities and practices for performing employment termination or change of employment should be clearly defined and assigned. This could include: * termination processes that ensure removal of access to all information resources (see also Removal of access rights); * changes of responsibilities and duties within the organization processed as a termination (of the old position) and re-hire (to the new position), using standard controls for those processes unless otherwise indicated; * processes ensuring that other employees, contractors and third parties are appropriately informed of a person’s changed status; and any post-employment responsibilities are specified in the terms and conditions of employment, or a contractor’s or third party’s contract. Return of assets †¢ All employees, contractors and third parties should return all of the organization’s information and physical assets in their possession upon termination of the employment relationship or contract. This could include: * where the employee, contractor or third party uses personal equipment, requirements for secure erasure of software and data belonging to the organization. Removal of access rights †¢ Access rights to information and information processing facilities should be removed upon termination of the employment or contractual relationship. This could include: * changes of employment or contractual status include removal of all rights associated with prior roles and duties, and creation of rights appropriate to the new roles and duties; * removal or reduction of access rights in a timely fashion; and * Removal or reduction of access rights prior to the termination, where risks indicate this step to be appropriate (e.g., where termination is initiated by the organization, or the access rights involve highly sensitive information or facilities. Bibliography Custom Security 2012. (accessed 10 20, 2013). Ledanidze, Evgeny. Guide to Developing a Cyber Security and Risk Mitigation Plan. 2011. (accessed 10 20, 2013). Risk Mitigation Planning Including Contingencies. (accessed 10 20, 2013).
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Literature review on work plac stress Lab Report
Literature review on work plac stress - Lab Report Example Being one of its pioneer teachers, she has developed a high quality preschool program that has gained recognition in the city. It has attracted several parents to enroll their children in school. Over the years, the preschool’s enrollees have multiplied, much to the satisfaction of the school owners. This rise in student enrollment has likewise raised the demand for more teachers and staff. The school owners and directress have entrusted Kelly with the role of training new teachers with the quality of teaching she is known for. She is likewise head of the Parent Involvement Program of the school. Her many duties at work, on top of preparing for her own preschool class and her homemaker role at home has been taking its toll on Kelly. For the past month, she has complained of recurrent migraines, stomach pains and general body malaise. Generally, stress is what one feels when the demands on his life exceed his ability to meet those demands. The stressor may be external, such as the death of someone close to the individual or a sudden change in activity level. Or, it may be an internal stressor such as an illness. In Kelly’s case, her stressors are: overload of work duties, work-life imbalance, her own personality traits and the personalities of the people she works with. The interplay of stressors and the consistent experience of high amounts in one’s life can often lead to burnout. The term â€Å"burnout†is a relatively new term, first coined in 1974 by Herbert Freudenberger, in his book, â€Å"Burnout: The High Cost of High Achievement†. He originally defined ‘burnout’ as, â€Å"the extinction of motivation or incentive, especially where ones devotion to a cause or relationship fails to produce the desired results.†(Scott, 2007) While burnout is not a recognized clinical psychiatric or psychological disorder, there are some similar features between burnout and diagnosable conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders or
Monday, October 7, 2019
Rooms Devision Operations Management Assignment - 1
Rooms Devision Operations Management - Assignment Example Front office is the departments found in an office that have direct and first contact with the customers. The department is sub divided into various segments. They include the marketing department, the sales department, service department that we as well have the receptionists. It is very important to highlight that the front office is therefore the department that welcomes and receives the guests and visitors to the accommodation or rather hospitality facility. The staff shows their warm and good reception by meeting the guests, greeting them, and discussing with them in depth about the reservation arrangements. The check in systems as well as the check outs is as well factors that the department conducts as they get into the rooms and as they leave the rooms. The staff there again ensures the provision of the key to the guests and ensures that proper security is accorded to the guests, the department as well has accounting and communication department that passes information and se ttles accounts (Sue 2001). The front office offers very crucial services that are considered to be very crucial to the customers and the actions that are done have massive consequences to the accommodation facility. ... This department issues the keys to the guests and takes them top the various rooms that they have allocated to them (Michael 2010). Communication The front office department has the messengers and the communication facilities that facilitate the easier passing of information among the employees and the guests. Information among the staff could be on the consultation of the availability of the bed space and any other service needed that would be for the satisfaction of the customers taste and for their well being. The guests can as well use the communication department in making advance reservations and making of other service orders while they are in the premises (Sue 2001). Security It is important to note that the font office has the security department. The security department is concerned on the safety and security of the guests, the property of the guests, the staff employed by the accommodation or hotel organization and also the facilities that belong to the organization. Secur ity is another crucial factor that is quite sensitive and should always be put into consideration by the management of any hospitality firm (Ahmed 2012). Sales and Marketing It is very normal that any institution that is business oriented has its main target as making profit. For a business to make profit there must be proper sales and marketing done. This is therefore the reason for the creation of the sales and marketing department. The sales and marketing service that the accommodation organization does is based on various factors. The quality of the service that is offered by the organization is a very crucial factor that markets an organization. Sales and marketing service as well can
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Managerial decision making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Managerial decision making - Essay Example A hallmark of today's business environment is its chaotic nature. This chaos is rooted in unprecedented rates of change and high levels of complexity. In turn, rapid change and effective decision-making create an environment of high risk in which decision makers possess little certainty about what the future holds. They perceive events through opaque lenses and base their decisions on large measures of speculation and only small doses of certainty. A large part of the complexity of today's projects is tied to the variety of options facing all project players, from project managers to team members to customers. Naturalistic decision making helps managers to understand how decision are made in complex situations, uncertainty and changing conditions.Research and understanding of naturalistic decision making helps organizations to interpret cognitive functions and improve their everyday performance. Following Cannon-Bowers et al 1996: "There is no doubt that the overriding strength of th e NDM perspective on decision making research is its focus on how decisions are made in complex, real-world environments" (p. 193). Managers do not always remember and thus learn from their mistakes, because they do not realize they have made mistakes. A naturalistic decision making gives managers means to disengage themselves from a particular situation, from its narrative, from one's roles, and from a dominating conceptual scheme. Effective application and understand of naturalistic decision making enables one to assess one's situation, to evaluate present and new possibilities, and to create decisions that are not parochially embedded in a restricted context or confined by a certain point of view. Naturalistic decision making takes into account ethical theory but not abstractly (Flin 1996). In complex environment, naturalistic decision making is crucial for organizational behavior and effective performance. This is because in the first instance ethics has to do with human relationships and human activities, not with abstract formal principles. It generates conclusions from that particular set of events, taking into account not merely the situation but its narrative and the set of mental models or conceptual schemes that frames these events. Naturalistic decision making and cognitive processes are essential to get one from a particular situation to a more disengaged perspective (Bazerman 1995). It is often argued that human beings are motivated primarily by self-interest; in business, managerial or corporate self-interest, sometimes even greed, accounts for questionable and even egregious behavior. Moreover, none of us is perfect, so in large companies there are bound to be errors of judgment. Other explanations also attempt to account for these events and their perpetra tors (Flin 1996). It is then sometimes argued that social, political, and legal institutions, along with the corporate culture and the particular roles and role responsibilities of the managers and companies in question, create a causal nexus that constrains what might consider morally appropriate behavior and often precludes the consequential avoidance of harm. In contrast to traditional decision-making, "Under naturalistic decision making a similar emphasis on task complexity has not been made explicit. In fact, attention to factors that contribute to decision complexity, and how decision makers cope with these, must be examined more fully if the definition of core NDM features is to be fully realized" (Cannon-Bowers et al 1996, p. 193). Following naturalistic decision making approach, organizations and managers understand that acting in one's own interest where one's well-being is the object as well as the subject of action does not necessarily exclude taking into account the interests of others, for those interests are almost always necessary to achieve success. Third, acting in one's own self interests in either sense is not necessarily evil. One must be careful to distinguish not only the quality of the action itself and
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